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Giantsi koji će osvojiti SB će se pojaviti kada dođe vreme za osvajanje SB :)Drugu utakmicu Giantsi dobijaju očajnom igrom samo zahvaljujući velikom broju turnovera protivnika.edit: zaredom

Edited by Jean-Luc Picard
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ma idioti... znalo se Talib nece ostati jer mu istice ugovor i nije bilo teorije da ga Dom opet potpise, ali dali su ga Patsima za dzabe. Patsima kojima treba corner ko lebac i koji su sigurno mogli da ponude vise. pogotovo kada se zna da ce to biti pick pri kraju runde, mislim da je treca morala lagano da dodje ako ne vec i druga posto dodaju pick...usput, Wright ide na 4 games suspension zbog istog dopinga koji je i Talib koristio. Biggers i Leonard Johnson ce nam biti startni safetyju. ko van Tampe uopste zna ko su Biggers i Leonard Johnson?!?!?! jebote, iz startne postave nakon kampa ostali smo bez oba guarda, oba DE i oba cornera. zasu

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Dominik dominira...

“The good thing about this trade it does provide us with another fourth-round pick and the fourth round has been good to us,” Dominik said. “That’s where we got (receiver) Mike Williams. Last year we used that pick, not only to move up to get (running back) Doug Martin but also to get (linebacker) Lavonte David. That pick has been good to us and now we have two of them.”
Cetvrta runda mi je srecna. Ko da igra fantasy football. Idiot!
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Kopam po statsima, i ukapiram da KC za 8 kola nijednom nije vodio u regularnom delu sezone. Kazu da je to bio rekord vec u proslom kolu, saq valjda nabijaju razliku :oПослато са HTC ChaCha A810e користећи Тапаток 2

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Не знам да ли вас ово уопште интересује. :mellow:

The green light to West Ham's move to Stratford appeared to rely on Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, being granted access to a large portion the surplus funds from this summer's games - some £200million - in order to update the stadium and install retractable seating.But a Government Treasury spokesman told a newspaper on Monday that there was no chance of the funds being appropriated for such a purpose. "Any financial benefits from the Olympics coming in under budget will be used to pay off our debts or help the economy", they said.Despite the news, Johnson is reported to be preparing to approach Chancellor George Osbourse directly with his request, which he is understood to believe is the most economical solution for the future of the stadium.However the waters were muddied further today after it was revealed that Johnson has held talks with American Football's NFL, who last weekend held their annual spectacle at Wembley Stadium.They are reported to be exploring the possibility of staging more matches in the UK, with the Olympic Stadium viwed as a potential venue.A spokesman for Johnson told The Telegraph this morning: "The mayor and his team have held a number of meetings with senior executives in the last few days to explore further opportunities for NFL in London. The talks were exploratory and we are at an early stage but the signs are encouraging."West Ham re still considered to be favourites to take over use of the stadium, despite news of the NFL's purported interest.
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Pa nisu to nove glasine, recimo prosle godine se igralo u londonu (bal-jax, ako se ne varam).Btw, kad sam gore pomenuo KC evo jod jednog bisera: zadnji put su pobedili sa qb-om koga su draftovali pre 25 godina, septembra '87. Послато са HTC ChaCha A810e користећи Тапаток 2

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Kansas je potpuni raspad sistema. pre dve godine su bili odlicni, doveli su Vrabela, Cassela(koji je bio odlican), Thomasa Jonesa, Lilju, Chambersa... imali su nekoliko odlicnih draftova u nizu(Derrick Johnson, Tamba Halli, Glenn Dorsey, Eric Berry a izmedju njih uzet i Bowe), a imali su jos i zaostatke iz one odlicne OL(Waiters i Weigmann)sada je od svega toga ostao Derrick Johnson, Lija, Dorsey, Hali i Bowe. Berry igra ko kurac od kada se vratio, Cassel nema kome da baci loptu jer je Breaston promasaj, a i igra mnogo losije, fali im nose tackle pa ne mogu da brane trcanje a linija ima katastrofa pass protection, plus Charles je odlican RB za trcanje, ali za razliko od Thomasa Jonesa niti ume da blokira niti da hvata...morace sve iz pocetka, a ne znaju odakle da krenu... smesi im se sudbina Raidersa iz poslednjih 10ak godina

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Kakav cirkus od tekme u GB....Packers have 127 yards passing and 126 yards rushing. Od toga 36 yds trcanje Rodgers...

Edited by Frank Pembleton
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