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Jolly Roger

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Još sam više impresioniran posadama u silosima, kao i činjenicom da smo svi živi.
Remember all those cold war movies where nuclear missile crews are frantically dialing in the secret codes sent by the White House to launch nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles? Well, for two decades, all the Minuteman nuclear missiles in the US used the same eight-digit numeric passcode to enable their warheads: 00000000....And while Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara directly oversaw the installation of PALs on the US-based ICBM arsenal, US Strategic Command generals almost immediately had the PAL codes all reset to 00000000 to ensure that the missiles were ready for use regardless of whether the president was available to give authorization.Dr. Blair stated that that the not-so-secret code was hardly a secret from the crews manning the silos. "Our launch checklist in fact instructed us, the firing crew, to double-check the locking panel in our underground launch bunker to ensure that no digits other than zero had been inadvertently dialed into the panel," Blair noted.

"Ža dlaku šinko" :DMeni je logično da su hvatali krivine sa procedurama pošto je bila preša da se svoj plotun ispali što brže, jebeš sigurnosne procedure. Ionako ih nisu pravili za ukras, danas to lako zaboravljamo.

hajdukluksus_zps73a87b6c.jpgSport nije luksus nego potreba.Split, 50-te

Sport, zdravlje, nacionalizam :lolol:Sjajna fotkica


Jbt, na prvu loptu čitam "smrt nije luksuz nego potreba" :isuse: :o


:D inace, treba ovo da napravim za panzer general, to bi bilo urnebesno....


Ne mogu sada da gledam na poslu sam, ovo mu je ono o vojnoindustrijskom kompleksu, jel'da?

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