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Kad ce vise mart i oslobadjanje Zagreba... smorili ste sa rasizmom. Ne no, ajde da pricamo o ropstvu. Niste u trendu...

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Najgore sto do marta ima dosta vremena i krenuce polako novinarska paljevina kako nista nije izgubljeno ako ih razbijemo u Zg, a to mozemo. Selektor ce napraviti 31 kombinaciju tima, zvace Pantelu, Laneta, Krasica, opljuvace kao nesposobne ove mlade, i popicemo 4 komada. Pred kraj pocinje fajt, Tole kaze da smo isprovocirani, ali da stoji iza selektora (i pola meleona evra sa talijanskim porezom koje bi morao opet da mu iskesira za slucaj otkaza).


Au jbt, sve imam utisak da je Tolo poslao ekipu da organizuje rasizam™ u Krusevcu, a da se niko ne bi bavio porazima na svim frontovima

Osim sto su crne studente iz nesvrstane Afrike ,sezdesetih godina ovog veka u Beogradu,u titovoj Jugoslaviji, terali da se penju na drvece.
Posted (edited)
Edi Dekenga - crna Elipsa.
:thumbup:Cisto da prekratim dosadu na ovom topicu, gde je iz price o porazu i neredima sve otislo u neku temu za Politiku. A o nasoj losoj igri (obe repke) slabo se razglaba. Eto da bar malo mi stariji evociramo uspomene na dobru muziku i vreme kad smo afrikance posmatrali kao bracu nesvrstane. Edited by minka

bolje da ne pricamo o fudbalu uopste, nema nama spasa.na sos-u veceras ide neka od onih njihovih bednickih emisija u kojima analizirajuTM i neki strucnjak prica kako mi moramo da uvedemo sistem u kome sve selekcije i klubovi igraju u 4-3-3 sistemu, a ne jedan klub ovako, a jedan onako, i da je tako svuda u svetu, u holandiji, spaniji, itd. a evo upravo na rts-u, isto analiza, i lik mrtav ladan prica kako bi on voleo da je curcic ostao selektor, videlo se da zeli i da se trudi. :isuse: :isuse: :isuse: :isuse: :isuse: :isuse:


...denda: 'mi u prirodi ne mozemo da udemo rasisti'...


Vrlo dobar komentar Dejvida Đejmsa u Gardianu...

The FA should have been braver in its response to racism | David Jamesfrom Guardian Unlimited FootballGreat strides have been made in ridding English football of racism, but the FA's handling of the John Terry affair hasn't helpedIf Martians visited they could be forgiven for thinking that English football is battling a racism epidemic. This is a distortion of the facts, and that is what led me to speak out about the anti-racism industry last week. My views may have been unpopular in some quarters, I accept that. But if racism is such a big problem in this country now then why have anti-racism groups redirected their efforts towards tackling other forms of discrimination in the game such as homophobia?In the 20 years that I have played professional football, I have experienced abhorrent racism in various forms – chocolate bars hurled on to the pitch at myself and other black players as a 20-year-old playing for Watford, National Front leaflets raining down from the stands while I sat on the bench as a young keeper during England games at Wembley. I wholeheartedly condemn racism, but I believe that in this country, those days are behind us. That is thanks to the good work of campaigns such as Kick It Out, now in its 20th year. Football is a place where racist abuse is no longer the norm, I can travel to Millwall and be called a "West Ham wanker" or taunted about how I let my country down as a goalkeeper, or how old I am – all of which is great, because none of it is racist.So why is there this intense focus on racism in the game right now? I believe English football is suffering as a direct result of the amount of time it took the FA to deal with the John Terry case. There is a tendency to have a go at the FA for everything, but I do think that in this case the criticism is justified. The recent revelation by the Crown Prosecution Service that it did not instruct the FA to delay its investigation into the case is damning.An 11-month delay in proceedings, conveniently allowing a European Championship to take place with Terry part of the squad, along with the ludicrous suggestion from some quarters that Anton Ferdinand should shake hands with Terry before the case had even been resolved, prompting days of intense media speculation and scrutiny, subsequently, left the issue to fester, causing unnecessary stress and upset to the Ferdinand family.It also brought about a situation where the anger levels of a group of black players, so incensed by the authorities' perceived lack of action, reached boiling point. Those players are threatening a breakaway group from the Professional Footballers' Association and are refusing to wear the Kick It Out T-shirts this weekend. We now know that this could all have been avoided. The FA did not have to wait for the CPS to give its verdict; it did not have to decide whether JT was a racist or not. All it needed to do was establish whether racist language was used on the field of play. Enter the video evidence, stage left. Job done. JT used racist language on a football pitch; that goes against the laws of the game and should have immediately been punished. The FA should have been swifter, and braver, in its response.Uefa's response to the racist abuse that took place at the U21's game in Serbia last week now needs to be prompt and decisive. In my view, the most appropriate punishment is for the national team's games to be played behind closed doors, which would give the supporters a firm message without damaging opportunities for their players to develop.The fight against racism in Serbia appears to be lagging 20 years behind English football's progress. That is unsurprising, given that ethnic cleansing and fervent nationalism were the themes of a civil war that ended just 13 years ago.English football has made great strides to leave those dark days behind us. Let us celebrate that progress. In all but a tiny minority of cases, a football pitch is a place of entertainment, not racist abuse.

Na Prvoj u toku opravdavanje objasnjavanje minulih incidenata featuring Jankosan™


nije samo Deni Rouz kriv, kriv je i sudija koji je odmah svirao kraj i UEFA ce to utvrditi posto je u dobrim odnosima sa nasim savezom!


"mi nemamo problem rasizma...kod nas niko nikad nije imao problem, svi tamnoputi igraci uzivaju...," :isuse:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzVun7osmRQkakav degenrik


Ala kenjaju ovi na Prvoj, Aleksandar "Bobi" Jankovic, Toletova pudlica, prica o individualizaciji kivice i o tome kako su rasisticke majmunarije bile upucene samo Rouzu, dok se jelte to nije odnosilo na ostale crnce u reprezentaciji Engleske, a i minut kad je to pocelo je jako bitan, 95, zaustavno™ vreme, skoro pa kraj, do tad je sve bilo sjajno...A ovaj novinar bez brade kenja kako na utakmicama Tolelige nema rasistickih ispada prema igracima i kako smo rezignirani i besni zbog loseg rezultata, pa se sad "samobicujemo".Jedite govna kolektivno!

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