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"nadmeni saveznik". meni tastatura brža od pameti :)

Izvinite, ali šta je to "Izdani saveznik", guglam i ne ide mi.
ne ne zove se tako knjiga, sacu pm
"nadmeni saveznik". meni tastatura brža od pameti :)
ne nego, nevoljni ratnici :) ne moram pm :D
Posted (edited)

btw, nadmenog saveznika sad već moram da pročitam, bar ono što me se tiče bar, osećam da ću se preznojiti, al što se mora nije teško :D

Edited by MancMellow

A ono "potraga za zastitnikom" o odnosima sa sad? To nisam fulao :DПослато са HTC ChaCha A810e користећи Тапаток 2


Da, to je zanimljivo. Mislim, to sto je meni malko cudno u toj knjizi, mogu da govorim samo o završnim delovima, je ta americka zaštita od navodno udruženih F,UK i I koji su sve hteli da "nam" otmu. Mislim da su tu bili očigledni prioriteti SHS diplomatije, ali...nije WW1 pa da ne opterecujemo ( :wicked: :D ) Hoću da kažem, nismo mi baš bili toliki očajnici.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
But from the present day, things look different. After the breakup of Yugoslavia and the massacres at Srebrenica and elsewhere, it's a bit harder to regard Serbia's irredentist agenda in the early 20th century as so benign.

The true picture of the past whizzes by. Only as a picture, which flashes its final farewell in the moment of its recognizability, is the past to be held fast. “The truth will not run away from us” – this remark by Gottfried Keller denotes the exact place where historical materialism breaks through historicism’s picture of history. For it is an irretrievable picture of the past, which threatens to disappear with every present, which does not recognize itself as meant in it.To articulate what is past does not mean to recognize “how it really was.” It means to take control of a memory, as it flashes in a moment of danger. For historical materialism it is a question of holding fast to a picture of the past, just as if it had unexpectedly thrust itself, in a moment of danger, on the historical subject. The danger threatens the stock of tradition as much as its recipients. For both it is one and the same: handing itself over as the tool of the ruling classes. In every epoch, the attempt must be made to deliver tradition anew from the conformism which is on the point of overwhelming it. For the Messiah arrives not merely as the Redeemer; he also arrives as the vanquisher of the Anti-Christ. The only writer of history with the gift of setting alight the sparks of hope in the past, is the one who is convinced of this: that not even the dead will be safe from the enemy, if he is victorious. And this enemy has not ceased to be victorious.

Drugim riječima mladobosanski emancipatorski potencijal je potrošen s propašću južnoslavenskog projekta. Sad je na snazi istina srbijanskog expanzionizma i mini imperijalzma. U čemu ne nedostaje poetske pravde, jer ovo je na istoj strani novčića, na kojoj i rehabilitacija srpske nacionalno-demokratske antiteze XX stoljeća.

Edited by king louie

With Croatia's accession to the European Union, virtually all the Habsburg lands are now once again part of a loose but substantial political federation and it's not totally crazy to imagine the relevant territory having evolved in that direction without passing through the veil of world wars and communist dictatorships.veoma ozbiljan analitičar, odvojio je vreme čak i da pogleda mapu habzburških zemalja :piggy:

Posted (edited)

U jbte, kad Izrael, Rusija i Amerika u vremenima pred nama dodatno zagužvaju na Bliskom istoku, mnogim korespondentima ni Hitler više neće delovati tako sumanuto

Edited by dillinger

kakvi ste to, pa mučeni zapad ne može više da ima ni lažna sećanja od vašeg zakeranja :(edit: iz slejta je najbolja korekcija:* Correction—an earlier version of this post described Serbia's territorial ambitions as including Slovakia when in fact their goal was to incorporate Slovenia. :lol:

* Correction—an earlier version of this post described Serbia's territorial ambitions as including Slovakia when in fact their goal was to incorporate Slovenia. :lol:
jepse, upravo sam to bio kopirao sa namerom da okacim :lol: kad ono neko bio brzi <_<
* Correction—an earlier version of this post described Serbia's territorial ambitions as including Slovakia when in fact their goal was to incorporate Slovenia. :lol:
pa sta sad, i eksperti grese.slovenija slovacka isti kurac (== velikosrpska hegemonija)

velikosrbstvo je tako očigledno da prosto ne zahteva naprezanje vijuga da bi se na njega ukazalo. :fantom:

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