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jbg. neće moći futrola da mu se natakne:(


bes futrolu, jab fakat volela dae ovo for real.... odma bi kupila


Ovo je fake, cista zelja nekog studenta koji se malo igrao. Bilo pre par dana u zutoj, ovdasnjoj stampi, mada ovo stvarno izgleda fenomenalno. Voleo bih da nadlezni iz Jabuke vide ovaj klip. Pitanje je koliko bi sve ovo kostalo.


naravno da bi bilo fenomenalno, samo bi mu trebala baterija od osiromašenog uranijuma


Duracell i Durex bi izdrzale :-) Ovih dana je aktuelna i prica o superkondenzatoru koji ce omoguciti punjenje baterije za 20-ak sekundi. Ako to ugrade u akumulator moci ce ovo da radi. Fon stavis na sto i radi, a akumulator na ledja...


Izgleda spejsi :thumbsup: mislim da tehnologija sa ovom projektor-tastaturom nije dovoljno rasirena i istestirana da bi je gurali u ovako komercijalan uredjaj, nece ovo skoro.


Pravo je pitanje čemu bi to služilo.


Isto pomislio, kada sam video ovaj render.Treba ti sto, površina na koju ćeš projektovati sliku, odgovarajuće osvetljenje... Jbg onda sedi za pc/mac pa štrikaj.

  • 3 weeks later...
Three computer security researchers say they have worked out how to hack into iPhones and iPads through a USB charger.Chengyu Song and Yeongjin Jang, doctoral students at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the US, and Billy Lau, a staff researcher at the institute's college of computing, said they were able to bypass Apple software security and install ''arbitrary software'', including malware, allowing potential attackers to hack in."Despite the plethora of defense mechanisms in iOS, we successfully injected arbitrary software into current-generation Apple devices running the latest operating system (OS) software," reads the description of the researchers' speech. "All users are affected, as our approach requires neither a jailbroken device nor user interaction."The malware is reportedly hard to detect, hiding in the iPhone's software in the same manner that Apple's pre-installed apps do. Once the charger is plugged in, it can infect the iPhone in less than one minute.The malicious charger uses BeagleBoard, a $US45 open-source hardware single-board computer. The researchers said they chose BeagleBoard to demonstrate the ease of building malicious chargers that look innocent enough to trick most consumers.Beagle_Board_Flyer_5-21-10_ver2_img_1.jpgThe three plan to discuss their work, which the college says was done in the name of enhancing security, at the Black Hat computer security conference in Las Vegas next month.It's unclear how serious or widespread the threat is to Apple mobile device users. ''We have notified Apple of the specifics of our work and wish to give the company adequate time to consider our findings,'' the college said.Apple products have had a reputation for less vulnerability to hackers and viruses in the past. This year, the company tightened security to block unauthorised changes to iCloud and iTunes accounts.

ima li iko ideju gde može da bude problem u sledećoj situacijitel. neće da se konektuje na FB preko telekomovog wireless interneta, a sa drugih interneta, uglavnom ugostiteljskih, hoće. Izbrisana je stara i skinuta nova FB aplikacija.hvala


nije to samo problem iphonea nego uopste apple platformi, ima mreza na koje prosto nece da se nakace. neobjasnjivo.

Posted (edited)

iOndroid 7edit: :fantom:

Edited by teacher
Tim: "You are absolutely going to love iOS 7."Someone from the crowd shouts: "I love you!"Tim: "Thank you."

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