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Opšti topik o EU (ex kriza Evrozone)

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Ona Obamina Dankinja? Pa zar nju ne guraju da zameni Rompuja?


Ona Obamina Dankinja? Pa zar nju ne guraju da zameni Rompuja?


izgleda da je to vec gotova prica i da je nece biti kandidat


Rekla je valjda danas kad je ulazila na sastanak da ona nije kandidat.


sacemo mi to sredit, cim udjemo






izgleda da je to vec gotova prica i da je nece biti kandidat



Rekla je valjda danas kad je ulazila na sastanak da ona nije kandidat.



Ako je tako, onda je najrealnije Tusk=Rompuj, Rencijeva mala=Keti, Dankinja=File.


Ali i dalje mi je cudno da nista ne nadju Biltu. Lajcaka mogu podrzati za novog Ki Muna.


Inace, cenim da ce podrska evrointegracijama skociti medj Srbima drasticno, bude li ovda gdja za nas zaduzena.





Izgleda da je dogovor o top pozicijama odložen za kraj avgusta.


A i Junker je izjavio da na Estonkino mesto mora doci neko sa velikim iskustvom, cime direktno saopstava da ne podrzava Italijanku. 


Bice tu jos trgovine. Mozda nas opet iznenade i izbace ljude koji uopste nisu ni pominjani. 


Још се ту не зна ко је избачен ко убачен.


Važno je da je izbor komesara transparentan :fantom:


Uvek se nasmejem kad Britanci nekom prete. Tolika arogancija i umisljenost da su oni posebniji od ostalih je prosto komendija...


Е ајде нек неко од наших тамо провери, да ли по новинама још увек пише, кад се спусти маглуштина на Ламанш, "континент је одсечен"?

  • 2 weeks later...

Denmark, Germany have highest gains, south has the lowest

Greece loses after 20 years of EU single market



Andy Carling


30.07.2014 - 11:01


The single market has been a success, everywhere but Greece, says a new report.

European integration has helped every member from 1992 achieve a higher per capita income apart from Greece.


The result comes from a study from Bertelsmann Stiftung that examined gains in GNP and the increasing integration between 1992 and 2012.


The northern members of the EU did best, with Denmark and Germany garnering the most benefits. Per capita, Denmark gained €500 a year, Germany €450.


The lowest benefit was the UK, with an estimated benefit of a mere €10 per capita. This is partially explained by the UK leaving the European currency system.


The next lowest gains come from Italy (€80) Spain and Greece (€70) and Portugal (€20).


The report notes that the single market is far from complete and notes six areas with high potential: logistics (land transport of freight), retail trade (trade in non-specialized stores), the hotel industry, construction of buildings, architectural and engineering activities and wholesale trade in construction materials.


They also argue that a common labour market requires recognition of qualifications earned in other EU members and a system to alert/match people to vacancies and transferability of social insurance.


However, the benefits appear clear to the authors, saying removal of tariffs has lowered prices, led to higher spending and greater exports. The cross border nature of Europe’s industry means that three and a half million jobs in Europe depend on German industry’s need for inputs, such as tools, raw materials etc.


This shows, says the report, that the benefits are spread around the union, rather than within one nation.


They also examined how deeply integrated each member state was over the two decades under study. The most integrated is Belgium, followed by France, Ireland and Austria. The least were Denmark, Portugal, Sweden and Greece.


Greece was the only nation to become less integrated during the timescale.


Pravo pitanje je kako bi Grcka prosla u poslednjih 20 godina da nije bila deo EU. Mozda bolje a mozda jos gore nego sada. Nesto kao ostatak balkanskih drzava. U tom slucaju su zapravo takodje profitirali.


Ma ne bi prošli bolje, u suštini ne bi imali tako veliki bum zaduživanja i onda krah. Linija GDPa bi prosto bila ravnija a živeli bi danas relativno slično. 


Zanimljiviji mi je ovaj raspored, na neki načinn potvrđuje stereotipizaciju severa i juga.

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