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"It looks like the Dutch people said no to the European elite and no to the treaty with the Ukraine," said Geert Wilders, the anti-Islam, anti-EU MP. "The beginning of the end of the EU."


Joram van Klaveren, a Dutch MP and vice-chairman of the VoorNederland party, said: “We need to dismantle the EU. Saying No to this agreement is a great first step of stopping the EU train.”


Among those who urged a No vote was Nigel Farage, the leader of Ukip, who was in the Netherlands campaigning on Monday, telling voters: “Let’s celebrate the outbreak of democracy in this country, and hope that it spreads like a rash across the rest of Europe."

Mr Farage believes that the Dutch No vote increases the chances of British voters choosing to leave the EU in the referendum on June 23.


GeenStijl, the satirical news blog that collected 427,000 signatures to force a referendum said it was a "clear signal".


Bart Nijman, founder of its campaigning wing, said: "This is about the same ratio as the vote in the referendum on the European Constitution in 2005. Politicians will now really have to show that they are taking criticism of the EU from a large proportion of the Dutch seriously."




Mr Rutte said it had been "a convincing victory for the no-campaign.... We will go forward step by step. We must now find a solution that is acceptable to all parties. In Europe, with Ukraine, with everyone."


Kees Verhoeven of the D66 liberal democratic party - the only party to campaign strongly for a yes vote throughout - told The Telegraph that the Dutch parliament must respect the vote: "D66 believes that it is only fair to voters that the government should follow the result of the referendum."


PvdA leader, Diederic Samson, of the labour party, which is part of the ruling coalition, said there was little chance that the government will ignore the vote.

"The results show that people really don't want Ukraine to come nearer to the EU. So we must do something about it," he said.







Linking to pirated content that is already available to the public can not be seen as copyright infringement under the European Copyright Directive. This is the advice Advocate General Melchior Wathelet has sent to the EU Court of Justice, in what may turn out to be a landmark case.


http-link-hyperlinkOne of the key roles of the EU’s Court of Justice is to interpret European law to ensure that it’s applied in the same manner across all member states.


The Court is also called upon by national courts to clarify finer points of EU law to progress local cases with Europe-wide implications.


In recent years the Court was called upon to rule on several cases related to hyperlinking, in an effort to established whether links to other websites can be seen as copyright infringement.


Previously, it ruled that links to copyrighted works are not infringing if the copyright holder published them in public, and the same is true for embedding copyrighted videos.


But what if a link points to content that is not authorized by the copyright holder? Would this still be allowed? According to EU Advocate General Melchior Wathelet, it is.


In an advisory opinion to the EU Court of Justice, which will issue a final ruling later, the Advocate General reviewed a dispute between the Dutch weblog GeenStijl.nl and Playboy.


In October 2011, GeenStijl.nl published a post linking to leaked Playboy photos, which were hosted on the file-hosting service FileFactory.


Playboy publisher Sanoma successfully requested the removal of the photos at the hosting service, but in response GeenStijl continued to link to other public sources where they were still available.


The Dutch Court asked the EU Court of Justice to rule whether these links can be seen as a ‘communication to the public’ under Article 3(1) of the Copyright Directive of the Copyright Directive, and whether they facilitate copyright infringement.


In his advice today the Advocate General acknowledges that the hyperlinks facilitate the discovery of the copyrighted works, and make them more easily available. However, this isn’t copyright infringement.


“…hyperlinks which lead, even directly, to protected works are not ‘making them available’ to the public when they are already freely accessible on another website, and only serve to facilitate their discovery,” the EU Court of Justice’s writes, commenting on the advice.


The Advocate General argues that “linking” is not the same as making the content available, which would apply to the original uploader. This means that GeenStijl’s actions can not be characterized as copyright infringement.


“The actual act of ‘making available’ is the action of the person who effected the initial communication. Consequently, hyperlinks which are placed on a website and which link to protected works that are freely accessible on another site cannot be classified as an ‘act of communication’ within the meaning of the Directive.”


“In fact, the intervention of the owner of the site which places the hyperlink, in this case GS Media, is not indispensable to the photos in question being made available to internet users, including those who visit GeenStijl’s website,” the Court clarifies.


The advice is a setup for a landmark ruling. However, the Court stresses that the advice only applies to this particular case.


Technically, most torrent sites including The Pirate Bay, mostly link to material that’s already available elsewhere. However, in these cases the general purpose of the site may also be taken into account.


That said, the advice is good news for news sites, bloggers and the general public, as incidentally linking to relevant copyrighted material should be allowed in most cases.


The Advocate General’s advice is not binding, but the European Court of Justice often uses such advice as the basis of its rulings. The final verdict is expected to be released later this year.


  • 3 weeks later...

250,000 ljudi u Varsavi danas.


Mislim da bi oni pre rekli Ćwierć miliona Polaków, ljudi se piše i kaže drugačije.


Pala vlada u Austriji. Nije neocekivano, tamo su dve najvece stranke u potpunom raspadu. Ovo je verovatno i zamajac Hoferu, kandidatu iz Hajderove partije, pred drugi krug predsednickih 22. maja. Kao da im se desava srpski maj 2012. Situacije nije naivna utoliko sto je Austrija sveevropski forerunner glede popularnosti ekstremne desnice. Oni su za to glasali i kad to u ostatku Evrope bas nije bilo kul. Tako da vrlo mogucno konacno preuzimanje vlasti od strane hajderovaca moze (a ne mora) da se cita kao naznaka buducih trendova u Evropi.


Neko mora da bude prvi.


Oće li im uvesti one smešne ,,sankcije" kao prošli put kada je FPO bio u vladi?  :cry:


Neko mora da bude prvi.


Taman da Marina bude druga


Nece Marina biti druga. Francuska je specificna.


Marina je do sada kupila glasove sa lijevice i sa desnice. Ona je pokupila ogroman broj glasova na sjeveru francuske kod radnicke klase i na jugu kod imucnih penzionera.


Ono sto ih ujedinjije je strah od stranaca, to jest arapa (ja i ne smetam).


Ali izbori se ne dobijaju na samo na imigraciji, strahu od evrope i na "dosta je bilo" antipartijskim parolama.


Ekonomski program im je u ogromnom raskoraku. Dok na sjeveru propagiraju skretanje u lijevo, na jugu pricaju o smanjivanju poreza bogatima.


A Francuskih desnica imas vise: imas onih koji su spremni da glasaju za FN ali barem po meni vecina bi ipak glasala protiv nje (najvise zbog njenog tate od kojeg se na sve nacine pokusava distancirati pa onda i zbog ekonomskog programa koji uopste nije definisan).


Ti svakako bolje poznaješ Francusku, ja bih samo spomenuo dve stvari: 1) to što neka partija ima nedefinisani ekonomski program ne mora da joj škodi, naprotiv; birači - većina - se retko udubljuju u detalje programa, ako je kampanja odrađena kako treba i PR radi svoj posao, poslaće se poruka siromašnima da je program super za njih i bogatima da je super i za njih, i to može da upali. Video sam to sto puta na raznim izborima (ne mislim na Srbiju); mene naravno nervira što je tako ali tako je 2) živimo u jako čudnim vremenima, evo npr. Trampu su se svi smejali pa on postade kandidat. Birači su u nekoliko zemalja pokazali da umeju da budu ,,iracionalni" i da mogu lako da napuste svoje ustaljene obrasce ponašanja koje važe već decenijama.


Ja se nadam da si ti u pravu, no ja ne bi otpisivao FN (ni slične po ostalim evropskim zemljama) tako lako, niti se uzdao u neke francuske (britanske, holandske, američke...) specifičnosti. Mnogi su tako rekli "it can't happen here" pa se opet desilo. Problem je u tome da elite i mediji umeju da žive u sopstvenom mehuru i pod sopstvenim staklenim zvonom, i da mnogi ljudi takođe žive u svojim mikrokosmosima, i onda ne vide neke procese koji se dešavaju. I onda tup, dođe neki Tramp u Americi, ili FN u Francuskoj.


Opet, pričam uopšteno o nekim procesima koji se očigledno ponavljaju širom Zapada u poslednje vreme, kažem ti sigurno daleko bolje poznaješ samu Fr. i ja se nadam da je to što pišeš onako kako će i biti.


Ni ja ne odbacujem FN, postoji mogucnost naravno ali francuzi nisu glasali za ekstremnu lijevicu ni 30-tih godina a bili su zreli za to.


Uzdam se u ovo "ali".


A kako glasa francuska omladina, dobija li Marina medju njima manje ili vise glasova nego u proseku?

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