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Jolly Roger

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Posted (edited)

Evo, i čudni micro-quasari počeli da niču po svemiru, šta li je sledeće... :)

Mysterious New Object Discovered in SpaceBy Charles Q. ChoiSPACE.com Contributorposted: 19 April 201009:17 am ETA strange and mysterious new object in space may the brightest and long-lasting "micro-quasar" seen thus far, a miniature version of the brightest objects in the universe.The object suddenly began pumping out radio waves last year in the relatively nearby galaxy M82, some 10 million light-years away. Its discovery was announced Tuesday.space.com
Edited by Jolly Roger

Priča o Wernheru von Braunu, genijalnom raketašu i nekada članu Nacističke partije i SS oficiru:Houston, We Have a problem

U poslednjih godinu dana u Americi je napisano puno knjiga u kojima se slavi 40. godišnjica prvog sletanja čoveka na Mesec koje se dogodilo 1969. godine. Međutim, među svima njima jedna se posebno izdvojila jer se ne bavi slavljenjem – to je knjiga „Tamna strana Meseca: Verner fon Braun, Treći rajh i kosmička trka“ („The Dark Side of the Moon: Wernher von Braun, the Third Reich, and Space Race“) Waynea Biddlea. Kao što naslov i asocira, autor se sa puno skepse osvrnuo na mladost i karijeru Wernhera von Brauna, čoveka koji je igrao vodeću ulogu u nemačkom raketnom programu pre i tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Fon Braun je prebačen u Ameriku 1945. godine pod sumljivim okolnostima i kasnije postao šef programa za razvoj rakete „Saturn V“ koja će par godina kasnije da ponese misiju „Apollo 11“ u kosmos. Na Nasinom sajtu piše da je „bez sumlje bio najveći raketni naučnik u istoriji.“

Uskoro poleće jedina leteća astronomska opservatorija:

Nasa readies jumbo eye in the skyThe US space agency Nasa has unveiled a powerful new tool in its quest to unravel the mysteries of the Universe.The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy is a modified Boeing 747-SP aircraft known as Sofia.Developed in partnership with the German Aerospace Centre, DLR, the 'plane is the only flying astronomical observatory in the world.It carries a 2.7m telescope, and offers astronomers a unique opportunity to explore the cosmos.It can identify objects that emit radiation at infrared wavelengths, which are not visible to the human eye.BBC
Posted (edited)
Nasa probe sends home dazzling pictures of the sunAmazing images from Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory will enhance our understanding of the sun's impact on our chemistry and climate, writes Robin McKieThe Guardian
Prelepe fotografije Sunca, odrađene uz pomoć različitih filtera:Solar-Dynamics-Observator-002.jpgSolar-Dynamics-Observator-001.jpgSolar-Dynamics-Observator-007.jpgSolar-Dynamics-Observator-003.jpgSolar-Dynamics-Observator-005.jpgSolar-Dynamics-Observator-006.jpgSolar-Dynamics-Observator-004.jpgNa poslednjoj slici se lepo vidi gotovo potpuno odsustvo sunčevih pega što ukazuje na smanjenu aktivnost naše zvezde koju naučnici dovode u vezu sa hladnijim zimama... Edited by Jolly Roger
Prelepe fotografije Sunca, odrađene uz pomoć različitih filtera:Solar-Dynamics-Observator-002.jpgSolar-Dynamics-Observator-001.jpgSolar-Dynamics-Observator-007.jpgSolar-Dynamics-Observator-003.jpgSolar-Dynamics-Observator-005.jpgSolar-Dynamics-Observator-006.jpgSolar-Dynamics-Observator-004.jpgNa poslednjoj slici se lepo vidi gotovo potpuno odsustvo sunčevih pega što ukazuje na smanjenu aktivnost naše zvezde koju naučnici dovode u vezu sa hladnijim zimama...
Predivno!Sto se poslednje fotke tice, Volfov broj je baremR=27 [R=k(10g+f)], gde je R-Volfov broj, k-koeficijent koji je subjektivan i vezan je za instrument i iskustvo posmatraca, uvek je <1, ali smo u ovom slucaju pretpostavili da je k=1, g-ukupan broj grupa pega, gde se i usamljene pege na disku racunaju kao grupe, i f-ukupan broj pega]Sad se Sunce nalazi u minimumu svoje aktivnosti, sto se vidi i iz tabele za mesec mart 2010:MARCH 2010 PROVISIONAL INTERNATIONAL NORMALIZED HEMISPHERIC SUNSPOT NUMBERS Date Ri Rn Rs __________________________________________________________________ 1 15 8 7 2 24 8 16 3 23 8 15 4 25 8 17 5 18 9 9 6 0 0 0 7 8 8 0 8 11 11 0 9 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 11 22 13 9 12 23 15 8 13 20 20 0 14 21 21 0 15 17 17 0 16 15 15 0 17 18 18 0 18 19 19 0 19 14 14 0 20 9 9 0 21 14 14 0 22 11 11 0 23 9 9 0 24 11 11 0 25 15 15 0 26 14 14 0 27 22 15 7 28 20 13 7 29 21 14 7 30 21 13 8 31 17 9 8 __________________________________________________________________ MONTHLY MEAN : 15.4 11.6 3.8 COOPERATING STATIONS : 62 57 57 PILOT STATION : Specola Solare Ticinese, LocarnoVidi se da je usrednjeni Volfov broj za ovaj mesec samo R=15.4Uostalom, da je Suncevo lice cisto i bez pegica, govori i oba slika:midi512_blank.gif?PHPSESSID=87ba0cq90br71g1kgfdg4k28j6za 24. april 2010. Nece biti opasnosti po Zemlju i njene vestacke satelite narednih par godinica...

@ЊујоркерHvala za ovo, vrlo korisno. Sjajno bi bilo da se još ljudi aktivnije uključi u topik, da ne izgleda kao da je ovo moj blog - to mi nije bila namera. The more the merrier... :)


O ovome šta priča SH bi trebalo dooooobro razmisliti...

Stephen Hawking warns over making contact with aliensAliens almost certainly exist but humans should avoid making contact, Professor Stephen Hawking has warned.In a series for the Discovery Channel the renowned astrophysicist said it was "perfectly rational" to assume intelligent life exists elsewhere.But he warned that aliens might simply raid Earth for resources, then move on."If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," he said.Prof Hawking thinks that, rather than actively trying to communicate with extra-terrestrials, humans should do everything possible to avoid contact.He explained: "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet."In the past probes have been sent into space with engravings of human on board and diagrams showing the location of our planet.Radio beams have been fired into space in the hope of reaching alien civilisations.Prof Hawking said: "To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational."The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."The programme envisages numerous alien species including two-legged herbivores and yellow, lizard-like predators.But Prof Hawking conceded most life elsewhere in the universe is likely to consist of simple microbes.In the recent BBC series Wonders of the Solar System, Professor Brian Cox, a physicist from the University of Manchester, also suggested life may exist elsewhere within our solar system.He said organisms could be present under the ice sheet that envelops Europa, one of Jupiter's moons.Professor Cox added: "Closer to home, the evidence that life could exist on Mars is growing."We will only know for sure when the next generation of spacecraft, fine-tuned to search for life, are launched to the moons of Jupiter and the arid plains of Mars in the coming decades."BBC

Evo sjajne vesti:

Location chosen for European Extremely Large TelescopeEurope has chosen the place it wants to build the biggest telescope the world.

- Basic design completed in 2006; detailed work now under way- Main mirror consists of 984 segments; each is 1.45m wide- Final image requires use of four further - but smaller - mirrors- Latest optics techniques correct for atmospheric distortions- Construction could start in 2011; likely cost is one billion euros

The E-ELT will thus be able to gather 15 times more light than the largest optical telescopes operating today. It will also provide images 15 times sharper than those from the Hubble Space Telescope.BBC

Posted (edited)
Evo, i čudni micro-quasari počeli da niču po svemiru, šta li je sledeće... :)
To nisu kvazari, imaju samo ime slično. Ti "mikro kvazari" su najverovatnije neutronske zvezde, možda crne rupe (mada ne verujem, jer emituju snažne promenljive radio talase karakteristične za neutron star). Edited by schutz

Hubble, prvih 20 godina...

Hable, srećan rođendan!Pre tačno dvadest godina svetska javnost je sa velikim interesovanjem pratila događaj koji će izmeniti naše viđenje univerzuma za sva vremena. Pet članova posade Diskaveri spejs šatla je 24. aprila 1990. godine ponelo u Zemljinu orbitu jedan od najznačajnijih i najpopularnijih teleskopa svih vremena, Habl svemirski teleskop (Hubble Space Telescope, HST). Oslobođen nepovoljnih uticaja koje atmosfera ima na astronomska osmatranja, visoko iznad površine Zemlje, Habl je tokom protekle dve decenije zabeležio neke od najintrigantnijih i najlepših pojava u svemiru, produbljujući naša znanja o univerzumu kao ni jedan teleskop do sada.HubbleSite

- gledao juče trezor na jadnom servisu i u toj emisiji snimljenoj 1980 god gost je bio čuveni ing M. Jugin. Tema emisije je bio novi raketoplan :D nasa-e space shutlle, po Juginu novi raketoplani su trebali da leti oko 50 puta godišnje u svemir :huh: tj praktično jednom nedeljno, a i svemirski turizam je bio tek koju godinu udaljen, ništa lakše nego otići na raketodrom i kupiti kartu za raketoplansko razgledanje zemlje iz orbite :lol:- uh kako im se tada nasa činila svemogućom posle misija na mesecu, sigurno su smatrali da će do kraja veka čovek hodati po marsu- danas je realnost drugačija, teško da ćemo to uopšte doživeti, osim ako kina ne započne kosmičku patkometriju sa amerima ko će pre da pobode zastavu u crvenu planetu


Severno svetlo ovog maja:Tony-Wilder1.jpgChippewa Falls, WI, May. 3, 2010Joseph-Shaw2.jpgBozeman, Montana, May. 3, 2010Tom-Eklund3.jpgValkeakoski, Finland, May. 3, 2010Alan-Dyer1.jpgnear Gleichen, Alberta, May. 2, 2010Tomppa-Jurvanen2.jpgLappeenranta, Finland, May. 3, 2010Janis-Satrovskis2.jpgBurtnieki, Latvia, May. 3, 2010spaceweather.com

  • Wub 1

Lepa simbolika...

Parče Njutnovog drveta u svemiru10. maj 2010. | 10:33 | Izvor: Tanjug London -- Parče stabla jabuke iz dvorišta britanskog naučnika Isaka Njutna biće poslato u svemir narednim letom šatla NASA, javio je BBC.B92BBC

Bitan momenat, prva upotreba solarnog jedra u međuplanetarnim putovanjima:

Japan Prepares Double Mission to VenusJapan will launch a double-packed mission to Venus on May 18th which includes a weather probe and the first interplanetary solar sail.space.comBBC

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