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whistleblowers: wikileaks, snowden i...


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Zavisi sta ima.


Ako se lista svede na usual suspects, Mubarak, Putin, Asad, Gadafi, Alijev... politicki (globalni) potencijal je ravan nuli. No news event.


Potreban je faktor iznenadjenja koji su imali i Snowden i Wikileaks.

Ovo je zanimljivije od wikija jer ima vece sanse da zavrsi neke karijere. Wiki je bio vise politicki zanimljiv.

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Ovo je zanimljivije od wikija jer ima vece sanse da zavrsi neke karijere. Wiki je bio vise politicki zanimljiv.


Koje za sada?



Mubarak, Gadafi su out.

Asadu je to verovatno najmanji problem trenutno.


Islandskog premijera?

Who cares?



Makrija (verovatno najzanimljivije od svih)?

Oglasio se, biznismen, kao CEO nije se brinuo oko toga. A tu je i Kristina.

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Nema Rotšilda i Rokfelera, ovo sve neke lopovske novajlije. Kad će više neko da se domogne papira i objavi ko su npr pravi deoničari Goldman Saksa  :fantom:

Edited by slow
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Trenutno mi je kačamak u glavi. Podsetite me kada su mediji napravili pritisak na nekog pripadnika establišmenta u UK poslednji put? Neki veliki exposure, nešto slično ovome..

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Zato Independent drži ovo na naslovnoj strani :D


David Cameron's father and senior Tory figures named in 'Panama Papers' leak

More than 11 million documents show how the rich and powerful conceal their wealth


David Cameron’s father, senior Tory peers and former Conservative MPs are among the hundreds of individuals named in an unprecedented leak of confidential documents showing how the world’s richest people shield their wealth offshore.

Though he is not named in the reports himself, the British Prime Minister is linked to the so-called “Panama Papers” by his late father Ian Cameron, who died in 2010.

According to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, which coordinated the research into the 11 million secret files handed over by an anonymous source, Mr Cameron used Mossack Fonseca’s services to shield his investment fund, Blairmore Holdings Inc.

A 2006 prospectus for Blairmore Holdings Inc described Mr Cameron, a stockbroker and multi-millionaire, as “instrumental in [its] formation”.

It said the fund “should be managed and conducted so that it does not become resident in the United Kingdom for UK taxation purposes”.

The ICIJ said there was no suggestion that the individuals named in the Panama Papers had done anything illegal. David Cameron did not respond to a request for comment when approached by the Guardian.

Three senior Tory figures were also named in the papers, including the former party donor and MP Lord Ashcroft.

“Belize Corporate Services (BCS), a subsidiary of Ashcroft's company BCB Holdings, began using Mossack Fonseca to provide shell corporations for its clients in 2006 when Ashcroft was in the House of Lords,” it was reported. Lord Ashcroft’s spokesman Alan Kilkenny said allegations he had “partnered” or “done business” with Mossack Fonseca in any way were “entirely false”, and suggested records had been “falsified”.

The long-serving former MP Michael Mates, who was Northern Ireland minister under John Major in 1992/3, was also named as a client. The ICIJ said a company Mr Mates chaired, Haylandale Limited, was created in the Bahamas and registered with Mossack Fonseca.

And the Baroness and life peer Pamela Sharples was named as a shareholder and one-time director of Nunswell Investments Limited, a Bahamas-based company she used to make investments.

In response, the law firm which handled Sharples’ affairs, reportedly in conjunction with Mossack Fonseca, said she became a director of Nunswell in 2000 and that the company was registered in the UK at that point.

Mr Mates said he was asked to chair Haylandale Limited by a friend and that his shares were not of “any real value”.

David Cameron is due to host a major summit to discuss the issue of offshore tax havens in May. More than half of the 300,000 firms listed as Mossack Fonseca clients were registered in British-administered tax havens.

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell told the Mirror: “The Panama papers revelations are extremely serious. Cameron promised and has failed to end tax secrecy and crack down on ‘morally unacceptable’ offshore schemes, real action is now needed.”

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jedino porosenko opusten, ostali se sakrili iza drugih.

kameronov je otac, znaci nije on, ali je zato putin zbog prijatelja iz detinjstva na svim naslovnim stranama.  ^_^


slabo je ovo za sada.

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to ovde ne biva. ako se zameris establismentu kao lord askroft moz dobiti po picci a sve ostalo se smulja i razvodni tako da nista od toga ne ostane. poslednja bitka koju je establishment izgubio je 1989 kad je izasla prva lista uk bogatuna - the sunday times rich list. od tad do danas je svaki pokusaj bio ugusen a i ovaj ce. bice izgubljen koji politicki poen al ce se sve to vrlo brzo zatrpati raznim drugim vestima i zaboraviti. 

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Trenutno mi je kačamak u glavi. Podsetite me kada su mediji napravili pritisak na nekog pripadnika establišmenta u UK poslednji put? Neki veliki exposure, nešto slično ovome..

Pa Kameron je jebao svinju a Korbin nije hteo da peva himnu.

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Zato Independent drži ovo na naslovnoj strani :D



nema guardian, nema mail, nema telegraf, nema sun, nema bbc.... sto ce reci, vodeci nemaju. cak ni today (bbc radio4 jutarnji program koji ima obicaj da gura nos gde ne treba) nije pomenuo kamerone.


i ima jos nesto - kameronov otac je umro pre deset godina. pitam se ko ga je nasledio... ima premijer brata al nisam bas siguran da i mladjani david nije dobio bar komad tog kolaca. 


edit - sad videh, nije umro pre deset godina nego pre 5, izvinjenje. 

Edited by adam
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