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rokaju jer se to 'trazi' i prodaje


u vezi sa temom uopsteno, a sto je mozda i pisano ovde,  jel istina da je toerietski moguce konstruisati oooooooooooooooogromni padobran, ili vise njih, koji bi se u nekim situacijama otvorio iznad aviona i potencijalno spasao zivote ali da to puno kosta (tezina se povecava -> potrosnja goriva se povecava i sl)? s obzirom da takvi padobrani za male avione vec postoje


70 tona? Mislim da nema šanse.

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opet, sa drugog foruma, urađen je brzi prevod na engleski izjava predstavnika francuskog agencije b.a.e.


www.francetvinfo.fr live feed

Start Presser:


priority will be given to find the recorders and finding the aircraft main components

then certain choices will be made to recouperate and analyze certain parts of the plane made difficult by the scattered aircraft parts all over

the aircraft has followed the planned route it was at cruise alt 38,000 ft around 9.30 am las tmessage to the tower the message was routine

he was allowed to continue as normal

about one mi nute later the aircraft started a descent until the last radar position - the impact at the impact site -about 10 minutes

the last altitude recorded by the radar was 6000 feet

we cannot tell why the aircraft descended to the crash and why the contact was lost

the flight recorder found yesterday was remitted to us at 9.45 am this morning

the important part containing the data is in our hands there is also a part for the sea which is not important for us

the work of reading of this has began immediately and some difficulty have been met but we have succeded extracting an audio file that can be used

but it is too early to draw conclusions on what happened

we need to work on this audio file to decipher all the details in the file

we have the audio files for the whole length of the flight so we need to work on it

they will have to do it in conjunction with the other flight recorder and work on the two recorders to refine the comprehension of the flight so they can transcribe the data

could take several weeks or months

we will communicate as soon as we have more information

they have not found the second flight recorder he said

they have no knowledge of any flight recorder that was totally destroyed in the whole aviation history.

he cannot confirm that no element of the second flight recorder were found

he says the area of the crash is not that big so they should not have too much trouble finding the other flight recorder and be able to fully analyze the flight data

he said they will scour the whole of the area and do everything necessary to find the second flight recorder

3000 ft/minute descent (constant) radar data

he said he will close no door on the cause of the crash

he says the aviation world had a lot of mishaps so the context is difficult but the work will be done and we will take all the time necessary aside from all the emotional feed coming from the crash

the radar trajectory goes to some hundred meters of the crash point the aircraft flew until the end

the debris do not show an aircraft that exploded in flight

they are too small this kind of debris shows an impact on a very hard surface at very high speed

(mali accident last summer)

they are going to recoop all the weather data at departure, during flight and at crash point to see if this can be a factor for the crash but nothing shows any weather problems

the accident
technical problems?
or intentional action?

they have no information on this yet so they cannot tell for hte time being.

techies from the airline and from the constructor will participate in the inquest

some bea people are on site they are not there to inspect precisely certain debris but to find the missing recorder and examine certain debris they have found

some might be repatriated to be sent to a lab

they will start transcribing the first recorder asap before they find the second recorder

they hope to find the second recorder soon

too early to tell about the engines not one engine failure and not two engine failures

they will look at the professional backgrounds of the pilots but their names will not be made public

End Presser



Another presser at Barcelona airport will take place at 7.00 PM local time

Edited by Prospero
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sad malo zaverologije mene neukog - kakve su vojne procedure kad nema komunikacije sa vazduhoplovom a isti neko vreme ponire i gadja rejon gde ima naselja?

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Pa pretpostavio sam, više me interesovalo posle 11.9. koliko vremena treba da se smatra da je avion podivljao™, a koliko da je u kvaru, ima li tu nekih pravila na evropskom nebu.

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Pa, koliko je meni poznato, kontrola predaje problem vojsci.

Ide se ciljem da se ostvari vizuelni kontakt i da ga navedu/sprovedu do prve piste.

Edited by wall
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Ma znam, samo razmišljam ima li razlike između civilnog i vojnog poimanja problema

Vojska vidi civilne letove na svojim radarima i unapred dobija njihove planove leta, tako da teoretski i oni mogu da "vide" ako dodje do nekih čudnih odstupanja. Ali pošto ne komuniciraju sa civilnim saobraćajem oni prevashodno zavise od inputa civilne kontrole i aktiviraće dežurne presretače samo ako ih civilna kontrola pozove, ili ako neki avion udje u neki deo vazdušnog prostora koji je zatvoren za civilni saobraćaj, ili ukoliko se nepoznata/neidentifikovana letelica pojavi u vazdušnom prostoru...

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(Reuters) - One of the pilots on the German Airbus plane that crashed in the French Alps, killing everyone onboard, left the cockpit and was unable to return before the plane went down, the New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing evidence from a cockpit voice recorder.

“The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door and there is no answer,” an unnamed investigator told the Times. “And then he hits the door stronger and no answer. There is never an answer.”

“You can hear he is trying to smash the door down,” the investigator added.

(Reporting by Peter Cooney in Washington; Editing by Eric Beech)

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Ne verujem, to lici da se u kabini dogodilo nesto sto je trenutno ubilo posadu i onemogucilo provaljivanje unutra sa druge strane. Uklapa se u scenario po kome je izletela soferka.

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Kol'ko kontam, već odavno je nemoguće ući u kokpit ako te neko iznutra ne pusti, odnosno, ako jedan baja ostane unutra sam, i nešto mu se desi (ili on reši da skenja aeroplan) - ćaozdravo.


Moraće da se ponovo osmisli taj security pristup, ako se ispostavi da je jedan pilot zdrav i prav džedžao pred vratima (a to se implicira i u slučaju MH370)...

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Nisam siguran da li je to standard ali Boeing u nekim modelima na vrata kokpita ugradjuje elektronsku bravu koja se spolja može otvoriti šifrom koju zna posada. Postoji čak i varijanta sa ključem koji se nalazi na skrivenom mestu negde u avionu.


Potpuno mi je neverovatno da informacije iz laboratorije ovako cure.

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Kol'ko kontam, već odavno je nemoguće ući u kokpit ako te neko iznutra ne pusti, odnosno, ako jedan baja ostane unutra sam, i nešto mu se desi (ili on reši da skenja aeroplan) - ćaozdravo.


Moraće da se ponovo osmisli taj security pristup, ako se ispostavi da je jedan pilot zdrav i prav džedžao pred vratima (a to se implicira i u slučaju MH370)...


Nikada ne ostaje jedan baja unutra sam zakljucan. Jedna seka mora da udje unutra kada jedan baja izadje do wc-a. 


A sada ozbiljno, smislili su taj security pristup davno. Na telefonu pored kokpita se upali svetlo, stjuardesa se javi, porazgovara sa pilotima, i ako joj kazu da jedan mora do wc-a, ona pozove jos jednu stjuardesu. Pilot izadje napolje, jedna stjuardesa ulazi u kokpit i zakljucava vrata, a druga stane izmedju kabine i kokpita, da cuva prilaz dok je pilot u wc-u.

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