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On ovome je  Mark Ames pisao u knjizi Going Postal, gde povezuje fenomen masovnih ubistava na poslu sa ekonomskom politikom Ronalda Regana. Mark ima tezak stil pisanja, ali je knjiga veoma informativna. 


Pročitati odgovore na ovaj preslatki dirljivi tvit









U pravu je čovek, odavno se zna da ko šta radi, socijalisti sabotiraju liftove:


No Exit: Why are anti-Trump conservatives constantly trapped inside elevators?


by Brendan James — 2016-09-07 08:00 am


Just as Winston Churchill once vowed to ally with the devil (Slavs) to defeat Adolf Hitler, this year’s election has brought together all kinds of ex-nemeses in opposition to Donald Trump and the sick, twisted, meme-literate political shock troops known as the “alt-right.”

In particular, there exists a band of serious, respectable conservatives who work at publications with names like the Liberty Sentinel and the American Standard who, perhaps for the first time ever, can agree on something with Hillary Clinton. Their battle cry is #NeverTrump.


There is only one thing holding them back: At any given moment, every one of these men is likely to be trapped inside of an elevator.


“Hi, @HomeDepot! Having a lovely afternoon at your Seven Corners store stuck in the elevator to the upper level of the parking deck,” tweeted Free Beacon executive editor Sonny Bunch in March...



Kolegi mi za preseljenje u Austrija isto tražili otiske prstiju

...shiit has hit the fan...

Posted (edited)

nase gore list obara rekorde. Cudi me da nasa zuta stampa ovo nije preuzela, bice da ne mogu da mu nadju profil na fejsu, pa ne znaju dal' je Srbin, Hrvat ili Crnogorac. 


Two container ship crew members face federal charges after authorities seized 33,000 pounds of cocaine from the vessel at the Port of Philadelphia on Tuesday. It was the largest drug bust in city history and as the investigation continues, it could get even bigger.

Ivan Durasevic, second mate on MSC Gayane, and another crew member, Fonofaavae Tiasage, are charged with conspiracy to possess cocaine aboard a ship

Edited by ObiW

Na listi “najsrećnijih zemalja na svetu”, Australija jedanaesta, Amerika devetnesta, a Tajland pedeset drugi. Interesantno je da je Kosovo na mestu broj 46. Zaključak: na Kosovu se kvalitetnije živi nego na Tajlandu.


Možda se ne živi kvalitetnije, al se radi bolja gudra, pa su Kosovari srećniji  :fantom:

27 minutes ago, ObiW said:

Na listi “najsrećnijih zemalja na svetu”, Australija jedanaesta, Amerika devetnesta, a Tajland pedeset drugi. Interesantno je da je Kosovo na mestu broj 46. Zaključak: na Kosovu se kvalitetnije živi nego na Tajlandu.


Na kom si ti topiku da mi je znati. :laugh:

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