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Serbia and Kosovo----------------- 9. © Fried explained that the U.S. had decided to offer PFP to Serbia as a means of supporting democratic forces in the upcoming elections; President Tadic had made a strong case for Serbia’s Euro-Atlantic future. Similar considerations had prompted the U.S. to support Ahtisaari’s recommendation to postpone tabling his proposals on Kosovo status. But it was critical to move quickly after January 21. Additional delay would encourage the Serbs and others into thinking the West felt intimidated; it was time to push onward to supervised independence. Fried said that while Russia could be expected to cause difficulties, in the end he believed it would abstain on a UNSCR, although he could not be certain. What was certain was that the Russians must not be allowed to believe that the threat of a veto will work, because they would exploit any opening. The West therefore had to send the signal that it was prepared to move without them if necessary, because no signal would be interpreted as tacit acquiescence in Russia’s raising the bar. This was a terrible option, but paralysis was worse.
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Bilo ovo?
Nije. Odlična beletristika, kopajmo dalje..!
1. © Summary: Over rubbery fish at an Adenauer Stiftung affair on April 27, External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten touched briefly on why the EU will never be a “real power,” the dubious backgrounds of some of the leaders of the EU’s new members, next steps on Cyprus/Turkey, the differences between a union and an alliance, and Russian President Putin’s “killer’s eyes.” His formal remarks focused on the future of the European Commission, where he offered ten recommendations to the next commission. End Summary.
laugh.gifAu, nisam ovo primjetio:
Patten also said he felt at times the US does not fully appreciate the difference between expanding an alliance like NATO, and a Union like the EU. When a country joins an alliance, it becomes a distinct member of a group committed to a common cause -- but nothing more. When countries join the EU, they become part of the whole, formally and practically indistinct in many areas of EU competence. “We have to be ready to trust their food and sanitation standards, for instance.” In this regard, he noted that some of the accession countries were foisted on the EU as part of a larger bargain. Cyprus, for instance, probably should not have been admitted (as Papadapolous’ behavior prior to the referendum indicated), but the Greeks insisted on Cypriot admission as the price of agreeing to some of the northern European candidates. Croatia, Patten said, is probably far more prepared for EU membership than either Bulgaria or Romania, who will likely enter the Union earlier. Romania, in particular, was a “feral nation.” We noted that we were shocked by del Ponte’s clean bill of health on ICTY cooperation while Gotovina still was at large inside Croatia. Patten said he too was surprised by del Ponte’s letter, but once the referee had made the call, the EU was bound by her judgement.
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Ovo je jos bolje...

Putin had told the French “Russia will not hesitatePARIS 00007755 003 OF 003to veto any solution that does not enjoy the agreement of all the stakeholders.” MGM urged great caution in moving forward, citing Putin’s purported concerns about the risks of a partition and a merging of the north with Serbia and the south with Albania, leading potentially to a radicalized Muslim state in the heart of Europe.¶11. © Fried responded that the Serbs and Albanians had been told that Kosovo would be independent, and that it would be a mistake to turn back. Perhaps the Russians were bluffing, but even if they were not, wavering would lead to disaster, beginning with riots by Kosovars that risked turning KFOR into an occupying force and could led to the very radicalization we had successfully avoided so far. MGM said France was not advocating further delay, but was nonetheless concerned that independence could have unintended consequences. Public opinion could change, and Russia might become yet more irrational in the run-up to legislative and presidential elections. Fried agreed on the desirability of negotiating a UN Security Council Resolution that would be acceptable to the Russians -- perhaps even leaving out the word “independence” -- but the West needed to be prepared in extremis to move forward without Russian support. Russia would seize on any paralysis to try to raise the bar. MGM agreed in principle, but urged again finding ways to “coddle” Russia.
Elem, Srbi ubijte se, Amerikanci se vise plase demonstracija na Kosovu nego bilo cega sto moze Srbija da uradi...
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Hehehe, Kušner, predivno o Rusima...

11. © Continuing on Russia, Kouchner said that the main thing for the U.S. and Russia to begin to work together. "Let's talk to them," he said. He said that the Russians are "rough, rude, and brutal," but we should still engage them. Kouchner said Russian FM Lavrov was one of the most brutal, but was among the cleverest FMs. In any case, they were an important player and had to be included. ------- Balkans ------- 12. © FM Kouchner said that Bosnia remained a problem, but, it was important to simply "follow the road." It was important to push the Serbian government closer to the EU, though he conceded this was difficult due to Dutch and Belgian objections to the failure of the Serbs to hand over Ratko Mladic to ICTY. Presumably referring to EULEX, he said there was success on the ground in Kosovo as the two sides were not killing each other and concluded that things were not in a bad place for the moment.
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Somborac objasnio

u mojoj deželi čista šizofrenija – republika na jednoj strani piše kako je jedino gadafi dobio više kečeva od berluskonija, a odmah na sledećoj prepričava seci uši krpi dupe seansu klinton-berluskoni u astani: „vazda podržavali ameriku, najvredniji saveznici, pogotovo u avganistanu, berluskoni najbolji prijatelj US ofA otkadikad i dalje u tom stilu, podvlačeći da berluskoni nije ni reči rekao nego se samo smeškao od miline. pa posle i kako su SAD zahvalne italiji na posredovanju u odnosima sa vladimirom, iako se u kablovskim dokumentima crno na belo šizi zbog stava italije u vezi s olimpijskom tučom rusija-gruzija (još treba da izbunarim ovo)... milinica čitati. posle kad su se sklonili od kamera hilari se dodatno izograđivala za sve pare – te stižu im na tisuće kablova, te njihov sadržaj ne oslikava ni stav stejt departmenta, ni obamin, te potpisuje ih onaj ko ih je pisao, nipošto ona... mada, kažu da je berluskoni, iako je na kraju izjavio da 'ćuti jer danas najmanje on treba da govori', insistirao kod klintonke da ispegla stvar jer je vikilik izazvao šitstorm u italiji 'što je za vladu veliki problem'. u republici je još na iste te dve strane nabacan i kameronov zez, koji je 'mnogo nasmejao' nazočne diplomate, objavljen i u FT-u: kao sreo se sa silvijom (dejvid upotrebio izraz to brush up ^_^), koji ga je pogladio po kosi. kameron hteo da uzvrati istom merom, ali se na vreme predomislio, da mu ne zezne transplantaciju. pored svega toga i crtica o „kratkom eskortskom vodiču za berluskonijeve seksi partije“ objavljenom na sajtu Gawker. autorka neka cica-eskortica koja je 2x prisustvovala soareima, dobivši za to tričavih 2x5k jura. (note to self: rethink your career <_<). corriere i pres-sekcija vladinog sajta prenose samo pohvale i daju kraći rezime klepeta po svim ostalim glavonjama, o kavaljeru samo da je okarakterisan kao 'sujetan', 'raskalašan' i 'neispavan posle orgijanja'. i još jedan bonus iz republike: nakon što su se međusobno naserdarisali, H. i S. su pohvalili i nazarbajeva za rapidni razvoj prestonice (berluskoni rekao kako se u italiji nikad tako brzo ne gradi :D ), izrazivši posebno divljenje za onu kupu od 100m nasred grada, u čijoj je jednoj strani nazarbajevljevljev otisak desne ruke, pa kad građanin položi svoju ruku u taj otisak 'dragog lidera' krene patriotska muzika koja je ujedno i znak za građanina da 'poželi želju'. kakav je ovo piš. pročitala 1 članak i već me ubi glava...edit: link do gawkera. što samo ja da patim...
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To je ta sila koja vlada svetom...
Commentingon the GOAJ's harsh reaction to the YouTube "donkey video"(Reftel A), XXXXXXXXXXXX quipped to the Charge that what one mustunderstand about Aliyev, "He's not Michael Corleone, he'sSonny." To some in Baku, XXXXXXXXXXXX Godfather analogy seemsapt - capturing essential truths not only about Ilham Aliyev,but his father Heydar, who becomes by implication the "VitoCorleone" of Azerbaijan. With that in mind, this cableattempts to explain who Ilham Aliyev is and why he does whath does. Aside from XXXXXXXXXXXX analogy, it also owe much tothe appraisals of Michael and Sonny from "The GodfatherDoctrine (2008)," by John Hulsman and A. Wess Mitchell.
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Meni ovo diplomatsko osoblje sve simpatičnije.
Zanimljivo (istovremeno i vrijedno žaljenja sad.gif) je da je ovaj kejbl trebao biti izložen oku javnosti tek 2034. Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Ok, znamo bar koji je omiljeni film u US administraciji...

The Godfather of All the Chechens---------------------------------9. © Kadyrov is starting to act as the arbiter of disputesamong Chechens outside Chechnya. The prime example is hisintervention in a mafia-style dispute involving his chiefsubordinate Sulim Yamadayev, commander of the "East"Battalion. Yamadayev and some of his men raided the SamsonMeat Factory in St. Petersburg on September 15, 2006(interesting to speculate how they got there from Chechnya,fully armed). Yamadayev was apparently acting as enforcerfor a Chechen from Kazakhstan who had an ownership claim thatput him at odds with the factory's manager, also a Chechen.Charges were pressed by the visibly battered manager, but hedropped them after two of his brothers were abducted inChechnya. This would not have been considered unusual if themanager were not a well-connected Chechen, but Samson's owneris the Moscow Industrial Bank, whose president, AbubakarArsamakov, is a relative of the plant's manager, and hasclout in the Moscow Chechen community. Perhaps as a resultof his intervention, in late April Kadyrov ordered Yamadayevto return the missing brothers. Yamadayev protested that hewas not holding them or involved in their disappearance. Oursources tell us the two brothers are probably sleeping withthe fishes.10. © The incident illustrates not only the Russia-widereach of Kadyrov; it also fits into his drive to eliminatepotential rivals. Tensions have been close to boiling withYamadayev since April. Kadyrov has told a friendly Dumamember that he will not allow Yamadayev's brother Ruslan"Khalit" Yamadayev to run for re-election as Duma member forChechnya. At that point there will be a confrontation.
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