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Nemas pojma. Ljudi zive po predgradjima i ta drveca sa dolarima se gaje po dvoristima
Uhvati Mujo zlatnu ribicu i kaze mu ona ono klasicno tri zelje itd.I tako Mujo kaze svoju prvu zelju, da je reka Bosna rakija i tako i bude, rekom tece rakija.Druga zelja, da obala bude meza, i tako se i bude.E sad treba treca zelja i Mujo tako misli i misli i ne moze da se odluci, da bi na kraju izgovorio,daj mi jos jedan litar rakije :s_dj:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6pzA0p5RpBc#!
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Ja sam svestan da ljudi koji zive daleko od Amerike i koji nisu tamo nikada bili idealizuju tamo sve i zamisljaju da ujutru ljudi kada ustanu prosetaju do najblizeg parka, gde su drveca sa listovima od zelenih novcanica i onda naberu koliko hoce i vrate se kuci.Informacije su Google, Youtube, Facebook itd...
Takva vizija nije ništa manje objektivna od ove tvoje Facebook apokalipse koja samo što nije.
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  • 4 weeks later...

ovo je trebalo na neki topik ekvivalent Doom upon US-a, al kako to nemamo ide ovde..

Man's Estate Left to Actors He Never MetBy SUSANNA KIM (@skimm)Feb. 9, 20138E4E6825A039DFBBF861CAE9C4351_h316_w628_m5_cWvdtyvOD.jpgA man who died last summer willed his estate to two actors he never met, leaving them an estimated half a million dollars each.Ray Fulk was 71 when he died last July. He lived alone on a 160-acre property in Lincoln, Ill. that he inherited from his father. He had no family or children. "He was a loner, and a lot of neighbors didn't know who he was," Behle said. What Fulk did have, though, was an admiration for actors Kevin Brophy and Peter Barton, whom he had never met. He admired them so much that he left his estate to be split between them.Donald Behle, an estate attorney, said he helped prepare Fulk's will around 1998, and never saw him again. Behle had helped with the estate of Fulk's father, who died in 1997. Why did Fulk will his estate to the two actors?"He just said they were friends of his," Behle said, who knew they were actors but did not know Fulk had never met them. Behle is not sure why he considered them friends, but the State Journal-Register newspaper of Springfield, Ill., says he was a fan of their television shows. Barton is known for his role as Dr. Scott Grainger in the soap opera "The Young and the Restless" from 1987 to 1993. Brophy was in the 1977 show "Lucan." Fulk had a poster from the show on the wall of his house, according to the State Journal-Register.Behle is currently overseeing the sale of Fulk's property, which is appraised at $1,054,000. Behle declined to say how many bidders he has but said that a sale is "imminent." Fulk also had about $230,000 in cash and CDs. After Fulk died, Brophy and Barton received letters informing them of the bequest. The two are friends who had acted in the film "Hell Night" in 1981. They could not be reached for comment.Barton actually visited Lincoln and Behle to see if the letter was real, Behle said. "His reaction was disbelief," Behle said. "What would yours be?" Behle said he enjoyed meeting Barton and giving him a tour of the property, except for the home. Besides a farm and timber ground, the property also has a home that had plumbing, but for which Fulk did not have running water. "His house was an absolute filthy mess. We wore masks when we were in there," Behle said.The only other bequest he left was to the Anti-Cruelty Society, an animal organization in Chicago. "He loved animals," Behle said, though he said he doesn't know if Fulk was affiliated with the organization. Trisha Teckenbrock, a spokeswoman for the organization, didn't know how Fulk was associated with the organization either, but she confirmed the group received a letter informing them of the $5,000 donation. The Anti-Cruelty Society is Chicago's oldest and largest humane society, established in 1899. "We receive bequests all of the time from people we have never met before," said Teckenbrock. "It is quite an interesting thing when that happens."Behle said the two actors should expect to receive checks in the mail once the estate is sold. "It's been one of the oddest things I have ever had to deal with in 30 plus years of practicing law," he said.
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danas sam gledao ncaa (koledz) kosarkasku utakmicu, domacin je bila ekipa northwestern state demons. pre pocetka utakmice lik uzima mikrofon i krece sa molitvom, vise puta pominje dzisasa krajsta. to traje nesto duze od dva minuta, svi u hali stoje i gledaju u pod, ucestvuju u molitvi.inace, ovo je zvanican logo kluba:large_Northwestern_State_-_Primary3_Mascot.jpgusa :Hail:

Edited by kojot
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  • 2 weeks later...
If Montana voters approve Gary Marbut's referendum in November 2014, any FBI agent who tries to arrest a Montanan for a federal crime could be arrested—and charged with kidnapping.Marbut's "Sheriffs First" bill, which cleared a Montana state Senate committee last week, makes it a crime for a federal agent to take any law-enforcement steps without first getting permission from the county sheriff. The proposal already passed both houses of the Legislature once, in 2011, but was vetoed by then-Gov. Brian Schweitzer, a Democrat. This time Marbut, the Montana gun lobbyist and aspiring firearms manufacturer who wrote the bill, is hoping Montana voters will determine the fate of his legislation. If passed, the latest version of the Sheriffs First measure would become a ballot question in November 2014.
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i kao potvrda toga

Kerry, the former Massachusetts senator who started his new post as America's top diplomat three weeks ago, appeared to have confused the two real countries and came up with "Kyrzakhstan" during a speech last week at the University of Virginia.
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