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Reprezentacija Srbije


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Posted (edited)

Siniša Mihajlović podneo je tužbu protiv FIFA fudbalskog menadžera Zorana Đurića, zbog duševnog bola visokog intenziteta."Tužba je bez osnova. Ovim potezom Mihajlović želi da pošalje poruku da će biti tužen svako ko iznese drugačije mišljenje od njegovog", rekao je povodom optužbe Đurić

Gostujući u emisiji “Total soker“ na SOS kanalu, Đurić je na pitanje voditelja “Da li Ramadani i Berti utiču na izbor igrača u srpskoj reprezentaciji?“ odgovorio sa “Da, sigurno, sigurno“.
Edited by katamaran

Možda i nije loše da to stvarno dože do suda, a da taj Đurić krene da ređa i objašnjava kako se i po kojem kriterijumu pozivaju reprezentativci.

Možda i nije loše da to stvarno dože do suda, a da taj Đurić krene da ređa i objašnjava kako se i po kojem kriterijumu pozivaju reprezentativci.
+1Bilo bi dobro da se to čuje

Ma seru, eno Pantela je njegov igrac, pa ga nema u repki...

Недавно се Зоран Ђурић, менаџер Бошка Јанковића непријатно изненадио када је добио тужбу од Синише Михајловића за наношење „душевног бола”.nnegovanovic-predbelgmiha-kzn-010.jpgПрема речима селектора Србије, овде није крај, а душа га је „заболела“ очигледно више пута.– Не, не то није једина. Биће још тужби – рекао је Михајловић.Да ли сте тужили само менаџере?- Не, биће тужби и против неких новинара, али већ ћете чути за то – остао је загонетан селектор Орлова.

Правна држава на делу. :fantom:

- Михајловић сад тужи и новинаре и иде на суд
Pazite sta pisete da ne nanesete selektoru dusevni bol visokog intenziteta.

ja se ne bi zajebavao, srbija je ozbiljna banana republika. Mladjan dinkic je nakupio grdne pare sto je tuzakao ljude koji su o njemu govorili istinu...


Pa po tom pitanju i nije banana republika, jer je jedno govoriti istinu, a drugo pred sudom dokazati.... Valjda...


Pa samo u bananama je moguce da kazes istinu o ministru, a da onda budes osudjen da mu platis odstetu za to. Jer, na primer, od drzavnih organa ne mozes da dobijes ni jedan dokument koji se tice istine o ministru, jer su svi proglaseni drzavnim tajnama


The UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body has ordered the Serbian Under-21 national team to play their next UEFA competition home match behind closed doors, following a number of incidents that occurred during and after the 2013 UEFA European Under-21 Championship play-off second-leg match against England at the Mladost Stadium in Krusevac on 16 October. The Football Association of Serbia (FSS) has also been fined €80,000.The sanction against the FSS has been imposed for the improper conduct of its supporters during and at the end of the match, as well as for the improper conduct of the Serbia players at the end of the game.The UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body has also decided to:• Suspend Serbia fitness coach Andreja Milunović from all football-related activities for two years, the second of which is suspended for a probationary period of three years. FIFA will be requested to extend this decision so as to give it a worldwide effect.• Suspend Serbia assistant coach Predrag Katić from all football-related activities for two years, the final six months of which are suspended for a probationary period of three years. FIFA will be requested to extend this decision so as to give it a worldwide effect.• Suspend Serbia player Goran Caušić for four UEFA national team competition matches.• Suspend Serbia player Ognjen Mudrinski for three UEFA national team competition matches.• Suspend Serbia player Filip Malbašić for three UEFA national team competition matches.• Suspend Serbia player Nikola Ninković for two UEFA national team competition matches.The suspensions will apply to the next UEFA national team competition matches for which the players would be eligible.The disciplinary proceedings opened against Serbia player Aleksandar Pantić are dismissed.At the same hearing, the UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body decided to dismiss the disciplinary proceedings opened against The Football Association. The FA has received a warning for improper conduct by its team (more than five cautions).The UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body has also decided to:• Suspend England player Steven Caulker for two UEFA national team competition matches. This suspension applies to the following games: England v Italy on 5 June 2013 and England v Norway on 8 June 2013.• Suspend England player Thomas Ince for one UEFA national team competition match. This suspension applies to the following game: England v Italy on 5 June 2013.An appeal may be lodged against these decisions within three days of the dispatch of the reasoned decision.Englezima skoro nista. I onaj njihov trener se makljao pa ga ne kaznise.Bas me zanima hoce li Tole pomilovati Ninkovica i Mudrinskog.

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