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Avionski udesi i nesreće


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Meni je najbizarnija ideja da se ova tema nalazi na Tehnici
Ideja je da se govori o tehničkim aspektima avio nesreća, tako da ne vidim šta je tu bizarno. Ako je sledeći snimak nesreće autentičan, ne razumem kako je u procesu sletanja došlo do toga da avion padne na pistu kao cigla. Problem sa repnim stabilizatorom, nos spušten ka zemlji, gubitak uzgona??http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koUV3xRIraU
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Ovo je stvarno čudno, udario je praktično pod pravim uglom. Čak i sa potpunim gubitkom uzgona trebalo bi da bude u manje katastrofalnoj poziciji ukoliko je u toku bio pokušaj sletanja?

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Изгледа да јесу неке мутне радње, а не само неки ретардирани пушачки адикт.




A dozen passengers have been detained by Abu Dhabi security authorities after multiple fires were lit on board a flight that left Melbourne on Monday night, terrifying passengers for hours.
On Wednesday night, a spokesman for Etihad Airways said no arrests had been made, but that the airline was co-operating fully with the investigation.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/travel/travel-incidents/passengers-detained-after-fires-lit-on-melbourne-etihad-flight-20140220-331x8.html#ixzz2tpARd1jy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uh, izgleda gadno


Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has gone missing en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing



EDIT. Sa Malaysia Airlines sajta




Saturday, March 08, 10:30 AM MYT +0800 Malaysia Airlines MH370 Flight Incident - 3rd Media Statement

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are deeply saddened this morning with the news on MH370.

Malaysia Airlines confirms that flight MH370 had lost contact with Subang Air Traffic Control at 2.40am, today. There has been speculation that the aircraft has landed at Nanming. We are working to verify the authenticity of the report and others.

Flight MH370 was operated on a Boeing 777-200 aircraft. It departed Kuala Lumpur at 12.41 am earlier this morning bound for Beijing. The aircraft was scheduled to land at Beijing International Airport at 6.30am local Beijing time. 

The flight was carrying a total number of 239 passengers and crew – comprising 227 passengers (including 2 infants), 12 crew members. The passengers were of 14 different nationalities - citizens from:-


1.    China – 152 plus 1 infant

2.    Malaysia - 38

3.    Indonesia - 12

4.    Australia - 6

5.    France - 3

6.    United States of America – 3 pax plus 1 infant

7.    New Zealand - 2

8.    Ukraine - 2

9.    Canada - 2

10.  Russia - 1

11.  Italy - 1

12.  Taiwan - 1

13.  Netherlands - 1

14.  Austria - 1

This flight was a code share with China Southern Airlines.

We are working with authorities who have activated their Search and Rescue team to locate the aircraft.

Our team is currently calling the next-of-kin of passengers and crew.

The flight was piloted by Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, a Malaysian aged 53. He has a total flying hours of 18,365hours. He joined Malaysia Airlines in 1981. First officer, Fariq Ab.Hamid, a Malaysian, is aged 27. He has a total flying hours of 2,763 hours. He joined Malaysia Airlines in 2007.

Our focus now is to work with the emergency responders and authorities and mobilize its full support. Our thoughts and prayers are with all affected passengers and crew and their family members.

The airline will provide regular updates on the situation. The public may contact +603 7884 1234. For media queries, kindly contact +603 8777 5698/ +603 8787 1276.

Next-of-kin may head to the Support Facility Building at KLIA’s South Support Zone. For directions, call 03 8787 1269. 

Edited by Indy
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evo ga i kvazi-video sa FR24





edit: još par stvarčica:


ovaj avion (9M-MRO)  je izgleda pre dve godine imao oštećenje vrha krila, koje je moralo da se rekonsgtruiše:











plus ide buzz da je na spisku putnika izvesni luigi maraldi, čiji je pasoš ukraden prošle godine, a nejasno je da li je on bio u avionu ili je neko koristio njegov pasoš.








Vietnamese troops have found oil traces in the sea, running across 20 kilometers. #MH370 http://on.china.cn/1n41ZBm 

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Interesantno, posle Italijana pojavio se i Austrijanac koji je živ i zdrav ali mu je pasoš bio ukraden prošle godine na Tajlandu.


Dakle, osim ukoliko nije u pitanju dvostruki slučaj istovetnog imena i prezimena (a mislim da bi morao da bude i istovetan datum rođenja), izgleda da su u avionu bila dva putnika sa ukradenim pasošima evropskih državljana. Na sve to WSJ kaže da je obojici ovih misterioznih putnika karte izdao isti prevoznik - China Southern.

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