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Neću pisati nije mi baš najbolje krenulo.Fotke za VN Nemačke ću postaviti kako sam i obećao

Edited by alpiner
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U bre, ala si ti neka nežna duša kad zvog takvih stvari nećeš da pišešПослато са GT-N7100 користећи Тапаток 4

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@alpiner: kao sto se vidi, ni kimi nije bio bas srecan odlukama tima. samo sto on ne moze da koristi recnik k'o braca forumasi.+ nemam pojma ko si, niti sa kog si foruma. ovde te vidim prvi put.vidim da te neki veoma postuju, verovatno s razlogom.good for you.al zajebi me s tim da ja treba unapred da znam kakva si Ti velicina, te da ti se obracam s duznim postovanjem.za mene si tek jos jedan korisnik ppp.a, nista bolji nista gori od ostalih.ps. ne moras jos jednom da napises da nisi dobrodosao te da vise neces pisati, jerbo to smara.naravno, dobrodosao si, i slobodno pisi sta ti dusi godi.

Edited by Zverilla
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Znam jako dobro kakvu grešku je napravio Lotus i šta je rekao Kimi nakon trke. Ja samo ne volim termine poput "idioti" upućene celom timu. I pored grešaka koje se prave nisu to zaslužili. Ista stvar je urađena Sutilu i Buttonu ako se ne varam. Nekada briljiraju pa im se ne klanjam kao bogovima..ponekada pogreše, ali ih ne vređam teškim rečima. Nikako mi nije bila namera da mi se "obraćaš sa dužnim poštovanjem". Možda sam negde moderator ovde sam niko i ništa. Toga sam više nego svestanDočekan sam na nož pa sam zato ponovio da je možda bolje da se sklonim. Žao mi je ako sam sa tri posta uspeo toliko da smorim..ako ništa drugo možda sam oborio rekord na temi :D

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Ma nisi uopšte dočekan na nož. Treba da čitaš ostale teme pa da vidiš šta je nož :DSamo ti piši i dobro nam došaoПослато са GT-N7100 користећи Тапаток 4

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:)Nisam znao da si odavno registrovan ovde.. I za tebe, ko i za Alpinera, vazi poziv da se aktivirate i na ovom pdf-u..

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Za katastrofu sa gumama jedan deo krivice snose i timovi.Prvo su Lotus i Ferrari provalili da se bolid bolje ponaša ako gume promene stranu levo-desno.Technically Speaking: Tyre SwappingYesterday's statement from Pirelli insinuated that the teams should shoulder a proportion of the blame in regard to the spectacular tyre failures we witnessed at Silverstone at the weekend.One of the criticisms from Pirelli was the teams’ use of their tyres on the wrong side of the car. The 2013 construction, if you didn't know, features a metal band as part of the construction rather than the Kevlar band used in 2012. This steel band wraps diagonally across the tyre so the diagonal / seams run in a different direction dependant on which side of the car the tyre is run.The teams swiftly realised that, dependent on their own configuration, using the tyres on opposing sides of the car would operate the them differently thermally giving rise to a tactic used up and down the grid. Pirelli can only recommend that its tyres be used in a certain direction (although they would like their recommendations for tyre orientation, pressure and temperature to be regulated by the FIA) and the barcode found on the side of the tyre indicates the true orientation of a tyre.002.jpgTeams can and will mark their tyres according to how they feel will best benefit their setup/cause.Perhaps the most famous of the delaminations in the preceding races was that of Lewis Hamilton in Bahrain as he was required to change his gearbox following the failure. As we can see in the magnified image below however the use of tyre swapping was not the problem.004.jpgIf we look at the following images however we will see that in Spain McLaren has marked and mounted its tyre in an opposing direction to the recommendation of Pirelli.005.jpgHere at Silverstone with the cars parked after the race, we can see both Mercedes and Red Bull have mounted their right hand tyres on the left side of the car.006.jpgFor those questioning whether Lewis Hamilton's tyre failure was as a result of tyre swapping - although not conclusive as he could have come to the grid on an older set of tyres - the image below shows Mercedes was tyre swapping on his car throughout the weekend also.007.jpgI'd love to be able to say whether the drivers who did incur these tyre failures at Silverstone were in fact using the tyre swapping technique, but due to the speed of the car vs the photography speed you cannot pick out the L or R on the barcode labels when the cars are in motion.The practice of tyre swapping is not a new phenomenon with teams using it to leverage an advantage since the mid 90s. Prior to Silverstone Pirelli was aware it was taking place but as there are no regulations to prevent the practice the Italian manufacturer’s hands were tied.http://www.pitpass.c...g-Tyre-SwappingIako se krivica ne može svaliti na timove, mora se znati da su menjali pritisak u gumama i njihov nagib na svoju rukuTokom '80-ih kada su timovi mogli mnogo više da testiraju, praksa je bila da se stavljaju i gume različite čvrstine na levu i desnu stranu ili po dijagonali

Edited by alpiner
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Nešto i o eventualnim transferima vozača:The second Red Bull driveRed Bull Racing is looking for a new team-mate for Sebastian Vettel for 2014. It is the most sought after drive to come up in Formula 1 for several seasons and thus all the drivers who are free to move in 2014 will be angling to get Red Bull to look at them. On paper the choice is relatively simple Sebastian Vettel is already at Red Bull and Fernando Alonso is ensconced at Ferrari for another couple of seasons. Third-placed Kimi Raikkonen is one the market and while he is the undisputed number one at Lotus F1 and very happy there, he would certainly consider a move up the grid.Beyond that Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg seem happy enough at Mercedes and Felipe Massa has been at Ferrari for a very long time, while Paul di Resta ought to be on Lotus’s list. Of the others who could be in the running it is clear that Jean-Éric Vergne and Daniel Ricciardo are in the mixture, as they are both part of the Red Bull Junior Team, a structure which has very little worth unless it can prove to the stars of tomorrow that it gets them into the top drives.To get Raikkonen alongside Vettel is not going to be easy. The two men are pals and used to live close to one another for a time in Switzerland. However, Vettel has shown that is not keen on a team-mate who can beat him. Webber was a tough competitor, but Raikkonen would likely be tougher. However, Sebastian’s decision to renew his deal for just one year might not have gone down well in Austria, because the implication of that move is that he wants to be on the market at the end of 2015 when there might be potential to move to Ferrari or to Mercedes, depending on which team is the most competitive.From a marketing perspective, Vettel may have won three World Championships but Raikkonen is more popular, thanks to his more human appeal. If Red Bull does not want to pay Vettel more than he is getting and Raikkonen is as good or better, hiring the Finn would send a solid message to Sebastian. The risk for Kimi is that the team would remain Vettel-centric which would mean that he would be risking the remainder of his F1 career on the word of the team principals, which some might consider to be a risky move. Kimi is soon 34 years of age and has a limited amount of time left if he is going to win the title a second time. He is hungry and needs to be in a competitive car. The Lotus is good enough to challenge Red Bull on a regular basis but not quite good enough to do more than that. It is less stable and it is hard to know whether next year’s car will be as good as those of recent years. Kimi himself is intrigued about how he would do against Sebastian and would like to measure himself against his pal, but in order to do that he needs to believe that it will be a fair fight. Webber was not convinced about this and Raikkonen would be wise to consider the possibilities. Similarly, Red Bull needs to consider the move as well, as Vettel might not like having a team-mate who might turn out to be better than he is.The case for Paul di Resta is less clear-cut. He has served his apprenticeship with Force India and is ready to move on, but he has not been part of the Red Bull driver programme and taking him rather than one of the younger drivers would send out all the wrong signals. Daniel Ricciardo and Jean-Eric Vergne are both good and have been Red Bull-funded throughout their careers. Taking on one would be a good idea to reinforce the value of the scheme, which is recent years has ruined more careers than it has made. In the light of this the best young talents in the future might choose not to get involved because there are no guarantees what will happen if one has a bad year, as happens sometimes. The Red Bull scheme is completely unforgiving and that is a negative thing from a PR point of view. Ricciardo is obviously a better qualifier than Vergne (although not by much) and Vergne seems to be the better racer. It is not a clear-cut choice.The rest of the F1 driver market is unlikely to move forward until this decision has been made as the next most attractive drive would be the Lotus.http://joesaward.wor...ed-bull-drive/?Ovde bi se moglo dodati da je Hulkenberg izbor za Lotus, obzirom da je već javno izjavio kako je dolazak u Sauber bio pogrešan potez. Inače kroz štampu se provlači priča da je ekipa iz Hinwila u ozbiljnom finansijskom problemu(još nije poznato da li će mlađi Slim nastaviti sa sponzorskim ugovorom), plus njihov glavni dizajnem Matt Morris je prešao u Mclaren.Di Resta sanja o Ferrariu:Di Resta keen on switch to FerrariPaul Di Resta has admitted he would love to follow up on his Italian roots and secure a drive with Ferrari.The 26-year-old Scot is doing all he can to put himself in the shop window this season, securing points in seven of the eight grands prix so far, often from tough grid positions.Although seemingly overlooked by Red Bull after Mark Webber announced last week he would be quitting Formula One at the end of the season, other opportunities may become available.Not for the first time in his F1 career, Felipe Massa appears to be doing himself no favours after crashing four times in the last three grands prix weekends.Ferrari's patience could finally run out, and naturally Di Resta is hoping he would at least be in the frame."You would jump at it, definitely," said Di Resta. "Obviously it's every boy's dream as they grow up to get in a Ferrari at some point in their life, and being Italian is a nice thing, having the Italian blood."But I will concentrate on my job and let other people do their job. Where I am next year I don't know, but there are many points up for grabs. That is the important bit – keeping your reputation high."Di Resta has produced a number of fine performances this season, notably in the last three races in which he has been compromised by his grid position. In Monaco and Canada, errors during qualifying by the team resulted in him starting 17th for both races before rescuing points with ninth and seventh respectively.At Silverstone at the weekend, Di Resta produced the qualifying lap of his F1 career to grab fifth ahead of the British Grand Prix.But during qualifying, Di Resta – in conjunction with his Force India car – was discovered to be 1.5kgs below minimum weight, resulting in him being dumped to the back of the grid, but after a great drive he finished ninth.http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/other/di-resta-keen-on-switch-to-ferrari-129478n.21516301?

Edited by alpiner
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:ziga:tako treba, a ne ko uvredjena mlada od prvog posta, dobrodosao, ovde se formula nije pratila ozbiljno do sada pa kad me nesto interesovalo isao sam tamo™ da lurkujem, ovako je kud i kamo bolje.dobrodosao jos jedared :)samo kad bi jos ocvrsnuo stomak na navijacke ispade, a bice ih sigurno posto nas ima raznih, ihaa.

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Aj' sad ozbiljno..Na mestu Red Bulla, ja bih izabrao Ricciarda. Prvo, jer bi onda Kimi ostao u Lotusu ( :) ), a drugo sto salju pozitivan signal mladjim vozacima da se isplati prolaziti kroz njihovu razvojnu skolu. A i posle odlaska Vettela, potencijalno dobijaju novu zvezdu.A sto se tice Saubera, ako bude bas velika frka sa parama, umesace se Berni po obicaju. Nece dozvoliti da skroz propadnu..

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Na mestu Red Bulla, ja bih izabrao Ricciarda. Prvo, jer bi onda Kimi ostao u Lotusu ( :) ), a drugo sto salju pozitivan signal mladjim vozacima da se isplati prolaziti kroz njihovu razvojnu skolu. A i posle odlaska Vettela, potencijalno dobijaju novu zvezdu.A sto se tice Saubera, ako bude bas velika frka sa parama, umesace se Berni po obicaju. Nece dozvoliti da skroz propadnu..
Po mom mišljenju RB škola nije iznedrila nešto posebno u poslednje vreme. Ricciardo je bolji u kvalifikacijama, a Vergne u trci(prošle godine bodovno 16-10 za Vegnea, ove 13-11). Mada, sanjam scenario tvog prvog pasusa po kojem Kimi ostaje u Lotusu :)Sa drugim se potpuno slažem. Mada tamni su oblaci nad Hinwilom. Može lako da im se desi da sledeće godine budu iza Williamsa i Toro Rosso-a za kojeg lično mislim da bi trebalo da se pomeri prema vrhu drugoligaša pre svega zbog dolaska James Keya jednog od najtalentovanijih inženjera u F1. Priča se da bi on navodno jednog dana bio zamena za Neweya. Inače Key je bio najmlađi tehnički direktor nekog tima sa 33 godine i prošle sezone je vodio dizajn odličnog Saubera C31. To je bio odličan bolid i umalo nisu završili šampionat ispred Mercedesa. Edited by alpiner
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