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Iran: novi front

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Ali da saveznici plate taj rat jednom :mad:

  • 3 weeks later...



Pa kad ih je prošli put zajebao


“The Americans did not uphold their end of the deal,” Khamenei said. “The very person who is in office today tore up the agreement. He said he would, and he did.”

He added: “This is an experience we must learn from. We negotiated, we gave concessions, we compromised— but we did not achieve the results we aimed for. And despite all its flaws, the other side ultimately violated and destroyed the agreement.”


2 hours ago, Engineer said:

Pa kad ih je prošli put zajebao





"When you threaten me, I don't want to negotiate with you. Do whatever damn thing you can," according to the Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian in response to US President Donald Trump's bullying call for direct talks.

"You should be ashamed of yourself after what you did to [Ukrainian President Zelensky] recently," Pezeshkian said in a speech on Tuesday in response to the recent remarks by the US President Donald Trump which threatened Iran with military action if it does not accept his illogical demands.


Edited by vememah

Sta je bre ovo? :lolol:


Drononosac. Nije im prvi ali je najveci do sada i sa najvecim radijusom kretanja. Svi su nastali konverzijom od trgovackih brodova i pored dronova opsluzuju i helikoptere. Ovaj je prvi koji je dobio kosu pistu sa rampom sto znaci da je gradjen za vece / teze dronove a kaze se da sa njega operisu i pomorski / vodeni dronovi. Nosac aviona u klasicnom smislu nije.

Jasno... tehnicki. Ali gde je zastita? Nemaju ni avijaciju ni brodove koji mogu da zastite toliku metu od salve krstarecih/balistickih raketa i napada avijacije sa pravih nosaca.


Mada, ko zna sta jos krije Iran da mi ne znamo...

Jbg pa nece oni s ovim na Ameriku da udare, nije za to pravljeno. 

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