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Ki-Mun jutros telefonirao Gadafiju.Prva potrvrda da je njegova pozicija bar okvirno jos uvek u Libiji.
a roming? pukovnika bas briga za troskove :Pko sto napisala juce, najmanje verujem da ce da bezi. to je isti um kao djeneralov.sad sam gledala pasos stari, pa se setih, za poslovne posete, izlazna viza se ne dobija na aerodromu, nego se podnosi negde, pa se ceka do 72 sata, ili cim dodjes, odmah trazis.nego, ovo je zanimljiv stav najmocniije vojske na svetu:
Iran foments instability in the Middle East but is not behind popular protests in Bahrain and other countries in the region, top US military officer Admiral Mike Mullen said Monday in Qatar. "Iran, I still believe, is a country that continues to foment instability in the region, take advantage of every opportunity," said Mullen, who is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. But "from my perspective that has not been the principal focus of what happened in Egypt or what happened in Bahrain or any of these other countries," he said, referring to popular protests against various Middle East regimes. "Those are by and large internal issues, as opposed to issues fomented by some external forces," Mullen said, although "there's always concerns in this region with Iran and certainly the US has them as well as all the regional players." Iran "was part of the discussions today with the Saudis," Mullen said. Mullen, who began Sunday a Gulf tour in Saudi Arabia, could travel to Bahrain, where the US Fifth Fleet is headquartered, as part of his trip, people travelling with him said. Protests in the tiny Gulf kingdom, which is ruled by a Sunni dynasty but has a Shiite majority, began on February 14, and are still ongoing. Seven demonstrators have been killed since the anti-regime protests began, according to an AFP tally based on relatives of victims and opposition officials. However, the US navy has said the demonstrations have not disrupted American operations in the kingdom. "As far as Fifth Fleet operations, no, the demonstrations have not had any impact here -- we're continuing to conduct our regular business out here," a spokesman for the Fifth Fleet said on Monday. In the Qatari capital Doha, Mullen met with Crown Prince Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and army chief of staff General Hamad al-Attiyah. Mullen is to also travel to the United Arab Emirates, Djibouti, possibly Bahrain, and then to Kuwait to participate in ceremonies marking the 20th anniversary of the liberation of the country from Iraqi occupation.
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u ovim trenucima, nakon popodnevne molitve, postoji velika verovatnoca nove eskalacije nasilja na ulicama tripolija. verovatno i veceg nego sinocnjeg. javlja se i o prekidu telefonskih veza izmedju gradova u samoj libiji.

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Libija je de facto prestala da postoji onakvom kakvu je poznajemo, nadajmo se da će čitava stvar biti brzo okončana i da će nova ekipa uspostaviti kakav-takav red.
Ne ljutite se, ali ko je (bi mogao biti) nova ekipa u Libiji?
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ocekivano iz evrope

The European Union on Monday condemned the Libyan government's repression of protesters and called on all sides to show restraint. After two days of talks on the turmoil in the Arab world, foreign ministers issued a declaration saying the EU "condemns the ongoing repression against demonstrators in Libya and deplores the violence and the death of civilians". The 27-nation bloc "calls for an immediate end to the use of force against protesters, and for all parties to show restraint". The ministers called on Libya to respect freedom of expression and the right to assemble peacefully. "The legitimate aspirations and demands of people for reform must be addressed through open, inclusive, meaningful and national Libyan-led dialogue, that would bring a constructive future for the country and for the people. "We strongly encourage all sides in this respect," they said.
a libijska drzavna televizija u duhu bastiljinih perjanica
Libyan security forces are targeting "dens of terrorists" and urged Libyan citizens to cooperate with the operation to restore security in the country, state television reported
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Jedna državljanka Srbije rekla je da imaju nalog da se zatvore i čekaju na evakuaciju. "Stvarno je gadno, kod nas gori policijska stanica i niko je ne gasi. Telefoni ni mobilni više ne rade, ali nekako nam je pušten Internet", javila je srpska državljanka.
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detalji gadafijeve vladavine

Key events in the 41-year reign of Moamer Kadhafi in Libya: - September 1969: A group of army officers ousts Libya's monarch, King Idriss, in a bloodless coup. Kadhafi, aged 27, emerges as the key leader. - December 1969: Kadhafi announces a plan to merge Libya with Sudan and neighbouring Egypt. Like a series of later such projects, it comes to nothing. - 1970: The new regime shuts down British and US military bases in Libya. - 1973: Nationalisation of foreign oil companies. Kadhafi makes the first of a series of interventions in a long-running conflict in Chad, which borders Libya to the south. - 1976: Publication of Kadhafi's "Green Book", laying out a theory rejecting both capitalism and marxism. - 1977: Libya is renamed the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, or state of the masses. Power is formally vested in a network of people's committees. - 1980: In neighbouring Tunisia, rebels attack the town of Gafsa, killing 48 people. Tunisia accuses Libya of arming the attackers. - 1984: A British policewoman is killed by shots fired from the Libyan embassy in London during a protest. Britain cuts off relations with Libya. - 1986: US president Ronald Reagan orders an air raid on the Libyan capital after blaming Libya for a bomb attack that killed a US serviceman in Germany. The US raid kills 44 people, including one of Kadhafi's adopted daughters. Relations between the two countries are cut off. - 1988: A US airliner explodes over the Scottish town of Lockerbie, killing all 259 people on board and 11 on the ground. Suspicion initially falls on Syria, but after a long legal process a Libyan agent is convicted and jailed in Scotland by a court operating in The Hague. - 1989: An airliner of the French company UTA explodes over west Africa, killing all 170 people on board. Suspicion again falls on Libya, and 10 years later a French court sentences six Libyans for the bombing, although none of them is handed over. - 1992: The United Nations imposes sanctions on Libya over the Lockerbie bombing. - 2003: Libya agrees to compensate victims of the Lockerbie attack, and the UN sanctions are lifted. After secret talks with Washington, Kadhafi also says his country is giving up attempts to produce weapons of mass destruction. - 2004: Libya agrees to compensate victims of the UTA bombing. British Prime Minister Tony Blair becomes the first Western leader to visit the country. - 2005: Major US oil companies resume operations in Libya for the first time since 1986. - 2006: The United States and Libya resume full diplomatic ties, and the US removes Libya from its list of countries supporting terrorism. - 2007: Five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor convicted of intentionally infecting Libyan children with the virus that causes AIDS are freed after eight years in a Libyan jail. - 2009: Kadhafi visits Italy after the signature of a treaty settling colonial-era disputes. Seriously ill, the Libyan agent jailed over the Lockerbie bombing is freed from his Scottish prison and allowed to go home.
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Kadhafi may be on his way to Venezuela: British foreign minister
čak ni 1 bilmez kakav je Čaves ne bi to sebi dopustio, s obzirom na okolnosti.
Source in Hugo Chavez's Government denies Gaddafi coming to Venezuala. Reuters
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Ma nema taj đe da ide, eventualno kod Berluskonijia, pošto lider jedne od zemalja EU sebi dozvoljava stvari kojih bi se i Mugabe stideo

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Kadhafi may be on his way to Venezuela: British foreign minister
Pojasnio je: šuška se, a on komentira ko mi.
Kako silno želim da vidim stotine hiljada libijskih emigranata na obalama Italije, ja to ne mogu opisati rečima.
laugh.gifnego, luba, vaso, jedan egipatski twiteraš je senzacionaliziran time što mu je pasport pregledala ženska 'cajka. Any comments?ltofh.jpg Edited by Roger Sanchez
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