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Zemljotres od 9 stepeni Rihtera u Japanu, 11.03.2011

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  On 12. 12. 2011. at 13:59, Quince said:
edit: sudeci prema dabovicevom valjanju, jel to neki trik u samom slovenackom?
ma ne nego je smeh moja prirodna reakcija na ekstremni bezobrazluk

mmmmda... ko bi reko, japanci...

Pristojno, pošteno, iskreno...


  • 2 months later...

Danas je godinu dana od velikog Tohoku zemljotresa i tsunamija.Po celoj zemlji sirene u 14:46, minut cutanja, tako i TV vesti pocinju.Scena ove jezive drame, gradska kuca u Minamisanriku, gde su preziveli samo oni koji su se popeli na antenu:japansanriku02.jpgjapansanriku03.jpgjapansanriku04.jpgjapansanriku05.jpgTo isto mesto (skelet gradske kuce se vidi) je danas bilo jedno od vaznijih za okupljanje i odavanje poste poginulima:japantohoku01.jpgIsto ovo + nastavak ovde.Slike koje sam ranije postovao su nestale jer je (placeni) hosting sajt obustavio rad (bankrotirao?), ne znam zasto.

Serijal uporednih slika, za vreme (ili neposredno posle) katastrofew i godinu dana kasnije.http://news.yahoo.co...-120529450.htmlNeke slike su stvarno potresne, podsećaju na Hirošimu posle rata. Na nekim mestima im je trbalo godinu dana samo da sklone sav krš od zgrada,vozila i brodova.

Edited by bigvlada

  • 2 weeks later...

Damage limitation

One year after the Fukushima Daiichi accident of 11 March 2011, NEIreviews the principal developments on the Fukushima Daiichi site.

By Will Dalrymple, editor of Nuclear Engineering International magazine

Nuclear Engineering International ©2012The earthquake and tsunami that hit the east coast of Japan on 11 Marchknocked out power for a prolonged period at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear powerplant. The station blackout in turn led to explosions at units 1, 3 and 4 andto serious damage of units 1-4 (units 5&6, although flooded, wererelatively unscathed). As the emergency response period subsided, national andinternational organisations worldwide responded with reports andrecommendations. On site, controlling utility TEPCO stabilised reactor coolingand, with the Japanese government, developed a long-term decommissioning plan.Below is a digest of principal events on site.

Water treatment

In the early days of the crisis, fire trucks pumped seawater into Fukushima Daiichi units 1-3 (as unit 4 was shut down at the time of the tsunami, its heat-generating fuel was in its spent fuel pond). Although this early cooling water was essential for reactor safety, it contributed to what is probably the biggest near-term decontamination issue on the site: the vast amount of contaminated water flooding low-lying basements of reactor and turbine buildings, and trenches (estimated at 100,000 m3 in June). Most of this was seawater that burst through ground-level doors and windows in the tsunami surge, and then became contaminated by radioactive cooling water that leaked out of the reactors’ primary containment vessels.Starting in June, a treatment process started to feed the flooded water through a decontamination system and circulate it back into the reactors to cool them. The first Areva-Kurion decontamination system was shown to reduce concentrations of the dominant long-lived radionuclide, Caesium-137 (half life of 30 years, respectively) by one million times. In August, a Toshiba-led SARRY (simplified active water retrieve and recovery system) caesium adsorption system started up in parallel to improve the stability and reliability of the whole water treatment system; its decontamination factor reached 500,000 in late November. A second SARRY system, also in parallel, started up in October.In the system, decontaminated water is sent to another processing unit that removes the corrosive salt in the water. A first reverse-osmosis-based unit started up in June (desalination factor 560); it was augmented by three lines of evaporative concentration apparatus in early and late August, and October (desalination factor 9000).Initially, TEPCO planned to use existing storage tanks on site to hold all of this water, but as the extent of the contaminated water became clearer, arrays of tanks of varying shapes, sizes and contents have sprung up all around the site. High-level contaminated radioactive water tanks for 2800 tons were installed in September. Processed water tanks amounting to 145,200 tons had been installed by mid-December; units 5&6 have employed a 10,000 ton-capacity barge formerly used as a sport-fishing attraction to hold contaminated water. As of 7 February, 230,000 m3 of contaminated water had been treated, and 76,500 m3 remains inside the buildings. This is a long-term initiative; according to a recent decommissioning plan, water treatment is not scheduled to end until 2021.Initially, the feedwater system injected cooling water into reactor units 1-3, which places water at the bottom of the RPV, and cools it through evaporation. Starting in September, TEPCO began to cool the reactor cores of units 2 and 3 from above the fuel, by injecting water through the core spray line. The actual water supply architecture for injection is complicated, partly because of the various sources of water (offsite fresh water, onsite processed water from various tanks, onsite emergency water sources), and partly to provide redundancy and defence-in-depth in case of another accident. During the early days of the crisis, helicopter crews attempted rather unsuccessfully to dump cooling water from a helicopter into the fifth-floor spent fuel pools. Then TEPCO switched to using concrete pumps to cool the spent fuel pools of units 1, 3 and 4 (unit 2’s spent fuel pond was also cooled with seawater injection, probably through its opened blow-out panel). By late August, TEPCO installed a two-loop alternative cooling system in the spent fuel pools of all four units. The system takes water from the spent fuel pool’s skimmer surge tank and runs it through a heat exchanger, which cools it by heating up water in a new secondary loop that dumps its heat to the air via an outdoor fin cooler. Later, desalination and decontamination circuits running through truck-mounted skids were also attached to the spent fuel ponds.

State of the coreTEPCO now estimates that unit 1 was the worst affected; most of its fuelhas drained out of the reactor pressure vessel, via the bottom-mounted controlrod tubes or instrumentation penetrations, into the concrete primarycontainment vessel. There was no water injection into unit 1 for about 14hours. TEPCO reasons that the unit’s decay heat before seawater injection‘significantly exceeded’ RPV water and materials’ heat absorption capacity;this fact also explains why the RPV temperature has been low from an earlystage. Units 2&3 have not been as badly affected; they were each deniedwater for a much shorter time than unit 1, about six and a half hours. In consequence,lesser amounts of fuel from units 2&3 have dropped out of the RPV and intothe PCV, based on comparisons of decay heat versus total heat absorptioncapacity of water in the core, and based on evidence from RPV temperaturetrends after water injection restarted. The right-hand image includes twocases; a best-case estimate based on data collected in March (top circle), anda worst-case estimate (bottom circle). Unit 4 had no fuel loaded in the core atthe time of the incident, and so was not damaged.

Edited by PointTaken

Damage limitation

One year after the Fukushima Daiichi accident of 11 March 2011, NEIreviews the principal developments on the Fukushima Daiichi site.

By Will Dalrymple, editor of Nuclear Engineering International magazine

Nuclear Engineering International ©2012


There have been three reported releases ofradiation into the seawater at Fukushima Daiichi. One was intentional: inApril, TEPCO flushed out 10,000 tons of contaminated wastewater from thelow-level central radioactive waste storage facility, to make way to treathighly-contaminated floodwaters. It also released about 1500 tons of low-levelcontaminated water from the units 5&6 sub-drain pits, to try to stop thatwater flowing into the buildings.

Radiation leaked out of a trench nearFukushima Daiichi unit 2, discovered and plugged in early April. Based on theangle of the water spouting from the leak, engineers estimated the volume ofthe water released as 520 m3, and estimated that the totalradioactivity emitted as 4.7x1015 Bq.

To stop the leaks, TEPCO installed steelplates in the screen rooms of units 1-4, silt fences in front of the screenrooms of units 1-4, sandbags around the south pier of the power station, and 10sandbags with radiation absorber zeolite in front of the screen rooms. TEPCOalso installed floating silt screens to reduce the mobility of radioactivesilt. Since then, it has also set up a pumped circulation decontaminationsystem using a zeolite tower on the quayside.

In May, highly radioactive water was foundleaking into a cable pit near the Fukushima Daiichi unit 3 water intake, foundto have Cs-137 concentrations of 5x104 Bq/cm3, 1.25 million times the legal limit, but wasstopped the same day.

Later, in June, TEPCO set up a larger concretewall blocking off water intake, and installed a line of steel pipe sheet pilesin the August to September period on the south end of the water intake. As oflate January 2012, preparations were underway to install a permanent steel pipesheet pile wall in front of the unit 1-4 water intakes. Environmentalmonitoring will continue.


In April, Japanese safety regulator NISAestimated the total amount of radiation released by the Fukushima accident inthe first several weeks of the crisis was about a tenth of that released by the1986 Chernobyl disaster, about 5x1017 Bq. That includes between 0.6-1.2x1016 Bq of Cs-137, which has a 30-yearhalf life.

Air emissions in January were about 70 millionBq/hr, 45 million from unit 3, 20 million from unit 2 (which did not suffer anexplosion) and two million from unit 1, which benefits from a temporarysoft-sided frame to reduce the potential to spread contamination. In August-October 2011, the frame was assembled by crane usingremotely-actuated rigging gear to reduce the radiological risk; then panelsand roof trusses were lifted into place. Exhaust gas (40,000 m3/hr) is filtered,sampled, and vented through the station’s smokestack. In October, thepre-filter detectors measured Cs-137 concentrations of 1.4x10-4 Bq/sec, and post-filtrationvalues were 175 times lower. Plans are in place to install other temporary, andthen permanent, covers. Work has begun to clear rubble on top of units 3 and 4.

Site decontamination

TEPCO has used remote-controlled excavators, dumptrucks, and small and large vacuum suction rigs to clear the site of the debrisleft by the tsunami. Site workers sprayed buildings and grounds with agreen-dyed polymer spray to immobilize potentially-radioactive dust.

TEPCO’s total plan to decommission FukushimaDaiichi units 1-4 will proceed in three phases, and is expected to take 40years. The two key tasks are removal of fuel from the spent fuel pools(beginning with unit 4, then unit 3) and fuel debris removal starting in about2019, after intensive inspections and R&D. For now, however, the documentsays that TEPCO is working to a three-year plan from a safety directiveproduced by the government regulator Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency called‘Ensuring mid-term safety’. Targets and schedules will be released on an annualbasis.

Site safety

To date, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident itselfhas not caused any documented deaths. However, there have been six deaths onsite: two workers were killed by the tsunami, and four site workers have fallenill and died from unrelated causes (two heart attacks, one case of acuteleukaemia and one case of sepsis).

Although anannual dose of 100 mSv was the standard radiation limit for nuclear power plantworkers, the government raised the limit to 250 mSv for emergency tasks.

  • 4 weeks later...

Nema veze sa zemljotresom ali ima sa Japanomhttp://www.b92.net/biz/vesti/svet.php?yyyy=2012&mm=04&dd=20&nav_id=602136

Japan ispada iz lige najrazvijenih?Tokio -- Japan bi do 2050. mogao da ispadne iz lige razvijenih zemalja, navedeno je izveštaju Instituta za javnu politiku 21. veka.Razlozi za to su smanjenje i starenje populacije, kao i usporavanje produktivnosti, koji utiču na slabljenje japanske ekonomije.U izveštaju se navodi da će osipanje radne snage, uzrokovano hronično niskom stopom nataliteta, zajedno sa manjim ušteđevinama i slabijim investicijama povući nadole nekada snažnu ekonomiju, prenosi agencija AFP.Ova analitičko-savetnička organizacija, koja sarađuje sa japanskom privrednom federacijom Keidanren, tvrdi da će japanska ekonomija u jednom trenutku u 2030-im početi da slabi, čak i ukoliko produktivnost dostigne prosečan nivo svetskih vodećih ekonomija.Japanski bruto domaći proizvod (BDP) će u 2014. biti manji od BDP-a Indije, dok će do 2050. "u značajno meri" izgubiti svoje ekonomsko prisustvo. Japanska ekonomija je, pre nego što je prošle godine pretekla Kina, bila druga najveća ekonomija sveta.Prema najmračnijem scenariju, njena ekonomija će nastaviti da slabi zbog pogoršanja fiskalnih uslova, budući da će BDP potonuti do tačke prema kom se više ne može nalaziti među najrazvijenijim svetskim ekonomijama.Međutim, budućnost ne mora da bude tako strašna i tmurna, jer kada bi zakonodavci mogli da do 2040. povećaju učešće žena u radnoj snazi na istom nivou kao što je to urađeno u Švedskoj, Japan bi ipak do 2050. mogao biti četvrta najveća svetska ekonomija.Japan je u ligu svetskih ekonomija ušao 70-ih i 80-ih godina prošlog veka, ali je krajem 80-ih preživeo pucanje berzanskog mehura od koga se do danas nije oporavio.Godine anemičnog rasta i neuspešnih akcija uzastopnih vlada opteretili su Japan javnim dugom koji je dvostruko veći od bruto domaćeg proizvoda, uz upozorenja analitičara da samo veći poreski prihodi ili smanjenja troškova mogu premostiti taj manjak.Japanska populacija već je u opadanju zbog niske stope nataliteta i gotovo nepostojećih nivoa imigracije. Prema poslednjem izveštaju vlade, objavljenom početkom ove godine, očekuje se da bi brojnost japanskog stanovništva u narednih 100 godina mogla biti smanjenja za čak dve trećine.
  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  On 29. 3. 2011. at 10:31, Yoyogi said:
Nista ne curi, taman posla na sve strane, ne mrdam malim prstom.
  • 2 weeks later...

evo ga ponovo

A magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck off the Fukushima region of Japan, according to the U.S. Geological Service.The epicenter was located 231 miles east of Japan's Honshu Island. The tremor was felt 300 miles away in Tokyo.The Japan Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning at 1:14 p.m. EST for Fukushima Prefecture."Marine threat is in place," the agency warns. "Get out of the water and leave the coast immediately."The agency said it expects a slight sea level change in coastal regions, but no tsunami damage.NOAA's Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said the quake was not expected to trigger a Pacific-wide tsunami and that there was no threat to Hawaii.All but two of Japan's 50 reactors have been offline since the March 2011 magnitude-9.0 earthquake and ensuing tsunami triggered multiple meltdowns and massive radiation leaks at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, about 160 miles northeast of Tokyo. About 19,000 people were killed.

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