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Amerika, zemlja velika

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WP je doduše u martu 2017. pisao da želi da tu bude i sam sahranjen.



According to plans filed with local and state authorities, the Trump Organization has proposed to build a pair of graveyards at the site of its tony Trump National Golf Club Bedminster course.

One would be small: 10 plots overlooking the first hole. It was intended — or so they said — for Trump and his family. “Mr. Trump . . . specifically chose this property for his final resting place as it is his favorite property,” his company wrote in a filing with the state in 2014.

The other proposed cemetery would have 284 lots for sale to the public.


Edited by vememah
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3 hours ago, zorglub said:

Da, NY problem s beskućnicima očigledno rešava tako što ih sklanja s javnih mesta:



Čeka se reakcija LAa.


Ne treba reakcija, jer je u LA toplo, pa problem sa smrzavanjem skoro i da ne postoji.

Kada bi deo budzeta koristili u borbi protiv zavisnosti i mentalnnog zdravlja, verujem da bi barem na duzi rok situacija bila bolja.

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