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Kakav je dpi sviran protiv Jetsa sinoć u produžetku majko mila :isuse: .Ajd što je suđen, ne mogu tvrdim da nije bio, al što ga sudi sudija na drugom kraju terena a ovaj na metar udaljen od mesta događaja ne. Na kraju umesto da puntuju dođu do odlučujućeg FG.

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Kakav je dpi sviran protiv Jetsa sinoć u produžetku majko mila :isuse: .Ajd što je suđen, ne mogu tvrdim da nije bio, al što ga sudi sudija na drugom kraju terena a ovaj na metar udaljen od mesta događaja ne. Na kraju umesto da puntuju dođu do odlučujućeg FG.
mislio sam da je baš tako trebalo da bude, tj da backjudge sudi DPI, ali proverio još jednom u mehanici suđenja kod pasa:
d. L and LJ watch your receivers as they go into their routes.
i. Monitor receivers running routes near the sideline.
ii. Stay on or near the line of scrimmage
II. As Straight Drop Back Pass Developsa. R continues to observe tackle and backs in his view keeping the QB in his line of vision.b. U continues to watch G-C-G and any other subjects in his line of vision.c. BJ continues backpedaling, keeping cushion between him and the deep receivers.
i. You must know if any receivers are running you deep.
ii. Your line of vision should be to the side where the majority of receivers are running routes.
d. L and LJ focus on your zones if there are multiple receivers in your area. Get proper angles. You may have to get off the line of scrimmage forward or backwards. (No more than 2-4 yards beyond)
i. Be observant for Offensive Pass Interference
ii. Be observant for receivers going out of bounds and then coming back in bounds
iii. Weak side watch for receivers coming from opposite sides.
iv. Weak side official may have time to watch the tackle to his side.
The longer this play goes on the more observant that we need to be. The U must keep track of ineligibles and be observant of the line of scrimmage for the ball crossing. All down field officials should continue to scan their zones while at the same time keeping track of where the QB is and what he may be trying to do with the ball.
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Steta smo pokradeni na kraju, ali nema veze, duga je sezona. A i navikao sam vec na to da moramo da budemo bolji za bar 10 poena, da bi pobedili sa 3. Kao i vecina protivnika Patsa.

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Дуго нисам гледо НФЛ, па има можда чак и 10 година, мада ај нек буде 8.. Имам питање, за Фрика рецимо - откад и ЗАШТО Бакси носе нанџарасте дресове?!

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Дуго нисам гледо НФЛ, па има можда чак и 10 година, мада ај нек буде 8.. Имам питање, за Фрика рецимо - откад и ЗАШТО Бакси носе нанџарасте дресове?!
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nije lose... 20-10 vodimo na pola. par glupih gresaka su nas kostali poena, ali njihova dva fumble su taman tih 10 razlike. Martin gazi, ako Freeman popravi preciznost, dobijamo ovo

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Freeman 262 i 3TD... Martin 131 i TD trcanjem, 79 i TD hvatanjem... Mike i VJax nisu puno navatali, ali su bila zverska hvatanja...jebote, pa mi imamo napad :lol:a da zasladimo, to je -3 poena za titjerova odbranu u fantasyju... ko ga jebe kada ide bez kurca u svatove!

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