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Touch screen(ts) nije za digitally challenged populaciju i potrebno je strpljenja i truda dok se jednom njime ne ovlada a nakon toga je sasvim korisna igracka. Razlike su takodje i u kvalitetu ts-a jer je HTC ili I-phone milina koristiti dok su neki drugi modeli totalna nocna mora. Za one koji mobilni koriste i kao kameru, ts je neuporedivo praktichniji od klasichne tastature jer su za sva potrebna podeshavanja (a i samo fotografisanje) sve komande vidljive i na one touch - u poredjenju sa skrolovanjima i lutanjima po menijima na klasichnim tast. Isto vazhi i za audio playere, navigaciju, surfovanje...itd. Klasichni problem kod fotografisanja mobilnim gde kada "shkljocnete" ujedno cimnete i kompletan telefon - je sada elegantno izbegnut. Konkretno, na mom LG Renoir-u drzite prst na ekranu, kamera zumira i odradi sve ostale muchne poslove za vas i snima onog trenutka kada podignete prst sa ekrana. Downside je shto se mogu aktivirati u dzepu bez vasheg znanja pa se deshavalo da izludim ljude cimajuci ih u zlo doba (najgore su prolazili oni sa prezimenima na "A" ). No i to se da regulisati zakljuchavanjem na meniju gde sluchajni pritisci ne mogu aktivirati nikakve znachajne stvari (poruke npr.) I za kraj samo da preporuchim LG Renoir koji je odlichan hibrid izmedju poslovnog telefona i igrachke. Cena mu je za klasu nizha od telefona iz te generacije a ima apsolutno sve moguce zezalice koje je moguce nagurati u mobilni - uz poseban akcenat na kameru koja je izuzetna, 8Mp, blic i video zapis od 120ps kojeg se ne bi postidele ni neke klasichne video kamere.

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Relativno.Curve ima manju tastaturu pa mi nije baš za štrikanje emailova...
Naviknes se dosta brzo. I ja sam mislio isto ali sam se vec posle par meseci privikao i vise mi nije problem da odapnem i duzi mejl. Jedino sa postovima imam problem jer nisu dovoljno pregledni.Eraser, kupio si dobar telefon. Toliko sam se navikao na njega da ce blackberry morati bas ekstra da se ispruzi necim novim da bi me naterao da ga promenim.
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ja sam skeptican povodom pitanja ts i mislim da je dosta vezano za cinjenicu da se telefoni moraju inovirati, jer se na trzistu nije desilo nista novo vec dugo vremena i ljudi zbog toga nemaju potrebe da menjaju svoje 'stare' telefone pa je prodaja mobilnih opala u poslednjoj cetvrtini 2008. za oko 11%, a za 2009. se planira pad prodaje mobilnih telefona od oko ~8.5%u odnsu na prethhodnu godinu. i tu je ts sasvim korisna kvazi inovacijau svakom slucaju izgleda da ce te neprakticne naprave biti proizvodjene u vecem broju, ali ipak dosta oprezno
Touchscreen-equipped mobile handset shipments to exceed 230 million by 2012 Touchscreen-equipped mobile handsets sales have been building steadily for over a year now, and a new report from IMS Research forecasts that growth will become even stronger. Although there were fewer than 30 million touchscreen phones sold in 2007, IMS Research expect that number to increase to over 230 million by 2012.There are numerous signs that touchscreens are poised to significantly increase their presence in the mobile handset market. Recent reports and announcements from the three largest mobile phone manufacturers have highlighted a trend in the increased production of phones using touch technology. In July, LG revealed that it had sold 7 million touchscreen handsets. This announcement came just five quarters after LG launched its very first touchscreen mobile phone. Showing similar success, Samsung recently released the Instinct, a full touchscreen handset, through Sprint. Just one week after the launch, Sprint announced that the Instinct had already become the best selling EV-DO device in the carrier’s history. Not to be outdone, Apple reported selling 1 million of the new 3G iPhone handsets in just the first three days of its releaseAccording to IMS Research analyst and report author Femi Omoni, "The original iPhone was the catalyst that created this huge market interest in touchscreen phones. The fact that it was not only popular with consumers, but also helped drive data revenues proved how important touchscreen handsets can be. Now all of the network operators and handset manufacturers want a piece of the pie".The impressive growth that IMS Research is predicting will not be driven solely by the smartphone segment either. According to the IMS Research report Touchscreens & Input Technologies for Mobile Handsets, touchscreens will increasingly penetrate the much larger feature phone segment. In fact, Nokia just announced that its initial foray into the touchscreen market will be targeted at the "volume market" because that segment of the population is the largest consumer of mobile phones.
i nesto od feedbacka korisnika
Touch screen phones are mostly rubbish says surveyBy Peter White (Thursday, 19th February 2009)We're completely unsurprised that many of the new breed of touch screen phones remain unpopular and a piece of market research this week makes that official. The research comes from Reevoo.com and it shows that touch screen manufacturers are just not listening to their customers when they decide what to put in a new touch device.Among the bottom raked phones in a survey of 19,000 buyers of phones which bought 226 different devices, it turns out that 5 out of 10 phones in the bottom 10 were touch screens.The bottom 10 phones included the HTC Touch Diamond, the Samsung Armani, the BlackBerry Storm 9500, Samsung i900 Omnia and the Samsung F490, all touch screen phones – then again somehow the new Nokia flagship Nokia N96 got into its bottom 10 phones as well, which is perhaps even more worrying for Nokia, although we have reviewed it and found that its initial poor impressions are easily overcome when you get to know it its good bits.On the top ten devices only two are touch screens – with the Apple iPhone rating as the top selling touch screen and the top phone overall being the Nokia 5220 Xpressmusic. The LG Renoir was the only other touch screen phone which made it into the top ten.Reevoo.com said, "Manufacturers are keen to jump on the touch screen bandwagon but most of the current efforts are just not pushing the right buttons. Shoppers love the look of touch screen phones, and the ability to watch videos on a large screen, but they are hard to get right and many complain that touch screen interfaces are just too fiddly."Reviewers offered the following criticisms of current touch screen phones:"Touch screen is a little hard to use if your fingers are not slender and pointy.""The 'virtual' keyboards are rubbish, takes ages to type anything...you could always employ a five year old with small fingers. They should have used a stylus.""Jerky software, not fluid. Crashes often.""If you have nails can be a bit tricky on the keypad as it is heat sensitive and so must be pressed with the finger tip as a nail will not make it work.""I found the touch screen hard work and the physical 'pressing' was made more difficult by the fact that your finger, however slim or fat, tends to 'spread' when you have to press."The best comment for us was one HTC Touch user who said the screen was so sensitive that when his ear touched it, it kept cutting him off mid-call. Now that's bad design.
Edited by Hustler
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Naviknes se dosta brzo. I ja sam mislio isto ali sam se vec posle par meseci privikao i vise mi nije problem da odapnem i duzi mejl. Jedino sa postovima imam problem jer nisu dovoljno pregledni.
Ne znam, ja se nikad nisam navikao na manje dugmiće i toliko me nerviraju da sam za brze poruke nabavio za dž Nokiu 3510, dakle pretpotopski model, ali s kojim mogu kuckati žmureći.
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mnogo vremena provodim za kompjuterom, tako da se kontrolisem da mi telefon izvrsava samo osnovnu funkciju. inace, vec se vidim kako kuckam mejl na veceri.nokia_6300_brown_cpw_155x238.jpglosa je kamera, ali zato ga ne osetim u dzepu. kad ga klinci ubiju do kraja planiram promenu na nesto slicno sa dobrom kamerom

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mnogo vremena provodim za kompjuterom, tako da se kontrolisem da mi telefon izvrsava samo osnovnu funkciju.
Za mene je takođe mobilni do skora bio samo telefon (plus sms funkcionalitet) - nit' me interesuju igre, nit' kamera, nit' ga koristim kao mm player (kada? ili sam na poslu kad ne mogu da ga slušam ili sam kod kuće kada ću pustiti film ili muziku na nečem poštenijem). Sve dok dok međ' mobilni narod nije sišao gps i ip telefoniranje i tu sam se već zainteresovao za neke dodatne funkcije :lol:
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Hustler, neosporno je da mobilna industrija trazhi nove nachine kako da nam uvalja nove igracke ali kako ona mudrorija kaze: "Razlika izmedju muskarca i deteta je u tome sto su muskarcima igracke skuplje." :DSa druge strane, evo me na letovanju i mobilni mi bukvalno sluzhi za: fotografije, video klipove, slushanje muzike i knjiga, gledanje filmova, surfovanje po netu, navigaciju...a ponekad i pozovem nekog. Eliminisao sam pakovanje i vucaranje preko pola Evrope brdo chargera, baterija, kablova, memorija, te ostalih zezalica jednim jedinim sokocalom koje je u dzepu bermuda. Finansijski gledano, zavrsio sam za sva vremena kupovine mp3 playera, kamera i foto-aparata. Pretpostavljam da ce uskoro i laptop biti izlishan pa kad se sve sabere, i nisu me puno odrali za telefon koji radi sve gore navedeno.To shto ponekad na tastaturi umesto "s" pritisnem "sd" nije ni izdaleka dovoljan razlog da se odreknem svih ostalih pogodnosti koje ts pruzha.

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jel ima jos neko na forumu ko preferira touch screenove? po meni je to uzasno neprakticna stvar
Ne znam, ali ja sam pre neki dan pazario Nokia-u 5800 XpressMusic i apsolutno sam prezadovoljan telefonom! Na touch screen sam se navikao za bezmalo dva dana, a nikada ranije nisam koristio takvu vrstu aparata. Telefon je zaista fantastican i od srca ga preporucujem svima! cool.gif
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jel ima jos neko na forumu ko preferira touch screenove? po meni je to uzasno neprakticna stvar
Ja imam SE M660i, koji ima qwerty i touch... Ne pamtim kad sam koristio tastaturu...Da bude najgore, počeo sam i po drugim telefonima da udaram po ekranu i čudim se što neradi :)...
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he, onda je mozda vreme da proverim stavove po pitanju ts :lol:@ maxda li je moguce da je zamena svih tih aparata moblinim ide bez problema? ja sam kontao da ce tako nesto ici tek sa sledecom generacijom, znam da sam se se pre tacno godinu dana zezao sa nokijinom carl zeiss optikom, jer su imali poprilicno lose fotke

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I ne bash. iPhone mi je vishe puta proshao kroz ruke i kucanje je apsolutno nepodnoshljivo. Mislim da osoba chiji je dotichni iPhone sporije kuca posle tri godine nego ja na najobichnijem klik klik klik za c telefonu.

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Ne volem ts. Ne samo zbog brzine kucanja, nego što nekad moram da kucam i na slepo, a na taču ne mogu dodir da osetim koji je koji taster. Dosta mi je bilo i to što sam na nokiji N78 imao nekoliko sličnih flat tastera oko tastature koje sam redovno promašivao.

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meni je n97 zanimljiva igrackica, ts + slajd sa finom tastaturicom. ja nikad nisam imao drugu marku osim nokie. pri razgledanju onoga sto bi doslo u obzir, nisam imao pojma da je ovo nov model. na prvu loptu mi se ucinio zanimljivim. imam ga nekih nedelju - dve i zadovoljan sam. istina, do sada sam ga koristio uglavnom za osnovne stvari, jos uvek nisam sve istrazio sta moze sta ne moze. nedavno je izasao apdejt tako da mi se cini da je ts posle toga jos bolji.

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meni je n97 zanimljiva igrackica, ts + slajd sa finom tastaturicom. ja nikad nisam imao drugu marku osim nokie. pri razgledanju onoga sto bi doslo u obzir, nisam imao pojma da je ovo nov model. na prvu loptu mi se ucinio zanimljivim. imam ga nekih nedelju - dve i zadovoljan sam. istina, do sada sam ga koristio uglavnom za osnovne stvari, jos uvek nisam sve istrazio sta moze sta ne moze. nedavno je izasao apdejt tako da mi se cini da je ts posle toga jos bolji.
To sa ajpdejtom ti je homeopatski placebo efekat.
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