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ribo nama ne moraš ništa da nam objašnjavaš nego prevedi na multikulti jezik pa isto tako objasni ekipici u izbegličkom kampu i povedi sve drugarice sa sobom  :fantom:



Milo Moiré @MiloMoire

My political statement in support of women's rights after massiv sexually assaulted women in Cologne, Germany.






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Misha Ryabikov ‏@Misha_Ryabikov Jan 8

@MiloMoire @PeterPalm Do you really think that your perform can change situation in Europe, and men from 'other countries' will understand?
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stardust ‏@rockermom53 17h17 hours ago

@Misha_Ryabikov @MiloMoire @PeterPalm understand that women are not things to be assaulted? Yea. We expect that.
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Edited by Hella
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ribo nama ne moraš ništa da nam objašnjavaš nego prevedi na multikulti jezik pa isto tako objasni ekipici u izbegličkom kampu i povedi sve drugarice sa sobom  :fantom:





zamisli nesrecnicu koja u autfitu kao na fotki sa sve transparentom protestuje u izbeglickom kampu :lolol:

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ribo nama ne moraš ništa da nam objašnjavaš nego prevedi na multikulti jezik pa isto tako objasni ekipici u izbegličkom kampu i povedi sve drugarice sa sobom  :fantom:




biram je pre nego tebe, sori al fakat nema ravnopravnosti :fantom:

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oni pametniji među nama da da baš oni koji predviđaju geopolitička dešavanja godinama unapred se sećaju da smo u oktobru najavili crni zeman


izgleda da će feministi morati da biraju između svojih ubeđenja i islamofobije 


a kako stvari stoje izgleda da će feministe i njihova licemerna zaslepljena i histerična bulažnjenja u istoriju oduvati upravo žene  :fantom:



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Bedno je ovo svođenje odnosa prema ženama na materijalno stanje, bogati šatro kupe ženu, a ovi nemaju para pa moraju da siluju. To može biti samo deo odgovora, jedno 10% u ovom slučaju. Ostatak je prosto individualno divljaštvo, kulturni obrasci i efekat grupe.

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reprezetativci egitpa u jednom bg hotelu pre dva meseca, idetnicna situacija, gde je maltretiranje zenskog osoblja doslo do te mere da su im zapretili izbacivanjem iz hotela i dodatnim angazovanjem muskog personala(tj nije do polozaja, vec do kulture, koja kada bolje razmislim i jeste ono sto ovakve feministkinje i zasluzuju)


u egiptu je to dobar dan


To be a woman in Egypt is to live with the crushing inevitability of sexual harassment. The magnitude of the problem is epidemic, with 99.3% of Egyptian women having been sexually harassed, according to a 2013 U.N. Women report. It’s a society in which, for half the population, just leaving home can be a daily nightmare.




inače kad je i u egiptu granulo tzv arapsko proleće opljunem ja po tome i kažem neće tamo biti nikakve demokratije može samo da bude horor smrt užas i strava a građanisti će meni jesi ti lud znaš kako meni bilo extra na letovanju jesi ti bio nekad nisi e pa onda mrš s topika 


naravno pošto sam ja strpljiv čovek sačekao sam rezultate arapskog proljeća i sad im natenane topim čvarke naživo  :fantom:

Edited by Hella
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izgleda da će feministi morati da biraju između svojih ubeđenja i islamofobije 


evo dokaza da čak i feministi mogu da razmišljaju normalno za razliku od hrpe domaćih papagaja s peščanika koji prepisuju od inozemnih genijalkinja*  :fantom:



Feminist Says Migrant Rape Is ‘Islamic Terrorism’, Claims Cologne Police Covered Up Problem For 20 Years


by LIAM DEACON 16 Jan 2016526

After the New Years migrant sex attacks, a leading German feminist has said the politically correct “bubble has burst” and Germans should speak out against Islamism. She claimed Cologne police have been covering up Muslim rape for 20 years, and said that sexual violence was now being used as a weapon of war in Germany.


By in large, the feminist reaction to the migrant sex attacks has been to either play down the problem or deflect attention on to a non-existent “western rape culture”.


As Breitbart London reported shortly after the attacks, a local feminist group in Cologne held a protest in support of further mass migration, and a *British feminist publication tried to justify abandoning female victims because the male Muslim attackers were “oppressed”.



Alice Schwarzer (pictured left, next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel), is a veteran “second wave” feminist who rose to prominence before feminism became preoccupied with apologising for Islamism and misogynistic Muslim culture.


She has previously called for a ban on the wearing of the Islamic headscarf in schools or other public settings, and warned of a creeping Islamisation of Europe, which in her opinion would lead to an erosion of human rights, especially women’s rights.


She told Die Welt in an interview yesterday that her Cologne based magazine Emma.de has been one of the only voices speaking out for women in Germany over the past 25 years.


“Since then, I have in certain circles been cheerfully reviled as a racist by multicultural, Greens, Leftists and converts”, she said, explaining that she has faced “enormous intimidation” for speaking out.


“Entire books have been published against me to try to shut me up. But in my case, it has not succeeded.”


She also made a startling revelation, which appeared to suggest that Germany police have been covering up the scale of migrant and Muslim rape for more that two decades.


“20 years ago, a Cologne police officer said to me: ‘Alice, 70 to 80 percent of all rapes in Cologne go to the account of Turks.’ I was shocked and replied: ‘You absolutely must make it public! Even a Turk is not born as a rapist. There must be causes. What’s going on here? What can we do?’


“But the message was clear: ‘No way, that’s not politically opportune’. And it is this kind of political correctness that conceals the circumstances,” she said.


She also said that there are in fact many people in Germany who, like her, feel, “critical about the development of so many migrants and refugees in Germany and their failure to integrate”. She said such people “fear the racism accusation”, but after Cologne, “This bubble has now burst”.


She argued that the “grotesque” contradictions in modern feminist discourse, namely the tendency to excuse Muslim violence against women, was in fact a form of racism. She insisted that feminists should not “patronise” Muslims by apologising for their intolerance and crimes.


“Political correctness should not prevent us from free thinking,” she said, “Because it’s not about people, but about ideology.”


“You should tell [migrants]: ‘You have the same rights – but also the same obligations!’ After the events in Cologne I keep reading the so-called young feminists arguing that, ‘rape is German problem also.’


“That’s right, we feminist pioneers have been saying this for 40 years!” But, she said, the migrant rape phenomenon clearly is of “a new quality, a completely different dimension” to lesser sexual violence committed by native German men.


She also argued that, “the headscarf has nothing to do with faith. It is a political signal,” claiming that, “Islamists offer parents money when their daughters wear veils” and reaffirmed her call for the garment to be banned in public institutions.


She also argued that the mass rapes on New Year’s Eve were a form of “war strategy”. She said:

“In all the wars the systematic rape of women is part of the war strategy. Because sexual violence against women reaches two people. First: Man breaks the women. Secondly, to humiliate their husbands. That would be really a controversial political dimension: Kalashnikovs, explosives belt and now sexual violence”.


She also explained that, “We have long known that a strong surplus of boys, not yet men, between 18 and 30 can be very tricky. This can even be triggering of war.


China has pulled the emergency brake at 117 to 100 women, and the one-child policy changed. Sweden has now, thanks to the refugees, 125 to 100. And in Germany it will be similar at 70 to 80 percent of young men among the refugees. This surplus of men is a threat, regardless of cultural background”, she said.







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Da ne bude zabune, ili da ja izmisljam nesto , upitanju je hotel best westren sumadija, na banovom brdu, a gosti su bili bokserski reprezentativci iz egipta, koji su non stop maltretirali i seksualno uznemiravali zensko osoblje hotela

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Ja sam rekao da feministkinje koje zastupaju stavove iz clanka sa pescanika, koji su uvredljivi prema zrtvama nasilja pre svega, zasluzuju tretman koji zene imaju u tim kulturama i subkulturama(koji one negiraju zbog politicke korektnosti i guraju strasan problem pod tepih) ne da zrtve zasluzuju ono sto im se deslio. Sad to sto ti nisi razumela tako teske i suptilne nijanse, nego ti se upalila feminazi lampica, jbg takva ti je bransa i profesionalna deformacija, ali ako je moderator to prevideo i nije ni procitao pre brisanja , to je ona fejl. I bilo bi lepo  da se javi ovde i on, ne samo podnosioci prituzbi

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šta je to feminazi, jel su to jalove babe u crnom, dlakave lezbejke ili neka druga babaroga koja se osmozom prelila sa dnevnika RTS iz 1993. u mozgove mladih fanova Kuzmanovića iz "Sveta kompjutera"?

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Ja sam rekao da feministkinje koje zastupaju stavove iz clanka sa pescanika, koji su uvredljivi prema zrtvama nasilja pre svega, zasluzuju tretman koji zene imaju u tim kulturama i subkulturama(koji one negiraju zbog politicke korektnosti i guraju strasan problem pod tepih) ne da zrtve zasluzuju ono sto im se deslio. Sad to sto ti nisi razumela tako teske i suptilne nijanse, nego ti se upalila feminazi lampica, jbg takva ti je bransa i profesionalna deformacija, ali ako je moderator to prevideo i nije ni procitao pre brisanja , to je ona fejl. I bilo bi lepo  da se javi ovde i on, ne samo podnosioci prituzbi

lol, feminazi. za taj te izraz treba banovati ko što bi banovali nekoga ko pogrdno naziva gejeve ili rome. 

šta ti znaš o mojoj branši, glupane?

kada bi ti pisao razumnije stvari možda bi bilo lakše razumeti ih. ovako ispadaš užasno glup. 


evo da ti objasnim u čemu je bio problem - niko ne zaslužuje tretman kakav žene u tim kulturama imaju.

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