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Guardian ima punu Rafinu izjavu. Nije ispao smrad.



One of Djokovic’s great rivals on the tennis court, Rafael Nadal, has given his reaction on Spanish radio, calling the ongoing situation “a circus”.

“Whether or not I agree with Djokovic on some things, justice has spoken and has said he has the right to participate in the Australian Open and I think it is the fairest decision to do so. I wish him the best of luck,” Nadal told Onda Cero on Monday, in quotes reported by Reuters.

“On a personal level, I’d much rather he didn’t play,” Nadal joked, adding “everything is much better when the best can be playing.” The draw for the men’s singles is set to take place this Thursday, whether or not Djokovic is included.

Nadal also reiterated his support for vaccination against Covid-19, having been critical of Djokovic’s stance last week. “The most important institutions in the world say that the vaccine is the way to stop this pandemic and the disaster that we have been living for the last 20 months.”


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