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ajfon nadje mrezu ali kad se pokusa pristup nekom sajtu izadje obavestenje da je nemoguce otvaranje stranice jer nije na netu?

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valjda. zamoljen sam pitati na ovom svetom mestu za savet
If you are unable to access the Internet while connected to a Wi-Fi networkIf you are using a public or commercial network that requires a login or subscription, see this article for more information.Verify that you are selecting the correct network if you are in a location with multiple Wi-Fi networks.Verify that the Wi-Fi network settings are correct. You can view and configure Wi-Fi settings using the following steps:Tap Settings > Wi-Fi.Locate the Wi-Fi network you are currently using and tap .If you've verified that your settings are correct and the issue persists, try the following:Tap "Forget this Network" to reset settings for this Wi-Fi network, including the password. Then try connecting to the network again. Note: This can be useful if you identify a network issue and want to prevent the device from automatically using this network in the future.Reset network settings by tapping Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings. Note: This will reset all network settings, including passwords, VPN, and APN settings.
Ako ne rešiš problem, ima odličan iphone servis u Kosovskoj pa odnesi tlf tamo.
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kad si već tu, da te pitam kao Android to iPhone konvertita - jesi li se pokajao (ako jesi slobodno šini na PM da te antisekta ne bi zajebavala) ili smatraš da ti je potez života prelazak na jabučicu?

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+1iz iskustva kolege koji stalno menja telefone i koji je prilicno objektivan. nesto bolje tamo, nesto vamona kraju pobedio android:bus mu je komprimovao nexus.s (stanjio ga za jedno milimetar, puknut ekran ostatak i dalje radi :) ), pa kad je birao novi presudila cenamanje vise isti telefoni, iphone4s vs. nexus s (izlozbeni uzorak istina), razlika 300+ e

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e fala, kontam da znam nešto konkretno ukoliko padnem u iskušenje u USA da pazarim ajfon.ništa, ostaje mi fiksacija samsungom s III

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Nemo si mentol, pazari komotno tamo ajfon pa ga koristi malo, ako ti se ne svidi lagano ćeš ga prodati u Bgd i kupiti s III.

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Meni se SGIII nekako ne dopada kada ga uzmem u ruku. A ovo digovo uopšte nije naivna preporuka, taj Ajfon ćeš svakako moći da zavaljaš za jako debele pare ovde i da profitiraš.

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