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Ministarstvo u saopštenju ističe da je u saradnji sa nacionalnim avioprevoznikom “Jat ervejzom“ obezbedilo potreban broj aviona za evakuaciju srpskih državljana, koji se trenutno nalaze u Libiji.
Srbija se ne odbija.
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Cekaj, jel to protestanti vec drze pola zemlje, jbt?Au, ovi su bili najbrzi dosad
Niko ne zna sta je stvarno istina, osim onih koji treba da znaju ;) A sta ce se desiti sa Al Jazeerom ako protesti pocnu u Dohi?
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u sustini se od jutros nista nije promenilo na ulicama tripolija. tamo vlada strah i neizvesnost.edit: prve, jako nezvanicne brojke o broju mrtvih za tripoli kazu da ih je oko 60-ak. prvi konvoj lekarske pomoci za bengazi tamo stize danas iz egipta, a najavljeno da ce tamo i prvi novinari. sve u svemu, dok je na istoku kakav-takav red, na zapadu libije je potpuni haos.

Edited by Bane5
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Svasta nesto nacuje covek na onom Twitteru.Libyan Army carries out airstrike on protesters in Benghazi..Four helicopters reportedly circling Green Square in central Tripoli, where protesters have gathered.Head of military Abu Bakr Yunis under house arrest in Tripoli for refusing orders..GADDAFI BURNING HIS SOLDIERS INSIDE THEIR BARRACKS 4 REFUSING 2 KILL PPLLibyan justice minister resigns in protest at excessive use of violence against protesters.

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The World Economic Forum has suspended Seif Gaddafi from its Forum of Young Global Leadersgroup.
A White House official tells reporters President Obama's administration is "seeking clarification" from Libyan counterparts "as we continue to raise with them the need to avoid violence against peaceful protesters and to respect human rights". Says they are analysing last night's speech by Saif Gaddafi "to see what possibilities it contains for meaningful reform".
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ko li je u njima?
Borbeni avioni nisu baš pogodni za VIP bežaniju, moguće je da su piloti dezertirali. A još je više moguće da su bili u pratnji narečenih helikoptera.
Lilicev intervju je na tragu Saifove sinocne tirade - "propascete bez Pukovnika".
Neki će svakako propasti.Inače, ono za spaljivanje vojnika u barakama je verovatno ložana koja treba da uveća gnev i odlučnost naroda. Libija je de facto prestala da postoji onakvom kakvu je poznajemo, nadajmo se da će čitava stvar biti brzo okončana i da će nova ekipa uspostaviti kakav-takav red. Edited by beowl
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ovi sto su sleteli na maltu, rekli da su francuzi. mozda gadafi ima i francuske papire

Two Libyan fighter jets and two civilian helicopters carrying seven people who told immigration police they were French landed in Malta on Monday, Maltese military sources said. Sources said that only one of the passngers had a passport. All those who have landed are being held at the airport until their identity is confirmed. The helicopters were given permission to land in Malta but had not been given clearance to leave Libya, indicating that they had escaped, sources said.
ovo je otprilike jedino sto se sa sigurnoscu moze reci:
Benghazi in the east had fallen to demonstrators opposing Kadhafi's 41-year-old regime after military units deserted their posts, said the Paris-based International Federation for Human Rights (IFHR). With gunfire crackling in the streets of Tripoli, protesters also attacked police stations and the offices of the state broadcaster, Kadhafi's mouthpiece, as well as setting government buildings ablaze. IFHR head Souhayr Belhassen said protesters had control of Benghazi, Sirte, Tobruk in the east, as well as Misrata, Khoms, Tarhounah, Zenten, Al-Zawiya and Zouara, closer to the capital Tripoli. Witnesses in Sirte denied that Kadhafi's coastal hometown was under the control of protesters, but others in Al-Zawiya said that police had fled that city. The IFHR said that besides soldiers and diplomats, other senior regime officials had also defected to the side of protesters, demanding that Kadhafi go after more than 41 years in power. It said the protests had resulted in up to 400 deaths. Human Rights Watch earlier cited a death toll of 233. "The headquarters of Al-Jamahiriya Two television and Al-Shababia radio have been sacked," one witness said by telephone on condition of anonymity. Broadcasts on both channels were interrupted on Sunday evening but resumed on Monday morning. Some 500 Libyans meanwhile stormed and looted a South Korean construction site near Tripoli, injuring about 15 Bangladeshi and three South Korean workers, Seoul's foreign ministry said. Libya's justice minister, Mustapha Abdeljalil, resigned in objection to "the excessive use of force" against demonstrators, the Quryna newspaper website reported. In Cairo, Libya's Arab League envoy said he had resigned to "join the revolution." Tripoli's ambassador to Delhi also quit, as did a lower-level diplomat in Beijing who said Kadhafi may have left the country. Oil prices soared on the turmoil, and the Fitch agency downgraded Libya's debt rating a notch from BBB+ to BBB, adding that a further drop was likely. Benchmark Brent North Sea crude oil for delivery in April surged to $105.08 per barrel, its highest level since late September 2008, before pulling back slightly to $104.53, up $2.01 from Friday's close. New York's main contract, light sweet crude for March, known as West Texas Intermediate, hit $89.50 before later standing at $89.14, up $2.94 from Friday. British energy giant BP said it was preparing to evacuate some staff from Libya, which holds Africa's biggest oil reserves. Portugal said it sent a military plane to evacuate Europeans, as Washington and Brussels strongly condemned the use of lethal force, and UN chief Ban Ki-moon called for "the non-use of force and respect for basic freedoms."
Edited by luba
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