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Twee(ster) i ini šarmantni lofi

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opet australijanci, a nisu the lucksmiths :D (t4h, gde si?!)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z32JSPpyYqgnema na youtube-u 'here is the blade', a tu pesmu bas volim.

opet australijanci, a nisu the lucksmiths :D (t4h, gde si?!)
jao evo me, ne videh topik ranije. al' prizvao si me svojim postom :)for the record, lucksmiths su najbolji bend na svetu!ja na primer twee slušam samo na slušalicama ili kad sam sama kući. nije za šire društvo. za početak evo jedna definicijahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7PN3YTzuYMa ovi imaju seriju superj jeftinih YT spotova, a i član benda me frendovao na last.fm-uhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFDr3uQ2edE
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tvi gouz nostalgijahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPC2hOZB_Fsono sto mi se najvise svidza kod cats miaow offshoota bart& friends je sto su im pesmice tako crtice a ponovo sve nekako pogode. kao squarepusher u

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqhrXDxDORAmozda malo tugaljivo za twee...ali isobel mejks it vrk (i ima macu) :wub:holdene, da me ubijes ne mogu da se setim omiljene cannanes pesme, a rovario sam i po last fmu :D

Edited by palfoot

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heheh, ja imam utisak da ovo pak zvuci mnogo bolje i spontanije no studijski & ah ta lucky charm melodika :wub:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2rtqVma_Ww

Edited by palfoot

  • 2 weeks later...
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The Sarah aesthetic was another "radical" rejection of the whole notion of trying to be cool, trying to be tough, trying to be sexy, and-- maybe most importantly-- trying to be masculine."The whole record industry is still relentlessly male," Haynes told the Bliss Aquamarine zine in the early 90s. "Sure, the press will pay lip service to riot grrrl, but you just have to look at how eagerly they fall in love with Primal Scream's new we-are-the-lads, booze-drugs-and-chicks image to realize how superficial it is." Talulah Gosh, he said, "were loathed to an absurd, hysterical extent by people who basically couldn't handle the idea of women being in a band and yet not conforming to stereotypical 'rock-chick' roles or simpering at the mic-stand in various states of undress...So they were labeled cute and twee...People who use 'cute' and 'twee' as insults because they're uncomfortable with us being un-rock'n'roll and non-macho say more about their own insecurities and traditional reactionary attitudes than they do about us."
kakav word. :wub: u to imehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE9JRLwdwno
  • 3 weeks later...
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7yQu5N1vSsda li mi se cini ili su the school malko ukrali falling from grace postovan gore? (it IS the same) ajmo opet :D

Edited by palfoot

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