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wrong%20tom%20jones.jpgLegenda svetske pop-soul-bluz muzike Tom Džons nastupiće u Beogradskoj areni 13. novembra, kada će beogradskoj publici predstaviti novi album "24 sata" (24 hours), ali i hitove iz 50 godina duge karijere, najavila je producentska kuća "Lupa promotion" na konferenciji za novinare u Međunarodnom pres centru Tanjuga. :Hail:
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Mile Kitic benefit and support gig!ALWAYS ANTIFASCIST!!!33c6ubq.jpg
"Much of OWTH's sound is reliant on catchy melodies, huge choruses (though I use the term loosely) that were seemingly written specifically for a bunch of beer-and-sweat-soaked, bearded dudes to scream along to, and Ryan Young's gravelly vocals. It's pretty incredible how a band this gruff can lay down songs with guitar parts and vocal harmonies that stick in one's head for days, a fact made more amazing by how seamlessly these parts fit into the entire scope of a song."www.punknews.org"From the Bottom is seriously one of the best albums I wasn't expecting this year."scenepointblank.com"This is the way punk was meant to be played - dirty, angry, anthemic, rough around all the edges yet still with plenty of melody and most of all, sincere."www.go211.com"Introductions be damned, I'm going to cut straight to the chase here - From the Bottom is the best honest-to-goodness punk rock album I've heard in years. Listening to Off With Their Heads debut full-length is like a punch in the face, or a mouthful of murky brown phlegm spat in your eye, followed a hairy, sweaty arm around your neck ready to join in a giant singalong."sputnikmusic.com"Off With Their Heads sounds like Anti Flag, and a little like Sex Pistols crossed with Hot Water Music. They have one goal: to tell the story of cynical, pissed off, hyperactive, and frustrated youth while rocking you. Young shouts ?Until the day I die I swear I?m gonna make your life as miserable as mine? and the rhythmic noise the band manufactures makes you feel good about it."blogcritics.org"I like pop punk. I especially like edgy pop punk with gruff vocals, but this is fucking ridiculous (and also really awesome). Just imagine if Dillinger Four was actually fronted by a pirate. A pirate with the wooden leg, eye patch, cutlass, bicorne hat, and a shitload of punk rock tattoos. That?s kinda how I would describe Off With Their Heads to a casual listener. Anthemic sing-a-long pirate punk rock. Not that the band sings about walking the plank or anything like that?So before you listen to the song below and then go buy this album, just realize that From The Bottom sounds exactly like what you probably think it sounds like except way better. Way!"www.canyouseethesunset.com"Combine a direct, desperate outlook with upbeat, forward-moving punk rock, and what do you have? A strangely uplifting, energetic rallying cry that - far from bogging down the listener- inspires one to get up off their ass and do something. When I need a pick me up, this is it. When I need to knuckle down & get 'er done, this is it. For you, maybe you need to kick a bad habit: this may not be for you. Or maybe... it's just what you need."www.interpunk.com Edited by MachineGunEtiquette
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u subotu bio na koncertu atheist rap-a u dnevnog sobi skc-a. svirka je kasnila, a predgrupa oduzila, a bilo je preko 500 ljudi u malom prostoru. to je za posledicu imalo preko 50 stepeni u prostoriji kada su ateisti poceli da sviraju. (kiseonika, naravno, nije bilo ni u tragovima).sve u svemu uspeo sam da izdrzim jedno 15ak minuta, i zapalio.....spoljasnjih 20+ stepeni izgledalo je kao -5......nikada vise u dnevnu sobu u periodu maj - oktobar.pozdrav

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Umesto HomeSickHome sviraće KRš (www.myspace.com/krshband)Dakle, ponedeljak, 1. jun, 21:30 hKlub UNDERWORLD, TC Metro, Vukov SpomenikOFF WITH THEIR HEADS (Minneapolis, USA, No Idea Records)www.myspace.com/offwiththeirheadsRED UNION (Novi Sad, Bandworm Records)www.myspace.com/redunionhqKRš (Beograd, Kornet Recordings)www.myspace.com/krshbandSKINRASH (Beograd)upadaj: 300 RSD

Edited by MachineGunEtiquette
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Ja igrom slucaja zavrsih na Macy Gray pre neki dan (iako znam mozda 5 njenih pesama) i bejashe dobro uprkos akademskih 1:30 Zena stvarno ima dobar glas a uz to i najbolje pratece vokale koje sam cuo uzivo.

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