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haha, fenomenalan text.komentar na b92:Sledece godine se i Crna Gora ukljucuje sa kampanjom "Dje ste rodjaci"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Od svih bolesnih ljudi u Srbiji izgleda da je najinteresantnija Ksenije Vucic i njena obolela aorta. Ksenija je dobila gotovo celu naslovnu stranu i jos jednu stranu unutar dnevnog lista Pravda:10255.jpgZasto je ova zena na ovaj nacin, uz neuobicajnu pompu, izronjena iz anonimnosti i odjednom postala medijski interesantna, kao centralna tema novine koju inace zovu i Vucicev zabavnik? Imate pravo tri puta da pogadjate. Hint: zena je supruga politicara koji je poznat po tome sto koristi i bljutavu patetiku za svoj politicki image.

Edited by Zmitjkoe
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A mrak nepismenosti?
i na maternjem i na stranom:It is with great regret that I have to inform you about an incident that occurred today at 10 AM, when officers of the tax police of the Republic of Serbia illegally burst into all the companies related in any manner to the daily newspaper “Kurir”. We regard such an attack as the most brutal and direct strike against the freedom of the press which is protected by domestic law but also by international conventions. There are indications that an interest group closely connected with the government is behind this savage attack on the media. We will demand legal protection, however, we also appeal to You to use Your authority to support and defend the freedom of the press. “Kurir” Editor-in-chiefRade Jerinić
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  • 4 weeks later...

Ja bi ovo da pohvalim:

UK health booklet's message: Teen sex can be funBy GREGORY KATZ (AP)LONDON (AP) — Britain's National Health Service has a message for teens: Sex can be fun.Health officials are trying to change the tone of sex education by urging teachers to emphasize that sexual relations can be healthy and pleasurable instead of simply explaining the mechanics of sex and warning about diseases.The new pamphlet, called "Pleasure," has sparked some opposition from those who believe it encourages promiscuity among teens in a country that already has high rates of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.The National Health Service in the city of Sheffield produced the booklet, which has a section called "an orgasm a day" that encourages educators to tell teens about the positive physical and emotional effects of sex and masturbation, which is described as an easy way for people to explore their bodies and feel good. Like more traditional sex education guides, it encourages demonstrations about how to use condoms and other contraceptives.Some professionals have hailed the new approach as a welcome antidote to traditional sex education, which they say can be long on biological facts but short on information about the complexity of human relationships.The booklet suggests ways in which teachers can encourage sexual awareness and responsibility while teaching young people that sex is something that is meant to be enjoyed.Steve Slack, who helped produce the leaflet as Director of the Center for HIV & Sexual Health in Sheffield, said one goal is to help young people learn to resist peer pressure and delay having sex until they are emotionally ready."Far from promoting teenage sex, it is designed to encourage young people to delay losing their virginity until they are sure they will enjoy the experience," he said.Slack said some of the ideas in the booklet came from the Netherlands, which is well known in Europe for its liberal attitude toward sexual behavior.But the pamphlet is condemned by some educators who believe it will lead to more casual sex among teens."Some of it is good sense, but I think it's wrong is to suggest that 16-year-olds should wantonly enter into having sexual intercourse for pleasure," said Anthony Seldon, headmaster of Wellington College, a school for teens. "I think this is medically wrong and emotionally wrong and will increase teenage pregnancy and impact negatively on the formation of a long-term loving relationship."He said teens should be taught about the value of a long-term commitment, not simply about the pleasures of sexual intercourse.Ruth Smith, news editor of Children & Young People Now magazine, said one goal of the new booklet is to help young people become more comfortable with their sexuality and to let them know they can speak out if they are abused or forced into a situation they don't like."Research shows young people feel pressured to have sex before they're ready," she said."This booklet is intended to give them the skills to discuss it. It's not a license to go out and have sex, it's saying if you do, do it, wait until you're ready and enjoy it. It makes them more confident and more able to say no."She said the instruction guide will not be given to students but is intended to suggest ways in which teachers can start a conversation about sex."It's trying to find what works with young people," she said.Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Edited by Buck Naked
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  • 2 weeks later...
Ne vidoh da je jučeraske neko pomenuo ovo sa nepodobnom majicom...idontneedsexgovernmentfucksme.jpgIskreno se nadam da naši snimatelji, novinari i fotografi vode računa o tome šta oblače, kada polaze na radne zadatke vezane za Vladu i čimbenike joj... Predlažem seriju BT majica u "Broz" fazonu, specijalno izrađenu za zadatke u Vladi... (I :heart: BT!). Da ne bi bilo zbunjivanja... Uniformisane maje i teraj samo, na ova nezgodna demokratska vremena...I dalje brinem za Kristinu koje nema mesec-dva na forumu... A zna se da je ona počela sa PPP majom i ko zna dokle je do danas dogurala...
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  • 2 weeks later...

istraživačko novinarstvo.

Још је више оних земаља које не бране саму размену сексуалних услуга за новац, али су забрањене све „пратеће активности”, бордели и сви облици подвођена, што практично онемогућава бављење овим послом без кршења неког прописа. Тако је у највећем делу Европе, Латинске Америке, у Канади, Индији и још неким земљама, пише на Википедији.
http://www.politika.rs/rubrike/Hronika/Pro...izacije.sr.html@kojotu ovoj vesti meni je najskandaloznija glupost onog ko se setio da na gucu dovede orkestar americke mornarice. Edited by Gonzo
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odavno nisam procitao nesto jacehttp://www.alo.rs/politika/18098/Ovcjim_fetusom_protivu_boraFunkcionerka Srpske radikalne stranke i narodna poslanica Gordana Pop-Lazić redovan je posetilac najprestižnije svetske klinike za estetsku hirurgiju i podmlađivanje „La Preri“ („La Prairie“) u Montreu, u Švajcarskoj, saznaje „Alo!“ Poslednjih nekoliko godina, ona bar jednom godišnje odlazi na terapije za podmlađivanje, na kojima joj direktno u venu ubrizgavaju „serum mladosti“, koji se pravi od sveže jetre ovčjeg fetusa!

Edited by kojot
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  • 2 weeks later...

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