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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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po obrazovanju nije tolika podela. 


sad mi je jasno da će biti zajebano ako bude previše tanko na bilo koju stranu. nisam znao da je baš ovoliko mladih protiv...

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News flash on Reuters: Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, says the Greek referendum is NOT a vote on whether the country should stay in the euro.
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Bolje je da OXI pobedi. Uslovi kreditora su nesprovodivi sa ovolikim procentom aktivne populacije koji je protiv.


Evropske zemlje probale da speče MMF da objavi analizu održivosti duga.


Tusk detaljnije:



Striking a notably conciliatory tone, the European Council president called on Athens and its creditors to stop the mutual “blame game,” work to “rebuild trust” and promptly resume negotiations after the July 5 referendum in Greece. “The main aim for us is to keep the eurozone united,” he said. In a rare, 90-minute interview in his Council office Thursday evening, Tusk covered a range of topics including last week’s EU summit dust-up over migration, his agenda for the negotiations on Britain’s future in the EU and his jogging routine in Brussels. But the Greek crisis weighed most on the man who represents the 28 national governments in Brussels. Tusk kept the door wide open to another financial rescue of Athens and downplayed the stakes in Sunday’s vote. Contradicting both European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Parliament President Martin Schulz, Tusk said that “it’s very clear that the referendum is not … about being in the eurozone or not. No, in fact, nobody’s interested — I hope nobody’s interested — in this kind of choice.”





ERT1 prešao na pokrivanje OXI mitinga.

Edited by vememah
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Bolje je da OXI pobedi. Uslovi kreditora su nesprovodivi sa ovolikim procentom aktivne populacije koji je protiv.



iiiii, to je upravo razlog zašto je bolje da NAI pobedi jer će onda uslovi kreditora morati da se menjaju :)


ili rečim Tuska




the European Council president said if Greeks vote ‘No’ to the bailout package there will be less room for negotiations but the aim remains to keep the eurozone united. 

i on ne laže, to jeste istina 

Edited by MancMellow
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Procene očigledno nisu tačne posebno za OXI miting, ljudi pišu da ne pamte veću masu, a i postavljaju slike ljudi koji ne mogu da izađu iz metro stanice.



EDIT: Evo ga Dikson na SKAI.

Edited by vememah
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Ako je rec o utisku i emotivnoj manipulaciji, tu OXI vodi, kratk govor i muzika, dok izgleda da se na NAI redjaju govornici koji smaraju masu.

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