February 6, 201213 yr a to se sad tako kaze :D ?¿ idi bre, Takeshi. album je blago receno, tjorak.nije, dve pesme koje su pustene pre albuma su odlicne! i ima barem jos 2-3 koje sam zapamtio.polako.
February 7, 201213 yr novo, a osrednje:edip: u stvari, na peto slusanje postaje sasvim fina pesma.Meni odma leglo, nije da sam pao al mi skroz ok. Međutim slažem se sa jednim komentarom na YT:"Funny thing that you can see the sax and trumpet playing, but cannot hear them..."
February 7, 201213 yr James Levy And The Blood Red Rosemislim da danas izlazi album, a dva singla sa nj itekako obećavaju...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg_2n9iVAZk
February 7, 201213 yr Recorded live, directly to vinyl at Capsule Labs, Los Angeles, CA, at Stones Throw's Direct to Disc #3 event on August 19, 2011. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip83JHvzLBc
February 7, 201213 yr The Unity Sextet LP (Legere, 2012) The Unity Sextet is a special kind of band. Buddy Franco, Fats Young Jr., Cassius Farqhuar, Junior Oliver, Chuck Waldron and ‘Fat Thumbs’ Ronnie met in spring of 2011 whilst playing at different jazz festivals ... Buddy Franco had an idea: being friends with renowned producer and Freestyle Records recording artist Lack of Afro, he asked him whether he would be up for an impromptu, spontaneous session and act as producer, arranger and engineer. The Unity Sextet was formed a couple of weeks later, their debut features thirteen original tracks. Think of Gilles Peterson’s legendary „That’s How It Is“ nights at Bar Rumba, Pharoah Sanders’ spiritual, outerwordly excursions, the cool grooves of A Tribe Called Quest or the relaxed sounds of the Horace Silver band and you are getting there. Check out „Do Me A Fredo“ or „Dance Of The Pharoahs“ and you could imagine yourself in Paris Saint Germain sometime during the mid Sixties. Then nod along to „Black Pearl“ or „Right Now“ and it’s Soho, London circa late Eighties or early Nineties. „The Unity Sextet“ is about recognizing the past but stil walking a step ahead, and being on the spot without being in a rush. LISTEN 9/10 Edited February 7, 201213 yr by maheem
February 7, 201213 yr Meni odma leglo, nije da sam pao al mi skroz ok. Međutim slažem se sa jednim komentarom na YT:"Funny thing that you can see the sax and trumpet playing, but cannot hear them..."dobra je pesma, prilicno gruvi i kul, ali jazzanova opet tezgari, to im je jedina nova na albumu koji uskoro objavljuju, remiksi, b-strane i slicno.ima iz sonar kollektiva jos jedna zanimljiva:micatone - "handbrake"gost na vokalu, stuart staples iz tindersticks... i lici na one njihove duete.
February 7, 201213 yr Author tribjutiramo™ novog kojena jednim novim (a dobrim) kaverom™ njegovog klasika, u izvjedbi b.kalahana.http://soundcloud.co...e-bill-callahaneo i tizeri ostatka ove tribjut kompilacije što je sklepao mojo magazine.http://soundcloud.com/mojomagazine/sets/the/ Edited February 7, 201213 yr by Gonzo
February 7, 201213 yr Danas je izasao onaj Jack White-ov singl sa solo albuma na vinilu i kao bonus i ova pesma, koja nece ni biti na albumu! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZRVzs0EL3Y
February 8, 201213 yr nije, dve pesme koje su pustene pre albuma su odlicne! i ima barem jos 2-3 koje sam zapamtio.polako. daj linak na pm.meni je prethodni album bio podbacaj, u usporedbi sa rook ili paolo santo, tako da su mi ocekivanja sad bas onako umerena.edit: ne treba linak, nasao ga. Edited February 8, 201213 yr by ikar
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