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Bolje od Lyncha.


Ako se neko zapita zašto spominjem Lyncha, ovo je sledeća numera na albumu...








Wow, BOB, wow









Novi singl Garetha Liddiarda i prijatelja pod imenom Tropical Fuck Storm.




‘Chameleon Paint’ captures the sense of foreboding that we’re all feeling at this time in history in exquisite detail. “You phone it in / All shame and sin”, Liddiard snarls, as a female Greek chorus howls in collective outrage. Liddiard explains that the song was inspired by the “stacks on” phenomenon of online shaming and trolling, the all-too-familiar cycles of internet outrage and sanctimoniousness.


“It feels like a turning point in history”, Liddiard comments, “as technology speeds up. The internet distorts reality and dehumanises relationships, and makes everyone crazy. It’s a bullshit, out of focus place where everyone is the worst version of themselves. Facebook and Instagram keep you glued to the screen, melt your brain and turn you into an idiot so they can sell shit to you. That’s the climate in my head; that’s why I write all this doom and gloom.”


o kisela bebo isuse, kakvi grešnici




‘Me & Panormita’ was inspired by Italian poet Antonio Beccadelli’s (a.k.a Panormita) book Hermaphroditus. It’s an erotic song about throwing away taboos and succumbing to the temptations of the flesh in any way, shape or form. Wonderful whips and mainlining on a jetliner while wearing eyeliner. One person cut in the middle by the lighting bolt of Zeus. Horribly human, a condition to be in.



ovaj mora prestati da se drogira, eksplodiraće mu mozak od ovolikog outputa

It was just one week ago that Oh Sees (fka Thee Oh Sees) released their latest album, Orc. Now, psychedelic mastermind John Dwyer has announced that the band has once again changed its name back to its first moniker, OCS, for yet another new record, Memory of a Cut Off Head. Memory of a Cut Off Head is out November 17th on Castle Face Records, marking the label’s landmark 100th release.



ovaj mora prestati da se drogira, eksplodiraće mu mozak od ovolikog outputa




neće njemu...


E ubi me s ovim promenama ritma, ničim izazvanim.


Odlican je novi Oh Sees, smekerski koketira od metala do popa, salta od prve do seste brzine i nazad. Carski bend.


Carski bend.

Osim spotova, jednom sam se zeznuo i pustio neki sa dzankozama i pajdomanima, to je bilo to, nikad vise tos na youtube.

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