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Posted (edited)

Buahuahuahua, Skyclad :lol::Hail: Meni njihova folk-eco-warrior faza bila vr pre jedno 10tak godina, a bogami jos uvek volim da je cujem:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42HvIkK0qjwedit: ne ide nikako bez lyricsa:The Farm Hand's Ghost:"My kin and I had laboured hardto reap the yearly harvest.Lain weary on our gathered sheaves wecracked a vat of ale. Poured a toast;Began to boast of who could sup the hardest.Slumped in drunken slumberat the height of wild wassail....I woke to find my brothers gonethat Autumn eve so balmy.Yet gazed in wide-eyed terrorto the barley fields nearby.Struck dumb I swore;Stood before a mighty woad-duabed army.Believed my wits deceived me'til I heard their battle-cry."The Lord Of The Trees:"Smash the axe and sow the seed;Don't cause the Oaken Heart to bleed!"The Farm Hands Ghost:"When he that led this heathen hordecast-off his ivy mantle;Cohorts raised honed halberdsflying pennants of leaf-green.From below approached the foe;A fierce scythe-bearing hantle.Captains sat triumphantupon coughing, steel machines."The Forces Of Progress:"Break the bough and strip all of it.Fell this forest, make a profit!"The Farm Hands Ghost:"Opposing forces clashedbeneath a red sky cracked by thunder.Entrenched beneath the hedge-rowI'd observed it quite unseen.One side stood to save the wood:T'other planned it's plunder,I chose to fight for Nature's right;Grabbed a fallen skean.All who would one flower destroy,must first cut down this Didycoy!We fought until the last that dayto gain a hard-won victory,Sucked in by the thirsty earthI watched my life-blood ebb.Though I died at leastI'd tried to play some part in history;A momentary tremblingon the threads of Wyrd's web."The Lord Of The Trees:"Are there more so brave and honest;Who would die to save my forest?"

Edited by DarkAttraktor
Buahuahuahua, Skyclad :lol::Hail: Meni njihova folk-eco-warrior faza bila vr pre jedno 10tak godina, a bogami jos uvek volim da je cujem:
Hahaha, moram da priznam da je meni taj paganski/new age momenat jedino smetao kod njih :) Inače izvrstan bend. Walkyier je verovatno najbolji metal tekstopisac svih vremena. Ipak najbolji su kad pevaju o politici i ličnom beznađu, bar ja mislim.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dLARkGkMbMCruel Britannia ruled the waves, Empire oiled by toiling slaves. White flag stained St.George Cross red, and blues sung for the countless deadGod save brave Johnny Company,stiff-upper-lipped he sipped his tea,atop a mound of babes he'd killed,to keep our nations coffers filled.[Chorus]Think back and lie of England.Conceal the evil we have done.Think back and lie of England.Fake alibis for AlbionMeanwhile back on British loam,Irish driven from their homes.Persecuted Welsh and Scot,and robbed them all of all they'd got.Bound unto the plough and yoke,they broke the backs of honest folk.Built a gentlemen's Jerusalem.I'm ashamed I share my race with them![Chorus]Think back and lie of England.Conceal the evil we have done.Think back and lie of England.Fake alibis for AlbionSo will our future history tell,how we've used this country well?If you ask me, well I think not,unless we watch these bigots rot.In poverty the masses drown;So raise a Dome in Greenwich town?The Cenotaph is strewn with flowers,yet arms-deals struck with fascist powers!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAyzntZmkbI&feature=relatedJust What Nobody WantedJust what nobody wanted, I'm just what nobody wanted.I think that life has got it in for me,Can you please tell me who's to blame?For all the bills upon my mat -They breed and grow then eat the cat.Where they come from I don't know,I stare at them but they won't go!It seems that life's a big frustration,Why is everybody out to bring me down?There has to be a simple explanation,Why failure is the fashion every time I come to town.If life is sweet - then I'm diabeticThe future looks rosy - I just went colourblind.This all seems to be some mass conspiracy,So I demand the right to know,If there's a God up there, how come he seems to careFor every little bird and bee, but couldn't give a damn for me.It seems that life's a big frustration,Why is everybody out to bring me down?There has to be a simple explanation,Why failure is the fashion every time I come to town.If high hopes were bank notes,I'd own all of EnglandAnd teardrops were diamonds,Then I'd be a millionaire.Just what nobody wanted,I'm just what nobody wanted.You say I'm purely being paranoid,I beg to differ - it's not true.Shit just seems to hit the fan,Every time I make a plan.Grand design to small detail,All I do is doomed to fail.It seems that life's a big frustration,Why is everybody out to bring me down?There has to be a simple explanation,Why failure is the fashion every time I come to town.If life is sweet - then I'm diabetic,The future looks rosy - I just went colourblind.I'm just what nobody wanted at all.
Posted (edited)
Hahaha, moram da priznam da je meni taj paganski/new age momenat jedino smetao kod njih :) Inače izvrstan bend. Walkyier je verovatno najbolji metal tekstopisac svih vremena. Ipak najbolji su kad pevaju o politici i ličnom beznađu, bar ja mislim.
daaaa, inace Think back and lie of England je fantasticna stvar u svakom pogledu :) i apsolutno se slazem glede Walkyera (iako je on meni bolji i drazi kao pojava nego kao muzicar), no samo bi te dopunio glede paganskih uticaja: ono sto je super kod Skyclada jeste da je to tretiranje paganstine kod njih iskljucivo nekako prozivljeno-narodski (kao recimo kod Virgin Prunesa), a nikako ne njuejdzersko-misticki.razlog zbog koga je to tako, je pretpostavljam to sto je kod njih od samog starta bilo previse Motorhed i NWOBHM uticaja da bi to moglo da ode ka nju ejdzu, jer oni za razliku od gro-like midned neopaganskih projekata koji su krenuli da sviraju pocetkom 90ih nikad nisu zalazili u metafiziku (kao blekmjetalci) ili onu cheesy hoch-zeit synth-polifoniju (zarad docaravanja visina Asgarda) koju su svi mjetalci furali 90ih.inace, kad sam ja bio mjetalac, priznjanje slusanja Skyclada je povlacilo tesku ostrakizaciju od strane mjetal zajednice, tj. postojala je ta percepcija o njima kao o necem profoundly uncool :D Edited by DarkAttraktor
Posted (edited)
daaaa, inace Think back and lie of England je fantasticna stvar u svakom pogledu :) i apsolutno se slazem glede Walkyera (iako je on meni bolji i drazi kao pojava nego kao muzicar), no samo bi te dopunio glede paganskih uticaja: ono sto je super kod Skyclada jeste da je to tretiranje paganstine kod njih iskljucivo nekako prozivljeno-narodski (kao recimo kod Virgin Prunesa), a nikako ne njuejdzersko-misticki.razlog zbog koga je to tako, je pretpostavljam to sto je kod njih od samog starta bilo previse Motorhed i NWOBHM uticaja da bi to moglo da ode ka nju ejdzu, jer oni za razliku od gro-like midned neopaganskih projekata koji su krenuli da sviraju pocetkom 90ih nikad nisu zalazili u metafiziku (kao blekmjetalci) ili onu cheesy hoch-zeit synth-polifoniju (zarad docaravanja visina Asgarda) koju su svi mjetalci furali 90ih.inace, kad sam ja bio mjetalac, priznjanje slusanja Skyclada je povlacilo tesku ostrakizaciju od strane mjetal zajednice, tj. postojala je ta percepcija o njima kao o necem profoundly uncool :D
Hahaha, budale! Potpuno si u pravu za NWOBHM uticaje, sećam se kad sam čitao neki intervju sa Skyclad za neki folk časopis, pa ih pitali ko je vaš omiljeni folk muzičar, a oni rekli - Judas Priest i Venom :)Ali mislim daglavna stvar u njihovom paganstvu, ono što zoveš narodski, jeste upravo stalno levičarenje, i izbegavanje upadanja u tu lošu blackmetalsku (mislim nemojmo se zajebavati - fašističku) metafiziku i mistiku i ono što si aptly name-ovao hoch-zeit synth-polifoniju (t Asgard nisam nikad slušao, ali padaju mi napamet pozni Amorphis :isuse: nešto najdosadnije što sam ikad slušao).Meni je inače super kod Skyclad, pored još mnogih drugih stvari, kako su oni dobro naslušani muzike i koliko se to vidi. Puno dobrog metala, ali i klasičnog roka je moralo da prođe kroz te uši pa da onda to izgleda tako lako i neusiljeno (imaš to jasno Led Zepp - Jethro tull nasleđe koje se reapropriše u hodu, bez potrebe da se to naglasi obradom ili nečim sličnim). I naravno - gomila high-culture referenci na sve strane, opet neusiljeno, vrlo prirodno i bez pretenzija.Edit: I umalo da zaboravim, dosledni i uporni anti-klerikalizam, koji nikada ne upada u naivnu antihrišćansku ili satanističku pozu. Religija je prosto opijum za narod, to je sve.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHb5U_qS-PMBrimstone Ballet"Though I may seem callous" cried old Thomas Malthus,"Paupers are better off dead.That we have to feed them is something we needLike a musket shot straight through the head."Not much of a smiler - our man Wat Tyler(Died for the working man's fight).Was daring such a treason a justified reasonFor ending his days with his head on a spike?In order to see pearly factory gates -We all learn our places (pre-destined fates).God fearing people with minimal goals,Led to the slaughter - "tools with souls".Save us from hellfire -Save us from dancing the Brimstone Ballet.When the church and its leaders sought new ways to bleed us -It didn't take them long to find,Fear of perdition beats nuclearFission at making the mill-wheels grind.Ban contraception - a shrewd move says IPlenty of slaves born to suffer and die.Say "Go forth and multiply" when you want more.When you've too many just send them to war.History's wounds will not heal overnight -They pray for my soul as they set me alight.Remember the maxim "Arbeit Macht Frei" -Thought up by a christian with God on his side...It's a hell made by christians with God on their side.The work goes on in babylon -Enslaving us from birth,With promises of paradise -They've made a hell on earth.Save us from hellfire -Save us from dancing the Brimstone Ballet.Well I think that Satan was God's best creation -He's kept him in business for years.It's not common sense making mankind repent -But eternal damnation it fears.They're not slow to realise - they know every trick.Drive human donkeys with God on a stick.Tom Torquemada - he sings like a dream,Lucrecia Borgia plays lead tambourine.In order to see pearly factory gates -We all learn our places (pre-destined fates).God fearing people with minimal goals,Led to the slaughter - "tools with souls!"Save us from hellfire -Save us from dancing the Brimstone Ballet. Edited by Syme
Posted (edited)
Meni je inače super kod Skyclad, pored još mnogih drugih stvari, kako su oni dobro naslušani muzike i koliko se to vidi. Puno dobrog metala, ali i klasičnog roka je moralo da prođe kroz te uši pa da onda to izgleda tako lako i neusiljeno (imaš to jasno Led Zepp - Jethro tull nasleđe koje se reapropriše u hodu, bez potrebe da se to naglasi obradom ili nečim sličnim). I naravno - gomila high-culture referenci na sve strane, opet neusiljeno, vrlo prirodno i bez pretenzija.
Apsolutno se slazem, Skyclad je jedan od onih bendova koji prosto zahteva punu paznju slusaoca i u stanju je da da jako puno onom ko hoce da cuje i obrazuje kroz slusanje. Mislim, ja to ne slusam danas (zabrazdio sam u apstrakciju i autsajderizam), ali mi zato cesto nedostaje nest tako kompletno i zahvalno.
Ali mislim daglavna stvar u njihovom paganstvu, ono što zoveš narodski, jeste upravo stalno levičarenje, i izbegavanje upadanja u tu lošu blackmetalsku (mislim nemojmo se zajebavati - fašističku) metafiziku i mistiku i ono što si aptly name-ovao hoch-zeit synth-polifoniju (t Asgard nisam nikad slušao, ali padaju mi napamet pozni Amorphis :isuse: nešto najdosadnije što sam ikad slušao).
Da, imao sam osecaj da ti se to svidja, s tim da bih ja izbegao da upotrebim konkretan termin "levicarenje" (iako to jeste to defakto i nije greska), a verujem i da bi Skyclad sami pokusali da izvrdaju da se tako deklarisu (a ti ces me ispraviti ako nije tako). Ne zato sto je za njih to sramota, vec samo zato sto nije precizno u njihovom slucaju. IMHO, oni nisu levicari, jer levicarenje i desnicarenje za njih ne postoji nego su oni ono ljudi iz naroda, da ne kazem delije i operisu jednim znatno prostijim socijalnim i moralnim kompasom. Pritom ovo nikako nije deameaning nego mislim da govori o njihovim pretenzcijama (i.e. biti vise esencijalno narodski) - niti moze da bude kad je njihova socijalna kritika vrlo britka i uvek na mestu. Naravno, moguce da gresim.Ili da uprostim, kod Skyclada je fenomenalno sto tu ne postoji onaj cesto pateticni vapaj za davno prohujalim bygone dobom - umirucom kulturom, jezikom, obicajima, kodeksima (njihovog usiljenog mimikriranja i nicim izazvanog rekonstruisanja), te time shodnim povlacenjem, kontemplacijom i introspekcijom (e to je nju ejdz pristup); oni ne ceznu nizacim narodskim - upravo zato sto oni to u sustini prozivljavaju i na jako efektan (i narodski) nacin sublimiraju u svojim pesmama. A time prosto ceo fazon dobija na autenticnosti i zato Skyclad rula.A ovde takodje ja moram da priznam da sam fan dosta black-metala, ali to vec nije tema.
Edit: I umalo da zaboravim, dosledni i uporni anti-klerikalizam, koji nikada ne upada u naivnu antihrišćansku ili satanističku pozu. Religija je prosto opijum za narod, to je sve.
Naravno, pa gde ces veceg neprijatelja naroda. Edited by DarkAttraktor
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