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Fox News zakucavanje: Obamacars for minorities - Obamin ustupak Bernie Sandersu da bi ovaj u senatu glasao za immigration bill.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xvPO8uCmG0 :jerry:


Rand Paul se uzasno iskenjao povodom ovluke Vrhovnog suda. Pominje da odluka otvara prostor za vencavanje sa zivotinjama.

Rand Paul se uzasno iskenjao povodom ovluke Vrhovnog suda. Pominje da odluka otvara prostor za vencavanje sa zivotinjama.
Daj linak, da ne guglamo.



Dodje mi da odmah potpisem pristupnicu. :cry:

što bi neka osoba, ma kog pola ili uzrasta bila, uopšte abortirala nakon 5 meseci?
nisu valjda pokusali da proture zakon koji zabranjuje i medicinski opravdani abortus?
Daj linak, da ne guglamo.
Eve.http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/06/26/rand-paul-same-sex-marriage-conundrum-leads-to-marrying-animals/A evo jos jednog cara.
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, the GOP's nominee for governor, filed an appeal on Tuesday asking the Supreme Court to revive the state's law banning oral and anal sex. In a statement, Cuccinelli claimed that the law, which the US Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled unconstitutional earlier this year, is "an important tool that prosecutors use to put child molesters in jail." Cuccinelli warned that the appeals court's decision to strike down the statute "threatens to undo convictions of child predators that were obtained under this law" since 2003, when the Supreme Court ruled in Lawrence v. Texas that laws criminalizing oral and anal sex—sometimes referred to as sodomy bans—are unconstitutional.
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