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Amerika, zemlja velika

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1 hour ago, Mos said:

Ovo je kao neka PPP verzija onoga kad je Ben Shapiro napao Hasana Pikera zašto je kupio kuću od 2 miliona dolara ako je socijalista :lolol:


Ali ja nemam ni kuću od 2 miliona dinara, a i nisam neki socijalista :cry: Jedino sam po gabaritu kao Has.

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9 hours ago, Weenie Pooh said:


Da, samo moram da ga najavim bar dve nedelje unapred i da mi odobre. 


Ideja je da ne bi odobrili ako neki hitan posao čeka, ali to se za ovih par godina još nije desilo.


Plaćaju me kalifornijski minimalac za prilično specijalizovan posao, tako da ih valjda ne košta previše moje vreme.



Uh, dobro je.


Po onome sto si ranije pisao o svom poslu, bas sam se pitao da li ce te zameniti ChatGPT.




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16 minutes ago, Budja said:

Uh, dobro je.


Po onome sto si ranije pisao o svom poslu, bas sam se pitao da li ce te zameniti ChatGPT.


Pa nije da nije validno pitanje, padne i meni na pamet svako malo, ali još uvek su previše retardirani svi ti chatbots & content generators.


Nikad neće moći AI rutina da nasere šefu sve ono što on želi da čuje, a posle uradi skroz suprotno jer zna bolje :fantom:


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I onda kad se pojavi neki Trump svi se pitaju kako je moguce da je zaludeo tolike ljude i kako su eto to neki debili. A ovde se elita toliko jasno brine oko svog i toliko lose poruke salje da je to skandalozno



Lep predgled desavanja sa SBFom



Edited by Lezilebovich
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Ne znam da li smo na ovoj temi pričali o legendarnom F-35, ali evo, uspeli su da zavale Nemcima deset komada za samo 8 milijardi dolara, posao veka.


A samo par dana kasnije, gledamo šta sve može ovo čudo tehnike - sleće vertikalno, driftuje, diže se na jedan točak, izbacuje pilota na metar od zemlje :hail:Baš su ga jeftino uzeli Nemci, cenim da će im pomoći oko odbrane gasovoda u budućnosti :fantom:



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On 16.12.2022. at 15:11, Mel said:

Deluje da je pilota tresnulo o zemlju...


Pa jeste brzo pao i prilično nestabilno lelujao u silasku, ali kažu da mu povrede nisu ozbiljnije prirode.


Generalno je jako rizično da se padobran otvara na tako maloj visini, nemaš vremena da se stabilizuješ i orijentišeš.

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17 hours ago, Weenie Pooh said:


Pa jeste brzo pao i prilično nestabilno lelujao u silasku, ali kažu da mu povrede nisu ozbiljnije prirode.


Generalno je jako rizično da se padobran otvara na tako maloj visini, nemaš vremena da se stabilizuješ i orijentišeš.


Valjda je bolje nego da nije ni imao taj padobran :ph34r: Mislim u teoriji ne bi trebalo nesto specijalno da ga sazaljevam tako da...

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Sean Hannity Testified He Didn't Believe Trump's Election Fraud Lies 'For 1 Second'
Sean Hannity was apparently willing to promote Donald Trump’s bogus election fraud claims on his Fox News show but unwilling to defend them while under oath.
The New York Times is reporting that when Hannity was deposed earlier this year as a part of a massive defamation lawsuit brought forward by Dominion Voting Systems against the right-wing network, he basically admitted his real thoughts about the 2020 election being stolen.
“I did not believe it for one second,” Hannity testified. (...)
In fact, Dominion lawyers argued in a Delaware courtroom on Wednesday that “not a single Fox witness” had produced anything that supported any of the bogus election fraud claims Trump and his supporters promoted after the 2020 presidential election.
Dominion lawyer Stephen Shackelford told the court that Hannity’s doubts were echoed in depositions with other Fox hosts and executives, including Tucker Carlson, who he said: “tried to squirm out of it at his deposition” when asked about what he really believed.


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The Great Gatsby Curve shows how hard it is for children to overcome their parents' income level. The easiest is for children in countries situated in the left-bottom part of the chart, i.e. low Gini coefficient and low Corak's score. The line in this chart has a positive slope.



The fading American dream: Trends in absolute income mobility since 1940


One of the defining features of the “American dream” is the aspiration that children have a higher standard of living than their parents (1). (...)
Using this methodology, we found that rates of absolute upward income mobility in the United States have fallen sharply since 1940. Under the benchmark of copula stability, the fraction of children earning more than their parents fell from 92% in the 1940 birth cohort to 50% in the 1984 birth cohort. (...)
Why have rates of upward income mobility fallen so sharply over the past half century? There have been two important macroeconomic trends that have affected the incomes of children born in the 1980s relative to those born in the 1940s: lower Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rates and greater inequality in the distribution of growth (17). (...)
Together, these simulations show that increasing GDP growth without changing the current distribution of growth would have modest effects on rates of absolute mobility. Under the current distribution of GDP, we would need real GDP growth rates above 6% per year to return to the rates of absolute mobility seen in the 1940s. Intuitively, because a large fraction of GDP goes to a small number of high income earners today, higher GDP growth does not substantially increase the number of children who earn more than their parents. Hence, reviving the “American dream” of high rates of absolute mobility would require more broadly shared economic growth rather than just higher GDP growth rates.





Fig. 1 Baseline estimates of absolute mobility by birth cohort.
(A and B) The fraction of children earning more than their parents (“absolute mobility”) by parent income percentile for selected child birth cohorts (A) and on average by child birth cohort (B). Only parents with positive income are included in (A); within this group, parent income percentiles are constructed according to their ranks in the distribution of parents’ incomes within each child cohort. Parents with zero income are included in (B), defining absolute mobility as 100% for that subgroup when computing the mean rate of absolute mobility by cohort. Child income is measured at age 30 in the CPS March supplement as the sum of individual and spousal income, excluding immigrants after 1994. Parent income is measured in the census as the sum of the spouses’ incomes for families in which the highest earner is between ages 25 and 35. Children’s and parents’ incomes are measured in real 2014 dollars using the CPI-U-RS. Absolute mobility is calculated by combining these income distributions with the copula estimated for the 1980 to 1982 cohorts in tax data by (12).


Edited by vememah
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