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ma da, al secas da je bila prica kako su Australijanci ulozili ne znam koje pare u taj Jindalee radar i da on zahvata ne znam kolko od AUS obale i da su oni sigurni da nista nisu registrovali u tom opsegu, pa su onda pravili kruznice oko Jindalee-a i trazili prvu tacku izvan Jindalee dometa koja se preklapa sa zadnjim pingom u 08:00h na INMARSAT osi da bi imali nekakvu predstavu de da ih traze... da bi se sad ispostavilo da je sta ? taj Jindalee kurton i da su oni ladno usli njima u domet a ovi ga nisu registrovali ?


edit: evo nasao sam sliku opet.


Edited by DarkAttraktor
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sem što znamo za postojanje jindaleeja i nekakvih nominalnih tehničkih specifikacija, ništa se pametno nije čulo. ne verujem da bi australijanci lutali u potrazi da su imali iole preciznu lokaciju zadnjeg radarskog odraza.

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  • 2 weeks later...

U najmanju ruku fotka ne prikazuje da raketa pada, evo ga dole video gde je sve нормально do 160 sec...



Posle je zveknula negde: "There was an emergency engines shutdown on the 540th second following the launch, the Russian Federal Space Agency said, as quoted by Itar-Tass."

Edited by Skyhighatrist
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  • 2 weeks later...

seća li se neko malaysian-a? :(

Missing Malaysia plane ‘not in ping area’
29/05 10:36 CET
Australian officials say the missing Malaysia Airlines plane is not in the area they had identified.

Last month acoustic pings thought to be from the plane’s black boxes were heard near the zone where satellite data put its last location, some 1,600 km off Australia’s northwest coast.

But a thorough scan of the area around the pings has failed to find any sign of the Beijing-bound Boeing which disappeared shortly after taking off from Kuala Lumpur on March 8.

This is despite the most extensive and expensive search effort in aviation history.

Investigators say what little evidence they have to work with suggests the Boeing 777 was deliberately diverted thousands of kilometres from its scheduled route.

The pings may have come from a rescue ship according to reported comments from one US navy source although another said these remarks were “speculative and premature”.

For relatives of the 239 passengers and crew, the mystery and agony continues.

Complicating the picture further, Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss says officials remain confident that the missing jet is somewhere in the southern Indian Ocean.

Copyright © 2014 euronews

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"Svedok" koji je video MH370.


"U isto su vreme na nebu u njenom vidokrugu bila su još dva aviona, ali onaj koji je goreo bio je na upola manjoj visini."



Možda RV okolnih zemalja i nije spavalo...

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Ista priča kao kod onog lika sa naftne platforme koji je video avion u plamenu na potpuno drugoj strani sveta. Ko zna šta su i on i ona duvali.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pratio sam ovu misteriju od početka pa do.. ne mogu da kažem "kraja".


Zapitao sam se pre neki dan zašto se podaci koji se snimaju na "crne kutije" ne strimuju na neki zemaljski centar, ili više njih.


Da li je tako nešto ikada pokušano?

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  • 3 weeks later...

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