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Opšti topik o EU (ex kriza Evrozone)

anomander rejk

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Trebalo je da vidiš recimo Slovačku 1992, pa onda ponovo 2013. Bogati uvećavju bogatstvo (tj neki od njih, Nemačka da), ali bogumi uvećavaju i ove 4 zemlje. 

21 minutes ago, Host said:

Jasno, ali nisam komentarisao Piketija, pre toga bih morao detaljnije da procitam clanak i reference. Odmah upada u oci, sto je MancMellow primetio, da se na grafikonu ne porede iste stvari. Sa jedne strane je neto priliv "pomoci" iz sistemskih fondova/budzeta EU a sa druge rezultat privrednih aktivnosti stranih investitora, izrazeno u procentu GDPa. Pretpostavljam da je grafik ovakav jer Piketi hoce da prikaze da je ukupan uticaj zapadnih  investicija (kako sistemskih tako i privatnih) negativan po istocne zemlje, a odabrao je ove parametre zato sto cine deo kalkulacije za GDP (ili su zgodni za dokazivanje poente).


Ja bih radije video poredjenje sa GNP umesto GDP jer je repatrijacija profita ukalkulisana u GDP pa promenljiva nije nezavisna. Takodje bih voleo da vidim i istorijski odnos spoljno-trgovinskog balansa i remitanse sa drustvenim proizvodom (ilustrativno), a ono sto najvise nedostaje analizi je kako je priliv novca utice na rast. Naime, tacno je da investicije posledicno vode repatrijaciji profita, ali istovremeno uticu i na rast GDPa kroz povecanu proizvodnju. To je ono sto Piketi treba da pokaze, a ne ove proksi parametre. 


Ne slazem se sa samim sobom dok ovo pisem jer su moje ideoloske pozicije bliske Piketijevim, ali bih voleo da vidim malo ozbiljniju analizu. Nisam procitao da kraja Kapital do kraja, mozda treba da pogledam tamo?


To. I poreski rajevi tu imaju ogromne razlike.

Sa Investopedie.



Because certain countries have most of their income withdrawn abroad by foreign corporations and individuals, their GDP figures are much higher than those of their GNI. For instance, in 2013, Luxembourg recorded $60.1 billion of GDP, while its GNI was $38.2 billion due to large payments it made to the rest of the world.



No, meni se cini da je bas to i poenta. Input (investivije kroz subvencije) i raspodela dohotka (plate, rente, kamate, profiti...) kao dva nacina kalcukacije GDPa, ali samo onaj o raspodeli, kada se oduzme repatrijacija, ti pokazuje koliko se para vrti unutar zemlje. 


Verujem da poenta Piketija i jeste ta: ok, GDP raste ali kako meni nije bolje?


Grafik onda mozda moze da se interpretira i kao:


-> poreski obveznici EU pomazu privredni razvoj novih clanica

<- neko profitira od privrednog razvoja i profit oporezuje u Holandiji™

On 17/01/2018 at 5:35 PM, Host said:

Jedino resenje koje vidim je zatvaranje ekonomije Evrope i uvodjenje tarifa Kini. Jeste da bi EU zemlje verovatno bile jos siromasnije, ali bar ne bi imale frustraciju poredjenja sa bogatijim istočnim drzavama.

Ovo će se desi kad tad


Ništa novo, krajem osamdesetih su lupali teške carine na npr.  japanske štampače. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Bivši poljski ministar spoljnih poslova  :lol::isuse:


"We want to heal our country from certain diseases. The former government has implemented that left-wing concept, as if the world had to follow a Marxist pattern in one direction: towards a mix of cultures and races, a world of cyclists and vegetarians, which only bets on renewable energies and combats all forms of religion. This has nothing to do with traditional Polish values." - Witold Waszczykowski, Minister of Foreign Affairs

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Disonantni tonovi sve glasniji i u Italiji





 Studije renomiranih istraživača Vladimiro Giaćeja, Lućijana Bara, i Đuzepe Gvarina pokazali su da je evropski projekat nekompatibilan sa našim Ustavom. Istraživanje MMF pokazalo je da zajednička evrozona pokazala desegregaciju ekonomskih struktura država članica. To znači da evrozona koristi jačim državama, a oštećuje slabije države članice - poručio je on (italijanski ekonomista Alberto Banjai), prenosi britanski Ekspres



Ovaj italijanski profesor odlučio se da uđe u politiku i podržao je lidera Severne lige Matea Salvinjia, koji vidi budućnost Italije izvan evrozone. Poručio je nedavno da se Salvinji bori da zaustavi desegregaciju Evrozone.


- Mi nemamo evro u svom džepu. Imamo nemačku marku koju oni zovu evro - rekao je Salvinji.


*Severna Liga je stranka evroskeptika, za koje istraživanja javnog mnjenja navodi da će na narednim izborima 4. marta osvojiti najviše mesta u parlamentu, ali da najverovatnije neće uspeti da okupi većinu



Edited by Filozof manijak

U to vreme, najavljuje se bitna promena u Nemačkoj





Germany should not dictate the economic policies of other eurozone countries, according to Olaf Scholz, the current mayor of Hamburg who is likely to become the country’s new finance minister under Germany’s coalition government.


Scholz also told Der Spiegel, the German weekly magazine, that he favored a balanced budget and “sound finances” for Europe’s largest economy.


“We don’t want to dictate to other European countries how they should develop,” Scholz told Der Spiegel in an interview published Saturday, “Mistakes were surely made in the past.


  • 2 weeks later...

Defying US, Paris and Berlin stand firm on EU defence pact

By Michelle Fitzpatrick and Joseph Schmid

Munich, Germany (AFP) Feb 16, 2018


EU defence pact no threat to NATO: Mogherini

Sofia (AFP) Feb 16, 2018 - The EU on Friday rebuffed a US call for written assurances that NATO's role in protecting Europe would not be threatened by the bloc's new defence pact.

Diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini insisted there was no question of replacing or competing with NATO, saying the alliance's role was already written into EU treaties.


Senior US officials voiced doubts about the EU plan earlier this week, fearing it could draw resources away from NATO or become a "protectionist" umbrella for European defence manufacturers.


Mogherini said talks with NATO defence ministers including US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Wednesday had allowed her to give reassurances that the EU plan did not seek to replace the alliance.


But she dismissed a call made by Mattis on Thursday "to include in written EU documents" that common defence was solely a job for NATO.


"This is already clearly stated in black and white in the EU treaties, so no need further to speculate on that," she told reporters in Sofia, where she was attending a meeting of EU foreign ministers.


"NATO is mentioned in the EU treaty as the responsible organisation for collective defence for those EU member states that are NATO allies, so it's clear the work we're doing on European defence in the EU is not aiming at substituting for NATO when it comes to collective defence."


The European Union launched its so-called permanent structured cooperation on defence agreement, known as PESCO, with much fanfare in December.


The pact, signed by 25 EU members, aims to get EU states to cooperate more closely in spending on defence and developing new military equipment, to avoid waste.


But on Sunday a senior official working with Mattis said Washington had concerns that some of the proposed initiatives risked "pulling resources or capabilities away from NATO".


And on Monday US Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison warned the EU against using PESCO as a protectionist tool, saying there could be serious consequences if it shut US defence companies out of cooperation projects.


Europe must be able to stand on its own feet militarily, France and Germany said Friday as they made the case for a new EU defence pact that has rattled Washington.


In opening remarks at the Munich Security Conference, French Defence Minister Florence Parly and her German counterpart Ursula von der Leyen said the EU plan posed no threat to NATO.


But they stressed that the European Union needed the "autonomy" to respond to security threats, even while bolstering their commitments to the NATO alliance.


"When we are threatened in our own neighbourhood, particularly to the south, we have to be able to respond, even when the United States or the (NATO) alliance would like to be less implicated," Parly said.


Von der Leyen also took a swipe at Washington for cutting its aid and diplomacy budgets, reminding "our American friends" that they have "precious commitments beyond military means".


The EU announced in December a permanent structured cooperation on defence agreement, known as PESCO, aimed at developing new military equipment and improving cooperation and decision-making.


Senior US officials voiced doubts about the EU plan this week, fearing it could draw resources away from NATO or become a "protectionist" umbrella for European defence manufacturers.


NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has cautiously welcomed the EU's efforts to step up its defence initiatives, but warned that these must not undermine the transatlantic alliance or duplicate its work.


Batting away those concerns, Parly said "those who try to say it's either the EU or NATO: it's a false debate".


But EU nations must be ready to act "without asking the United States to come to our aid, without asking them to divert their ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) capabilities or their supply craft from other missions," she added.


Von der Leyen agreed that building up Europe's military autonomy was compatible with shoring up the NATO alliance.


"It is about a Europe that can also add more weight militarily so that it can be more autonomous and carry more responsibility -- also within NATO," she said.


- 'Wake-up call' -


The European Union launched PESCO with much fanfare in December, spurred into action by Brexit, the migrant crisis, a more assertive Russia and an unpredictable White House.


"This was the wake-up call we needed to understand that we had to change something and stand on our own two feet," von der Leyen said.


The pact, signed by 25 EU members, aims to get member states to cooperate more closely in spending on defence and developing new military equipment.


At a gathering of EU foreign ministers in Sofia, the bloc's foreign policy chief was also at pains to allay concerns about PESCO.


Federica Mogherini said talks with NATO defence ministers including US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis on Wednesday had allowed her to give reassurances that the EU plan did not seek to replace the alliance.


But she dismissed a call by Mattis for written assurances that common defence was solely a job for NATO, saying this was already "clearly stated in black and white in the EU treaties".


- Soft power -


Stoltenberg, also at the Munich gathering, reiterated that the EU's defence pact should "not compete (with) but complement the efforts of NATO".


He noted that once Britain leaves the EU, 80 percent of NATO's defence expenditure will come from states outside the bloc, underscoring the importance of non-EU allies in the battle against security threats.


"The EU cannot protect Europe by itself," he said.


European members of NATO have in recent months promised to step up their defence spending following complaints from US President Donald Trump they were not pulling their weight in the military alliance.


France in particular has announced plans to bolster its expenditure, earmarking nearly 300 billion euros ($370 billion) of investments by 2025.


That would take France's defence budget to the NATO goal of two percent of GDP -- a target that few alliance members currently meet -- compared with about 1.8 percent today.


Germany has also vowed to spend more on defence but remains well off the two percent target, much to the irritation of the Trump administration.


In her speech in the southern city of Munich, Von der Leyen rebuffed the US criticism by highlighting the need for aid work and other so-called "soft power" as well as military might.


"We watch with concern as some partners are ever more reducing their funding for diplomacy and development cooperation or for the United Nations," she said.


In its 2019 budget, the Trump administration has proposed lifting defence spending by 10 percent to $686 billion, while slashing the State Department's budget.




Vidi se šta ih najviše svrbi. 

  • 1 month later...

Albania and Macedonia should start EU accession talks, but human rights abuses mean Turkey negotiations should stay on hold, the European Commission is to say.

"In light of progress achieved, the European Commission recommends that accession negotiations be opened with Albania", the commission is to say in its yearly enlargement report, due out on Tuesday (17 April), according to a draft seen by EUobserver.


The recommendation is the first one ever for Albania. It comes 15 years after it signed its first EU 'stabilisation' pact and some 10 years after the Western Balkan state, which used to be a communist dictatorship, joined Nato. 


The commission has been saying Macedonia was ready to start talks since 2005. EU states never agreed to do so because Greece vetoed it on grounds that Macedonia's name represented a territorial claim to a neighbouring Greek region of the same name. But Tuesday's recommendation comes amid EU hopes that Skopje and Athens are close to finding a solution, enabling the EU Council to actually open talks with Macedonia later this year.It also comes amid a new commission strategy to speed up enlargement.


Reformist 'frontrunners', such as Serbia and Montenegro, should be able to join the EU in 2025, it said in a strategy paper in February, amid preparations for a special Western Balkans summit in Sofia in May.


EU foreign ministers will also discuss the Western Balkans at a meeting in Luxembourg on Monday.

They will restate their "commitment to facilitate dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo" on normalising relations and discuss security issues in the region, an EU diplomat said.


They might also discuss how to refer to Kosovo, which is not recognised by five EU states, in the Sofia summit declaration, the diplomat added.

The EU speed-up on Western Balkans stands in contrast to its standstill on Turkey.

"Respect of the rule of law and fundamental rights and freedoms is an essential obligation, which Turkey must meet as a candidate country. The continuing negative trend in these areas do not justify the opening of new negotiating chapters in the accession process," the commission's draft report on Turkey said.


4 hours ago, MancMellow said:

Reformist 'frontrunners', such as Serbia and Montenegro




4 hours ago, MancMellow said:

should be able to join the EU in 2025




šargamrkva je prilično tanka ali takva je kakva je bolju nemamo. 


A ovo gore je komendija, naravno, no jbg.


Joj, juce na ekvadorskoj drzavnoj TV pustili izvestaj DWa o Junkerovoj poseti Balkanu.

Ono je nivo propaganda SSSR 1960ih.

Nemi i soft power, ne ide to zajedno. 




Macron: EU mora imati kredibilnu ponudu za Zapadni Balkan

Francuski predsednik Emmanuel Macron je mišljenja da Evropska Unija mora da ima kredibilnu ponudu za Zapadni Balkan, budući da postoji opasnost od rastućeg uticaja stranih sila na zemlje regiona.


“Postoji geopolitički rizik tačno ispred nas, ako bi se Zapadni Balkan udaljavao prema Turskoj, ili prema Rusiji. To je rizik. Ili ako bi se one (zemlje Zapadnog Balkana) survavale u međusobne podele”, izjavio je l Macron.


Francuski predsednik je govorio na plenarnoj sednici Evropskog Parlamenta, gde je naglasio da je potreban pragmatizam evropske strane kada je u pitanju Zapadni Balkan. On se zalaže za dvostruki pristup: približavanje regiona Evropi, ali i preuduzimanje unutrašnjih reformi pre prijema novih članica.


“Ne želim da se Balkan okreće prema Turskoj, ili prema Rusiji, ali podjednako ne želim da Evropa ima problema da funkcioniše sa 28 članica, a sutra će ih biti 27. Možda ćemo, nakon narednih par godina, nastaviti sa 30, 32 članica pod istim pravilima. To jednostavno nije izvodljivo”, izjavio je Emmanuel Macron.


Bilo je ovo prvo obraćanje Macrona u Evropskom Parlamentu, od kada je on preuzeo funkciju šefa francuske države. Francuska je medju onim članicama EU koje ne žele da se obavezuju vremenskim rokovima za buduće proširenje EU.


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