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borkinjama je lepo i to više puta rečeno da će biti dežurne čivutkinje kada dođe toma hitler


i tako i bi :fantom:


Janković: Žene najdiskriminisanije pri zapošljavanju

Beta | 03. 04. 2016 - 09:20h


Poverenica za ravnopravnost Brankica Janković izjavila je danas da su žene najizloženije diskriminaciji u Srbiji.
Brankica Janković


Žene su najdiskriminisanije pri zapošljavanju i teško dobijaju unapređenje, a lako otkaz, rekla je Janković za RTS, govoreći o godišnjem izveštaju institucije koju vodi.


Janković je dodala da su diskriminisane najviše žene sa invaliditetom i starije žene.


Kako je dodala, građani su naučili da prepoznaju diskriminaciju i sve češće su spremni da je prijave.


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mi se zalažemo za punu ravnopravnost u svim sferama života :fantom:



jer ne želimo da bude kao u nekim naprednim grupama bez čijeg prisustva bismo nazadovali vekovima


Outcry as Muslim students are exempted from Swiss tradition of shaking female teachers' hands at school after 'refusing to adopt their way of life'

    Muslim students will no longer need to shake their female teachers' hands
    Male students complained the custom is counter to their religious beliefs
    The decision provoked outrage in the tiny Swiss municipality of Therwil

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3523100/Outcry-Muslim-students-exempted-Swiss-tradition-shaking-teachers-hands-school-refusing-adopt-way-life.html#ixzz458PoFxr3

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  • 1 month later...

islamska država koja nema veze s islamom uklonila 250 jeretikinja iz svojih redova 


ISIS has executed 250 women in Mosul for refusing to become sex slaves under the group's 'sexual jihad'

The victims had all been ordered to accept 'temporary marriages' to fighters in the terror group's northern Iraq stronghold.

But when they refused the so-called sexual jihad, they were butchered - sometimes along with their families, according to an official from the Kurdistan Democratic Party.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3549668/ISIS-execute-250-women-Mosul-refusing-sex-slaves-group-s-sexual-jihad.html#ixzz47xvxwKcb


ako ste levičar pa ne možete da izvalite čemu ti nestašluci islamista koji nemaju veze s islamom pitajte stručnjake koji će vam pored klimatskih promena i sredovečnih belih hrišćana navest i dva nedavno otkrivena huškača na verom motivisano nasilje :fantom:


The head of Egypt's Information Service has blamed Tom and Jerry for the rise of ISIS - claiming the characters encourage extremism and teach children that you can blow people up

Ambassador Salah Abdel Sadek said the cartoon as well as video games and 'violent' movies helped to spark violence and extremism across the Arab world.

He told an audience at Cairo University that Tom and Jerry contributed to the notion that violence was a 'natural' part of life.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3573515/Tom-Jerry-blamed-ISIS-Head-Egypt-s-Information-Service-blames-cartoon-characters-teaching-children-blow-people-encouraging-extremism.html#ixzz47xxJa1hn

Edited by Hella
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  • 2 weeks later...

bogu hvala pa je ovde još uvek sve u redu :fantom:




Ma, gde u redu, prazna obećanja, nigde nije bilo izložbe goblena, šminke kroz vekove ili makar dekupaža  :mad:

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  • 3 weeks later...

da je besplatno silovao po kelnu sigurno bi ćutale :fantom:


Saudijski princ Mohamad bin Salaman ponudio je reperu Kanje Vestu 10 miliona dolara za jednu noć sa njegovom suprugom, Kim Kardašijan.

Bizar | Bulevar | ponedeljak, 6.06.2016. | 14:35


Pošto je reper nedavno objavio da ima finansijskih problema, princ je izgleda pronašao način kako može da mu pomogne.


“Ne interesuje me njegova muzika ili garderoba, ali njegova žena da. Ona je blago neprocenljive vrednosti. Rado bih platio 10 milionda dolara ili čak i više za samo jednu noć sa njom“, izjavio je princ na konferenciji za novinare.


Za sada se ni Kanje ni Kim nisu se oglasali povodom ove ponude, ali zato je jesu feminističke organizacije koje su poručile da je ovo nedopustivo ponašanje i uvredljivo za sve žene sveta.





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ovako će vam biti u kalifatu koji samo što nije dragi naši feministi  :fantom:


Qatar convicts Dutch woman held 'after being raped'


13 June 2016


A court in Qatar has convicted a Dutch woman of having sex outside marriage after she told police she was raped.


The 22-year-old was handed a suspended sentence and fined $824 (£580). She will also be deported.



Her lawyer said her drink had been spiked at a Doha hotel in March and she had woken up in a stranger's flat, where she realised she had been raped.


Her alleged attacker, who said the sex was consensual, was sentenced to 100 lashes for having sex outside marriage.


He will be given a further 40 lashes for consuming alcohol.


The woman has been detained since making the allegation three months ago, but her case only came to light over the weekend when her family decided to go public.


The Dutch ambassador to Qatar, Yvette Burghgraef-van Eechoud, said after Monday's court hearing that she expected the woman to leave Qatar within days.


"We will do everything to get her out of the country as soon as possible to where she wants to go," she told AFP news agency.

Court officials said she would be deported once the fine was paid.


The woman was arrested by Qatari police immediately after reporting that she had been raped on the night of 15 March, as was the alleged assailant.

During a holiday in the emirate, she went out with a friend for drinks at a hotel where the sale of alcohol was permitted, according to her lawyer Brian Lokollo.


"She went dancing but when she returned to the table after the first sip of her drink, she realised someone had added something to her glass," he said.

The woman did not feel very well and she later woke alone in an unfamiliar flat and "realised to her great horror that she had been raped", Mr Lokollo added.

Doha-based lawyer Najeeb al-Nuaimi, Qatar's former justice minister, told the Qatar-based broadcaster Al Jazeera the woman's lawyers would have had to prove there had been "no voluntary actions" between her and the man for him to be charged with rape.


Even if they had been seen walking together, the authorities might have doubts any sexual activity was non-consensual and instead prosecute both for having sex outside marriage, which is known as "zina" under Islamic law, Mr Nuaimi said.


Article 281 of Qatar's penal code states: "Whoever copulates with a female over 16 without compulsion, duress or ruse shall be punished with imprisonment for a term up to seven years. The same penalty shall also be imposed on the female for her consent."


According to media reports, dozens of people convicted of zina have been given flogging sentences since 2004, including at least 45 between 2009 and 2011.


The case of the Dutch woman raises further questions about how the Qatari authorities will deal with the thousands of Western tourists expected to travel to the country for the 2022 Fifa World Cup, many of whom may be unfamiliar with its laws.


In 2013, a Norwegian woman in the United Arab Emirates was given a 16-month prison sentence for perjury, extramarital sex and drinking alcohol after she told police she had been raped. She was later pardoned and allowed to return to Norway.





Edited by Hella
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JEZIVO Prostitutka seksualno zadovoljavala dečake, pa ih terala da prose

D .K, A. Ž. A. | 18. 06. 2016 - 07:53h

Prostitutka Vesna M. (24) iz Malog Mokrog Luga oralno je zadovoljavala dečake stare 12 do 14 godina, a za „protivuslugu“ terala ih je da prosjače. Sumnja se da je zaradu od prosjačenja dečaka sama prisvajala, a utvrđuje se da li ih je zarazila hepatitisom C ili HIV virusom.


Majka jednog od dečaka prijavila je nedavno njegov nestanak, a ubrzo je primećen kod Zvezdarske šume, u napuštenoj kući gde često boravi Vesna M. Sa njim su bila još trojica mlađih maloletnika koje je posle seksa terala na prosjačenje.


Pošto je Vesna M. od ranije registrovana kao prostitutka i veruje se da je zaražena polno prenosivim bolestima, i njoj i dečacima su uzeti brisevi. Kada rezultati budu gotovi, biće poznato da li će biti osumnjičena za širenje polnih bolesti. Vesna M. je na slobodi, a pre dva dana viđena je u blizini Zvezdarske šume, u pratnji mlađeg muškarca.


Za namerno širenje bolesti zaprećena je kazna zatvora od dve do 12 godina. U slučaju da nastupi smrt, kazna je od pet do 15 godina.

Edited by Hella
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