Muwan Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 U februaru je u grčke banke deponovano tri milijarde evra, od čega je 500 miliona prebačeno sa Kipra.
henrik larsson Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 sto zbog genijalne ideje da se Kipar strateski opredeli za elitni turizam i aktivno odbije eurosmece™ cenama.To mi je baš neko pričao pre nekih godinu dana, kako su se žestoko ulebali tim dizanjem lestvice u turizmu.
CPP Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 U februaru je u grčke banke deponovano tri milijarde evra, od čega je 500 miliona prebačeno sa Kipra.Da. Tu ce pojesti vuk magarca, kao i u Grckoj onomad.BTW domoroci koje pitah za to reaguju sa blago njima i ja bih da sam znao.
CPP Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 To mi je baš neko pričao pre nekih godinu dana, kako su se žestoko ulebali tim dizanjem lestvice u turizmu.Pa tu je bio na delu reciprocni multikulturalizam; sto da nam ovde kojekakav nordijsko-britanski sljam smrdi i smeta bogatoj (mahom ruskoj) klijenteli.
Zaz_pi Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 (edited) Kada smo vec kod loseg Kipra koji ima preveliki odnos BA/GDP i zato mora da odgovara:Oh... Three banks in Luxembourg had already seeked financial assistance to the tune of €1 billion last week.Ocekuje se brzo kaznjavanje neodgovornog Luksemburga oduzimanjem depozita, bankrot banke koja ima najveci odnos BA/GDP, u ovom slucaju Deutsche bank.Portugal repeats Cyprus is unique case. <_< Edited March 27, 2013 by Zaz_pi
Muwan Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 Pravda za Maltu i njenih 8x... Malta and Luxembourg have both denied claims that they could suffer the same fate as Cyprus as they both operate outsized banking sectors. Malta's banking sector is eight times its GDP - even more that Cyprus's was. But the governor of the Central Bank of Malta, Josef Bonnici, insists that it's in "much better shape". Speaking to Reuters, Bonnini said Malta's banks weren't carrying the foreign sovereign debt that helped cause Cyprus's crisis.Luxembourg's banking sector is about 20 times its annual GDP, and is understandably worried by recent comments from Brussels. Its government said it is "concerned about recent statements and declarations" on the alleged risks of outsized financial sectors.
CPP Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 NICOSIA - The Phileleftheros website has published what it says are details of the restrictions that will be imposed when the banks reopen. It states that there may be changes.Under the decree you cannot cash cheques unless you are making deposits.No non-cash payments or transfers of money outside Cyprus except for payments for commercial transactions within the framework of the ordinary activities of the business with the presentation of documentary evidence.Evidence is not required for amounts not exceeding €500.Other exceptions include payment for employees outside the republic; living expenses of €10,000 per quarter and fees of people studying abroad and who are first-degree relatives of people residing in the Republic, again with the necessary documentation.Payment and transfer outside the republic through debit, credit or prepaid cards of up to €5,000 per month for every credit institutionPayment of claims for insurance companies.Other payments and transfers that have the approval of the committeeA notice account cannot be terminated before its due date unless it is used to pay a loan at the same credit institution. It is forbidden to take notes in euros or other foreign exchange of more than the equivalent of €3,000 per person per trip. Customs will ensure this.Any exchange payment or transfer not completed before these measures came into effect are covered by this decree.Exceptions are all moneys coming from abroad, diplomatic missions, financial transactions within the same account, payments approved by the committee, the Republic and the Central Bank.This applies for seven days starting with publication in the gazette.
Muwan Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 CPP, da li je ovo tačno?Nathan Morley @nathanmorley Many people in Cyprus still get paid by cheque, this seems almost mad.
CPP Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 CPP, da li je ovo tačno?Nathan Morley @nathanmorleyMany people in Cyprus still get paid by cheque, this seems almost mad.Da. Narocito su stariji ljudi pogodjeni, jer su izbegavali da vade bilo kakve kartice.Procedura je: dobijes cek, odes u banku i stavis na racun, i onda povremeno odes u banku da dignes koliko ti treba i procaskas sa sluzbenicima.Sreca (bila) u internet banking pa sam davno prestao da pizdim u redu dok chicha/baba pita salterusu za zdravlje/decu/stagod.Jadni ljudi.BTW, njih drzava jos nije masovno izjebala kao naprimer nas, tako da je bolno dirljiva vera sirotinje raje u maksimalan trud i iskrene namere vlasti. :(
Muwan Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 Sad vidim da je dozvoljeno deponovati ček na račun, pa onda podizati malo po malo gotovine i servisirati osnovne potrebe. Jbt ladno su prešli na cash-only ekonomiju.Evo prvog nezvaničnog prevoda. Ovaj lik je u pravu kada kaže da nema šanse da ova ograničenja traju sedam dana, kako su vlasti najavile. Pa u samom dokumentu stoji da pravna lica imaju rok od dve nedelje da predaju prihode od izvoza državi. Ovo će lepo da se otegne.
CPP Posted March 27, 2013 Posted March 27, 2013 Ove mere kako ih citam su pisane da ukoce velike pare. Mislim, ogranicenje placanja ka inostranstvu do 500 evra po turi i iznosenja love na 3k po turi male ljude ne kache ich.
Filipenko Posted March 28, 2013 Posted March 28, 2013 (edited) Naravno, Kori Udovički ne vidi razlog za paniku i smatra da je problem na Kipru pri kraju, već u prvoj rečenici. Jebote, koliko mi se smuči od takvih osoba, to je zastrašujuće. Edited March 28, 2013 by Filipenko
Muwan Posted March 28, 2013 Posted March 28, 2013 Za danas je najavljeno otvaranje banaka, mada je u međuvremenu berza objavila da ostaje zatvorena do kraja nedelje.Srbima dobro poznati G4S kontraktori uputili su pojačanja u sve filijale koje danas treba da budu otvorene.Kontejneri sa (navodno) novcem ECB sinoć su stigli na aerodrom i prebačeni u zgradu centralne banke.
CPP Posted March 28, 2013 Posted March 28, 2013 Prevod Sarrisovog dekreta o restriktivnim merama.BTW, jutros pred Laiki bankom jedan mucenik iz G4, pred BOC, Hellenicom i Alphom nikog. 1 UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONThe Enforcement of Restrictive Measures on Transactions in case of Emergency Law of2013 Decree as per articles 4 and 5 WHEREAS there is lack of substantial liquidity and significant risk of depositsoutflow with possible outcome the risk of the viability of the credit institutionswith chain effects that could lead to instability of the financial system andhave destabilizing consequences on the economy and society of the countryas a whole, AND WHEREAS under these circumstances an emergency situation iscreated, so for safeguarding public order and public security and foroverriding reasons of public interest, 12(Ι) of 2013The Minister of Finance in exercising the powers granted to him by sections4 and 5 of the Enforcement of Restrictive Measures on Transactions in caseof Emergency Law of 2013, following a recommendation from the Governorof the Central Bank, issues the following Decree: Short title.1. The present Decree shall be cited as the Enforcement of TemporaryRestrictive Measures on Transactions in case of Emergency First Decree, of2013. Interpretation2. (1) In the present Decree, unless a different meaning results from thecontext- «Committee» means the Committee established by virtue of section 9 ofthe Law· «Law» means The Enforcement of Restrictive Measures on Transactionsin case of Emergency Law of 2013· «debit or credit or prepaid card» means debit or credit or prepaid cardissued by a credit institution. (2) Terms not otherwise defined in this Decree shall have the meaningascribed to them by the Law. Imposition ofrestrictive measures. 3. By virtue of sections 4 and 5 of the Law, following a recommendation bythe Governor and with the consent of the Governor, the following restrictivemeasures are imposed: (a) The maximum amount of cash withdrawal shall not exceed 2 €300 daily or its equivalent in foreign currency, per person in eachcredit institution. All cash withdrawals (namely withdrawals viadebit and or prepaid cards, withdrawals from the credit institution’stellers and withdrawals via credit cards against a sight/currentaccount’s balance) are computed per person consolidating allaccounts held by the said person in each credit institution: Provided that any part of the maximum cash withdrawal alloweddaily which is not withdrawn by the beneficiary during the day inwhich the limit applies, may be withdrawn at any time afterwards. (b) The cashing of cheques is prohibited. © Cashless payments or transfers of deposits/funds to accounts held abroador in other credit institutions are prohibited, with the exception of- (i) Payments for transactions that fall within the normal business activityof the customer upon presentation of justifying documents as follows: (aa) payment of up to €5.000 per day per account is not subject toany restrictive measure,(bb) payment from €5.001 to €200.000 is subject to the approval ofthe Committee. A list of the requests for payments falling within thiscategory shall be submitted to the Committee by the relevant creditinstitution on a daily basis and shall mention the amount of eachpayment, the total amount of all payments as well as the number ofpayments falling within this category. The Committee for its decision,which shall be taken within 24 hours, shall take into account theliquidity buffer situation of the credit institution.(cc) payment above €200.000 provided the prior approval of theCommittee is obtained after taking into account the liquidity buffersituation of the credit institution.(ii) payments for salaries of employees upon presentation of supportingdocuments. (iii) living expenses up to €5.000 per quarter as well as tuition fees, of aperson who is studying abroad and is a first degree relative of aCyprus resident, on the basis of supporting documents: Provided that payments for living expenses shall be allowed onlyupon submission to the relevant credit institution of documentsestablishing that the person receiving the payment and or transfer ofdeposits/funds is studying abroad and is a first degree relative of aCyprus resident: Provided further that tuition fees shall be paid only to the beneficiary 3 educational institution, upon submission of the relevant justifyingdocuments. (iv) payments and or transfers outside the Republic, via debit and orcredit and or prepaid cards, shall not be allowed to exceed €5.000 per monthper person in each credit institution. (d) It is prohibited to terminate fixed term deposits prior to their maturity unlessthe funds are used to repay a loan within the same credit institution. (e) On the first maturity of fixed term deposits, the higher amount between€5.000 or 10% of the total amount of the deposit in question, shall, accordingto the choice of the depositor, either be transferred to a sight/current accountor be deposited in a new fixed term deposit in the same credit institution. Forthe remaining amount the maturity shall be extended for one month. (f) Sums transferred from a fixed term deposit to a sight/current account shallbe subject to the restrictive measures applicable to sight/current accounts. (g) Exports of euro notes and/or foreign currency notes are prohibited in excessof €1.000, or the equivalent in foreign currency, per natural person perjourney abroad. The Director of Customs and Excise Department shallensure the implementation of this measure. (g) Every financial transaction, payment and or transfer which has not beencompleted prior to the entry into force of this Decree shall be subject to therestrictive measures provided in this Decree: Provided that any financial transaction, payment and or transfer, which hasnot been processed by the credit institution prior to the entry into force ofthis Decree shall be cancelled and will have to be submitted anew. (i) Credit institutions shall not execute cashless transfers that facilitate thecircumvention of the restrictive measures. (j) The restrictive measures apply to all accounts, payments and transfersregardless of the currency denomination. Exemptions. 4. Exempted from the restrictive measures are: a. All new funds transferred to the Republic from abroad b. Withdrawal of cash using credit and or debit and or prepaid card issued byforeign institutions on accounts abroad· c. The cashing of cheques issued on accounts held with foreign institutionsabroad· d. Cash withdrawals from accounts of credit institutions with the Central Bank. e. The Republic. 4 Validity of the thisDecree. f. The Central Bank· g. Diplomatic missions· h. Payments that have been authorised by the Committee. 5. This Decree shall apply for a seven day period starting from the day of itspublication in the Official Gazette of the Republic. Michalis Sarris Minister of Finance 27th March 2013
CPP Posted March 28, 2013 Posted March 28, 2013 (edited) Iiiii...danas je moguce kod BOC preko interneta saltati pare (medju sopstvenim racunima) i placati struju/vodu/...Wheee.Pritom, Hellenic Net Banking nece da radi iz mrskog EU inostranstva (konkretno Spanije). Edited March 28, 2013 by CPP
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