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gde su ostali dok filipenko siri lazi na birgimundjanskom forumu :mad:


Sto ljubomora radi, ali :ziga: je veci od sitnih pakosti i dokazat ce inim pilipenkima. Filipenko, englesku gramatiku nemoras znati ali brate nauci razliku izmedju agenta, managera i team managera.

Re: Blues agree Zigic fee!by Filipenko » "Tue May 25, 2010 6:47 pm" What can one say but - OMG! You have bought the slowest and the worst striker possible. The guy that is a typical hoax from the Balkans. He played in 2nd best club in Serbia (Red Star) because he had a deal with his manager (here, functions of coaching and managing are separated), and the best club in Serbia, Partizan, can't get out of the group stage of UEFA Cup, but beats Red Star regularly home and away, with 1 or 2 players less on the field, so you can see what kind of quality there is in him.He is slow and tall, but his headplay is aboslutely terrible! He can't jump more than 5 cm (2 inches), and all that he is about is his height He plays a striker in serbian national team still because of the influence of his manager on FA in Serbia, so he played regularly even when he wasn't in 1st team of his club. He can score, but vs Faroe Island or some team like that. He is being liked by children quite a lot, because he is tall so they like climbing on him, like on a camel or giraffe in a zoo. His qualities of a striker are about on same par with them. The only thing about him that can be used in a positive sense is that he is unstable so he falls a lot; therefore Birmingham might be awarded a penalty or two more than it would be otherwise. Its a double edge sword, though, as I sincerely doubt that referees in England would award him penalties because of his funny acting.Championship, here comes Birmingham City!

server im je uzasan...kako da :Hail::ziga: na tom sranju?!angry.gif:thumbdown:


Birmingem je napravio posao veka! Za smešne pare je doveo najboljeg strelca na predstojećem Mondijalu.smiley_hail.gif

Sto ljubomora radi, ali :ziga: je veci od sitnih pakosti i dokazat ce inim pilipenkima. Filipenko, englesku gramatiku nemoras znati ali brate nauci razliku izmedju agenta, managera i team managera.
Već stavio na Bisere. :isuse:

Moramo kao dva gifa u img tagove...Joj, :ziga: goes global... :wub:


neka, nek ostane kao spomenik ljuckoj pakosti,na koji ce dolaziti generacije i generacije :ziga:-ljubitelja da se poseru!:ziga:



Posted (edited)

hattori, obavi svetu duznost na birmugandjanskom topiku:ziga:

Edited by kojot
:ziga: koliko veliki moraju biti kompleksi da bi neko napisao ovoliku tonu gluposti. Nadam se da ce navijaci mog omiljenog engleskog kluba da pinuju ovaj post i da ga se rado secaju.A :ziga: ce da ga metne - over and over again

1 sveta duznost je obavljena. :ziga:


mislim da smo birmingundjanima objasnili neke stvari :ziga:

Posted (edited)

jebote ljudi ce i tamo morati da otvore SZD :lol::ziga: probija sve barijere. kako je krenulo i tamo ce da imaju barem 1 pinovan topic pogotovo kad ga :ziga: metne Vili i ostalim seoskim ekipama iz manchestera, liverpila i londona

Edited by tsva

dzizs, vama je stvarno dosadno :D


Sve za :ziga: Birmingem nije svestan kakvog je igraca dobio. Sledece sezone idu u Ligu Sampiona! Posle toga, samo :ziga: zna gde je granica!:ziga::ziga::ziga: Ima vise ljudi sa PPP nego sa njihovog Foruma :lol:

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