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nesha taxista

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It's widely held in the IT community to be a scam. It was briefly on IndieGoGo (funding site), didn't reach its target for donors, so the funding campaign was withdrawn - but as it was a "flexible" funding campaign, the "inventors" got the money donated up until that point. They are now asking for donations on their own website. They want a million Euros to even release a prototype. Basically, this doesn't exist, and the videos are all mock-ups and post-production video trickery. Think about it - the projector won't work in daylight. Battery will last only seconds or minutes. The sensors will break/get dirty/generally stop working. The amount of storage is questionable given the size of the device. As a gadget geek, I would love this to happen - and I'm sure at some point it will - but this particular device is vapourware
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  • 2 weeks later...


Lep i rekao bih tehnicki dobro nabudzen... Kako je dobra fora sa ovim JBL zvucnikom kao dodatkom  :wub:


U MTSu ga ima - al naravno ne dolazi sa JBLom niti duplom baterijom. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kako da provalim na symbian telefonu koja mi aplikacija visi online?


Telefon se uvek javi kad ugasim ruter ili kad mu izadjem iz dometa a baterija je pocela mnogo kratko da mi drzi.


edit: izgleda da je podesen da se automatski nakaci na moj ruter cim mu udje u domet.


edit 2: valjda sam uspeo to da iskljucim...

Edited by katamaran
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