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Hvala Kime :). Sad videh da mu je citav dosije bio posvecen u Le Mondu pre par meseci, odakle je pruzet i ovaj clanak.

IBM’s Role in the Holocaust? New Documents Confirm the Worst
Newly-released documents expose more explicitly the details of IBM’s pivotal role in the Holocaust—all six phases: identification, expulsion from society, confiscation, ghettoization, deportation, and even extermination. Moreover, the documents portray with crystal clarity the personal involvement and micro-management of IBM president Thomas J. Watson in the company’s co-planning and co-organizing of Hitler’s campaign to destroy the Jews....Among the newly-released documents and archival materials are secret 1941 correspondence setting up the Dutch subsidiary of IBM to work in tandem with the Nazis, company President Thomas Watson's personal approval for the 1939 release of special IBM alphabetizing machines to help organize the rape of Poland and the deportation of Polish Jews, as well as the IBM Concentration Camp Codes including IBM’s code for death by Gas Chamber. Among the newly published photos of the punch cards is the one developed for the statistician who reported directly to Himmler and Eichmann. ...Particularly powerful are the newly-released copies of the IBM concentration camp codes. IBM maintained a customer site, known as the Hollerith Department, in virtually every concentration camp to sort or process punch cards and track prisoners. The codes show IBM’s numerical designation for various camps. Auschwitz was 001, Buchenwald was 002; Dachau was 003, and so on. Various prisoner types were reduced to IBM numbers, with 3 signifying homosexual, 9 for anti-social, and 12 for Gypsy. The IBM number 8 designated a Jew. Inmate death was also reduced to an IBM digit: 3 represented death by natural causes, 4 by execution, 5 by suicide, and code 6 designated “special treatment” in gas chambers. IBM engineers had to create Hollerith codes to differentiate between a Jew who had been worked to death and one who had been gassed, then print the cards, configure the machines, train the staff, and continuously maintain the fragile systems every two weeks on site in the concentration camps....
WHO WOULD GOD VOTE FOR?Adam Curtis | 15:45 UK time, Tuesday, 6 March 2012When you bring God into politics very strange things happen. You can see this now in both America and Iran - in their elections and also in the growing confrontation between them. But it wasn't always like this - in fact for most of the 20th century fundamentalist religion in both America and Iran had turned its back on the world of politics and power.But in the 1970s everything changed. For that was the moment when religion was deliberately brought into politics in both countries with the aim of using it as a revolutionary force. And those who did this - Khomeini in Iran, and right-wing activists in America - were inspired by the revolutionary theories and organisations of the left and their ambition to transform society in a radical way.
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Suština američke taktičke linije je da dugim i strpljivim, po formama interesantnim i masovnim propagandnim radom vrši tihi politički, psihološki i moralni uticaj na jugoslovensku javnost. Ova linija je sračunata na dugoročno dejstvo. Na ideološkom planu ona nastoji da nametne utisak da stav Jugoslavije ustvari predstavlja napuštanje marksističke ideologije i da je kao rezultat "približavanja slobodnom svetu" došlo do većih ličnih sloboda i do boljih ekonomskih prilika nego u drugim socijalističkim zemljama. A uspesi naše ekonomike da su posledica pomoći na Zapadu i usvajanja principa konkurencije. Dalje, prikazujući sliku "slobodnog sveta" ide se na diskreditovanje socijalističkog sistema, na postepeno podrivanje unutrašnjeg otpora zapadnim shvatanjima i ideologiji kod naših ljudi. Zbog togaje bez obzira na taktiziranje, suptilnost i prikriveno delovanje, po ciljevima i suštini, američka propaganda u Jugoslaviji subverzivna.
AJ KPR, I-5-b/SAD, Informativno-propagandni i kulturni sektor. Američka informativno-propagandna delatnost u Jugoslaviji.edit: iz 1961, da ne zaboravim.I za druga Kima, o ograničenosti socijalizma u nacionalnim okvirima:
"Samo su rukovodioci Saveza komunista Jugoslavije, koji očigledno pate od nacionalne ograničenosti, skrenuli s pravog marksističko-lenjinističkog puta na krivu stazu, koja ih je dovela u blato revizionizma... Kurs njihovog izolovanja, odvajanja od razvoja svetske socijalističke zajednice, štetan je i opasan. Taj kurs pogoduje imperijalsitičkoj reakciji, pothranjuje nacionalističke tendencije i u krajnjoj liniji može dovesti do gubljenja socijalističkih tekovina u zemlji koja se odvojila od prijateljske i ujedinjene porodice graditelja novog sveta... Kao internacionalisti ne možemo a da se ne brinemo za sudbinu bratskih naroda Jugoslavije."
AJ, CK SKJ, 507/IX, 119/1-147, Javne izjave sovjetskih rukovodilaca o FNRJ (od aprila 1961. do aprila 1962)Nikita Sergejevič, na XXII kongresu KPSS, oktobra 1961. Edited by buffalo bill
Who would want to have to talk always with intellectual skunks, with kim philby who study only for the purpose of finding new dead ends in every corner of the world!

ja sam sve ovo probao samo sa zizek. rezultati su fantasticni!

ja sam sve ovo probao samo sa zizek. rezultati su fantasticni!
Ja sam odmah ukucao kim philby, to mi prvo palo na pamet.Evo, mislim da te ovaj najbolje opisuje
The arch-philistine kim philby was the insipid, pedantic, leather-tongued oracle of the bourgeois intelligence of the nineteenth century.
Ja sam odmah ukucao kim philby, to mi prvo palo na pamet.Evo, mislim da te ovaj najbolje opisuje:D
i ja sam to odmah dobio sa svojim imenom. marks ima orakularne sposobnosti.

Ko ce koga ako nece svoj svoga :P :D

Stalin is a genius in the way of bourgeois stupidity!
Kime, znao sam. :)
  • 3 weeks later...

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