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How Süddeutsche Zeitung got the Panama leaks story
It was a trove that no newsroom on its own would be equipped to handle.

4/4/16, 10:49 AM CET
4/4/16, 5:08 PM CET

The biggest leak of financial data in history began with an anonymous message to Süddeutsche Zeitung more than a year ago.

The source wanted neither financial compensation nor anything else in return, apart from a few security measures,” the newspaper recounted Monday, as the massive leak triggered questions around the world.
In an approach that echoed that of the whistleblower Edward Snowden, the source approached Süddeutsche Zeitung anonymously on the Internet with a vague, tantalizing promise of vast amounts of data.
The source insisted on using encrypted communications and that there be no meeting. The source’s life was in danger. “I want to make these crimes public,” the source said, when asked why they had come forward.


Over a period of months, the source provided 2.6 terabytes of data from Mossack Fonseca, a Panamanian law firm, providing a rare and extensive insight into the secretive world of offshore finance.
Süddeutsche Zeitung said it received 11.5 million documents dating back to the 1970s, made up of e-mails, PDF files, photographs and excerpts from an internal Mossack Fonseca database.
It was a trove that no newsroom on its own would be equipped to handle.

Süddeutsche Zeitung brought in the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, a part of the Center for Public Integrity in Washington, D.C., which has coordinated several other major cross-border investigations involving vast amounts of financial data.


A network of about 400 journalists in 80 countries put together by the consortium spent months researching the documents. The media partners included the Guardian and BBC in the U.K., El Confidencial in Spain, Le Monde in France, Falter and ORF in Austria, Sonntagszeitung in Switzerland, and L’Espresso in Italy.

Many had worked together on the ICIJ’s other tax haven projects.

In 2013, one of the ICIJ’s senior executives, the Australian journalist Gerard Ryle, received in the mail a computer hard drive containing millions of files relating to offshore companies and trusts.
It was a staggering dump of secret data.
The volume and complexity of it meant that the journalists could not simply just look through it all manually.

The ICIJ brought together a large team of journalists and data experts to help sift through and interpret the data. It built sophisticated computer systems rivaling those of intelligence agencies, law firms and big corporations, which enabled the consortium to filter 2.5 million files to identify a vast network of offshore companies and trusts.

Through its network of media “partners,” it packaged the data into a succession of scoops about the tax affairs of rich and powerful individuals which received wide coverage around the world.
Two of Süddeutsche Zeitung’s investigative team, Bastian Obermayer and Frederick Obermaier, worked with the ICIJ on that 2013 offshore leaks project.

The latest leak was the biggest international journalistic collaboration yet, Süddeutsche Zeitung said.

The media outlets met in Washington, Munich, Lillehammer and London “to map out the research approach,” the newspaper said.

Over the following year, the researchers used high-performance computers to identify networks involving 214,000 offshore companies connected to people in more than 200 countries and territories, the ICIJ said.
“At a time of diminishing resources in newsrooms, I think this model of transnational cooperation is the way to go,” Luke Harding, one of the journalists who worked on the leaks at the Guardian, said. “Everybody’s broke, but if we hold hands we can do amazing stuff.”

The Guardian had a team of five working for months on the project. “I don’t think I’ve ever worked longer on a single piece,” Harding said.

This post has been updated with new details

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FN se poceo pravdati, "mis smo siromasna partija", "MLP nema nikakav racun tamo", moguce je da su oni. Ipak jedino Les Républicains cute za sada, moguce je da su i oni. Bivsi ministar socijalista (ministar finansija) Cahuzac kojeg su bili uhvvatili za prikriveni racun u Singapuru, imao je racun i u Panami. Moguce je da su i socijalisti u pitanju, on im je bio glavni za finansije jedno vrijeme.

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Sta smo saznali danas:


1. 12 predsjednika/kraljeva/prvi ministri su imali racune 




2. Putlerova raja


3. Kameron-ov caca i finansijeri njegove partije


4. FIFA, Platini, Mesi (otvorio je racun dan poslije kada su otkrili da je krio pare od poreza)


5. Aldomovar (zatvorio 1994.), Sestra bivseg spanskog kralja (zatvoren kada je novi kralj stupio na prestol i to 4 dana poslije)


6. Francuski politicari, Cahuzac i Balkany (koji je i dalje parlamentarac iako je sudje za potaju poreza vise puta)

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Ja zapravo mislim i da ce ostati hot air.


Nekako mi lici na pokusaj mainstream medija da ostanu relevantni, iako je, koliko kapiram, u timu bilo i dosta nezavisnih istrazivaca.

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Sta smo saznali danas:


1. 12 predsjednika/kraljeva/prvi ministri su imali racune 




2. Putlerova raja


3. Kameron-ov caca i finansijeri njegove partije


4. FIFA, Platini, Mesi (otvorio je racun dan poslije kada su otkrili da je krio pare od poreza)


5. Aldomovar (zatvorio 1994.), Sestra bivseg spanskog kralja (zatvoren kada je novi kralj stupio na prestol i to 4 dana poslije)


6. Francuski politicari, Cahuzac i Balkany (koji je i dalje parlamentarac iako je sudje za potaju poreza vise puta)


1,2,3, i 4 je od juce.


Mozda i 5 i 6, ali nisam pratio.

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Kod mene je ovo prvi dan, pratim Le Monde.

To jest u pravu ste ali ovdje su juce samo potencirali Putina.

Edited by borris_
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