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Svako ko se interesuje za skriljce neka procita najnovije istrazivanje UT Ostin, jedna od najjacih institucija u SAD po pitanjue istrazivanje nafte/gasa i sa time povezane geologije, u novom broju casopisa "Nature". Treba ipak biti oprezan oko toga jer ima raznih interesa tu, kao uostalom i kod svakog izvestaja.

Sto se tice isplativosti:


North Dakota’s steep climb in oil production growth is hitting a lull as oil drillers retrench amid plummeting crude oil prices.

State officials said Friday that oil production in October declined by about 4,000 barrels per day to 1.18 million daily barrels compared with September, the first decline in eight months. Drilling for new wells also declined and is expected to decline even more in 2015.

Lynn Helms, director of the North Dakota Mineral Resources Department, said oil prices in North Dakota are down 44 percent since September, far more than ever expected.

I honestly did not see them this soft,” Helms said in a conference call with reporters. “That is going to have a significant impact.


Severna Dakota je mesto gde se nalazi veliko polje uske nafte, ne skriljaca(iako svi to tako pogresno zovu), to je nesto drugo, poznato kao Baken. Drugo vazno mesto je Teksas-Igl Ford.

Ovo sto je palo je sada vise sezonski ali sacekjamo drugu polovinu 2015, ako ostanu ove cene, da vidimo sta ce biti sa proizvodnjom i mnogim kompanijama. :)

Ali i da je cena ostala na $100 za barel SAD bi uskoro dostigle vrhunac proizvodnje oko 2016, ono sto moze da se desi ako cena bude dosta niza je znacajno brzi pad proizvodnje od ocekivanog po EIA, iako ja njima ne verujem prvise jer su se previse puta pokazali vrlo losi sa prognozama, narocito precenjuci rezerve i proizvodnju nafte.

Zato SAD tako puno forsiaraju Iran, tamo ima jos dosta nafte koja je jeftina za proizvodnju.


edit: Inace najvece rezerve uske nafte u SAD su cenjene u Kaliforiniji, polje Monterej, ali je EIA srezala rezerve za neverovatnih 96% ove godine.

U.S. officials cut estimate of recoverable Monterey Shale oil by 96%

Edited by Zaz_pi

tehnologija se usavršava konstantno. Umesto vode, koja je veliki problem zbog potrebne količine, pokušavaju da ubacuju CO2. Sniziće troškove definitivno u narednim godinama


Nikakva znacajna unapredjenja nisu napravljena osim sto su povecali broj pupi po jednom bunaru tako da bi najbolja mesta brze isrkali. Tu je vazno shvatati geologiju toga, postoji nesto sto se zove sweet spots. Cela prica oko rasta prozivodnje se vrti oko vise cene nafte i lakseg zaduzivanja, FED poltikka, moguce i svesno odrajdena zbog toga, plus dozovljavanja velikog zagadjenja jer je slaba naseljenost u tim krajevima. Primera radi, Njujork je zabranio proces hidraulickog lomljenja u eksplataciji gasa iako ima dosta rezervi ispod drzave. Cak i neka mesta u Teksasu, gde je sve zapocelo pocinju zabranjivati, ali tamo vise zbog vode.


Jedino sto se na ovo sve moze reci je - sramno.

Mediji ovde izgleda imaju poteskoca da prevale rec torture preko usana. 

U svakom slucaju bice zanimljivo videti sta ce se ovde dalje dogadjati, ali bojim se da ce da padne neka mid-level glava u CIA i da ce sve ostalo ostati isto.


Apologete zločina su u svakoj zemlji iste, a posle se ti isti mediji pitaju što im pada čitanost/gledanost. Obratite pažnju na B6: Psychologists said it was all right. 



Samo da znate - DIk Cejni je na vreme otishao po "pravni savet". 


Imamo Busha, sad još da vidimo bude li Klinktona..


Ma biće sigurno. Samo šteta što nema ko da je porazi za nomination. 2008 da se ponovi platio bih.


Pa Warrenica bi mogla, bio je i Obama longshot pa vidgasad...


Ja bih voleo ali jako teško. Teško će u ovoj klimi da se kockaju kad već imaju Hilari. Mada ko zna


Konacno i neke dobre vesti s ove strane planete:


President Obama moved Wednesday to normalize relations with Cuba, tearing down the last remaining pillar of the Cold War after after more than 60 years.
Under measures announced by the administration, the United States plans to re-open its embassy in Havana and significantly ease restrictions on travel and commerce within the next several weeks and months.
The result of more than a year and a half of secret negotiations with the Cuban government of President Raul Castro, the changes followed Cuba’s agreement to release Alan Gross, a U.S. Agency for International Development contractor imprisoned for five years, and to exchange an unnamed U.S. intelligence asset, held for two decades, for three Cuban nationals convicted of spying in this country in 2001.
Gross, a Maryland resident, left Cuba aboard a U.S. military aircraft Wednesday morning, accompanied by his wife and several members of Congress, and arrived at Joint Base Andrews. The Cubans have landed in Havana.
Although Obama has the power to establish diplomatic relations, the move was the latest in a series of steps he has taken to use executive powers to circumvent legislative
While those laws remain standing, the administration made clear that the measures announced Wednesday are designed to undermine them as much as possible.
“We are confident in our ability to take these steps,” said a senior administration officials who briefed reporters prior to a statement Obama will make at noon.
Normalization fulfills a goal set by the President early in his administration, which officials only saw as possible during his last two years in office, following November’s midterm elections.
When we came into office we were committed to changing a policy that we felt had failed...for the last several decades,” the official said.
“This is a better way, in our view, of advancing our interests and our values,” the official said. “Engagement is a better tool than isolation.”
The final elements of the deal were cemented in a telephone conversation Tuesday between Obama and Castro--the first direct communication between a U.S. and Cuban leader since relations were severed in January 1961.
Officials said the call followed secret channel talks begun in June last year between White House and Cuban officials in a series of meetings held in Canada. The final planning meeting was held in November at the Vatican; where officials said Pope Francis had been instrumental in facilitating agreement.
The issue of Cuban relations, and particularly Gross’s imprisonment, was discussed during Obama’s meeting with the Pope in March. Francis subsequently made a personal appeal to both Obama and Castro in letters sent early this summer.
The Vatican “has been deeply involved in this whole negotiation with the prisoners and played a key role,” said Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who said he would be among a number of lawmakers meeting Gross on arrival at Andrews.
Administration officials said that they did not expect a strongly negative public reaction to the moves, citing changes in the political sentiments of a new generation of Cuban Americans. Virtually all Latin American governments, including close U.S. allies, have long denounced the embargo and called for normalization of relations between the United States and Cuba.
But Cuban-American lawmakers were quick to denounce the move. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) said Obama’s actions “will invite further belligerence toward Cuba’s opposition movement and the hardening of the government’s dictatorial hold on its people.”
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) called the announcement “just the latest in a long line of failed attempts by President obama to appease rogue regimes at all cost.”



Najbesmislenija posthladnoratovska politika se polako gasi.


plus što su ih drpili rusima ispred nosa, ne rade to bez razloga


plus što su ih drpili rusima ispred nosa, ne rade to bez razloga


Ima i toga, ali ovo je dobra stvar i mimo real-politike. Nadam se da ce ovo malo olaksati stvari za narod Kube.




za same kubance da, treba taj narod još više relaksirati, ipak skromno žive a amerikance to ne košta mnogo


compassion and empathy




"It's not my thing when Afghans get raped by dogs,” Jack remarked. 


The war veteran, who loathed manipulating Western politicians even as he defended tactics of collective punishment, continued his account: Afghan prisoners were tied face down on small chairs, Jack said. Then fighting dogs entered the torture chamber. 


“If the prisoners did not say anything useful, each dog got to take a turn on them,” Jack told Todenhoefer. “After procedure like these, they confessed everything. They would have even said that they killed Kennedy without even knowing who he was.”


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