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Jolly Roger

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I u jednom od najzanimljivijih tijela u sunčevom sustavu, Titana, nalazi se led.


Za razliku od Ganimeda, it's shaken and stirred, with rocks.Članak, zahvaljujući Cassiniju koji se vrti tamo u tim krajevima, sam samcat.

This incomplete separation of ice and rock makes Titan less like Jupiter's moon Ganymede, where ice and rock have fully separated, and perhaps more like another Jovian moon, Callisto, which is believed to have a mixed ice and rock interior. Though the moons are all about the same size, they clearly have diverse histories.

topik je perspektivan, ali pristizu prituzbe o nenaucnom karakteru istog.ne bih da sve ovo zavrsi kao i put na mesec, zato drzimo se teme. kao sto rece drug lenjin, osnovica znanja koja vodi napretku mora biti naucna.a sad, drugovi, nastavite!

Milijardu dolara za Ruske rakete Suradnja Francuske i Rusije na području svemirskih tehnologija dobiva novi zamah. Nakon posjete Ruskog predsjednika Dmitrya Medvedeva Francuskoj dogovoren je milijardu dolara težak posao u kojem se Francuska svemirska agencija CNES obvezala od Ruske svemirske agencije Roskosmos kupiti 14 snažnih raketa nosača tipa Soyuz.Izvor
Izabrane prve Kineske astronautkinjeKineska svemirska agencija objavila je kako je izbor druge generacije Kineskih astronauta zaključen te da su među sedam novih pripadnika Kineskog astronautskog odreda i dvije žene. Imena odabranih nisu još objavljena, prema već uobičajnoj tajnovitosti koja prati svemirska događanja iz te mnogoljudne zemlje.kinaprvaastronautkinja.jpgIzvor
Sun's Nemesis Pelted Earth with Comets, Study SuggestsIs our Sun part of a binary star system? Some have suggested an unseen companion star, nicknamed "Nemesis" or "The Death Star", is sending comets towards Earth. Izvor

Na danasnji dan otkriveni 1781. godine Uran i 1930. godine Pluton.13. mart

Posted (edited)
Šta je potrebno za život i ko je uopšte tvorac
SAVEZ ASTRONOMA AMATERA SRBIJEUpravo je pristigla vest da je Agenciji za privredne registre, danas, 10. marta, predata dokumentacija za registrovanje Saveza astronoma amatera Srbije. Time je konačno realizovana gotovo dve decenje stara ideja o stvaranju Saveza astronomskih društava Srbije.
Will the NASA WISE Space Telescope Find Nemesis, a Binary Companion Star for the Sun ? Edited by Jolly Roger
SAVEZ ASTRONOMA AMATERA SRBIJEUpravo je pristigla vest da je Agenciji za privredne registre, danas, 10. marta, predata dokumentacija za registrovanje Saveza astronoma amatera Srbije. Time je konačno realizovana gotovo dve decenje stara ideja o stvaranju Saveza astronomskih društava Srbije.
Cestitam na SAAS-u. Kad se samo setim nasih propalih pokusaja da stvorimo SADS svojevremeno... Kad bese poslednji ozbiljan sastanak na tu temu? 1995? 1996? Mozda i nesto kasnije. Imam ja to sve sacuvano po fasciklama u Valjevu. Sastanak je bio u ISP... Tuga jedna Bozija. 2 Srbina, 3 partije. :( Elem, ne znam kako su uspeli da sloze rogove u vreci, ne znam da li ce potrajati, ali im od srca zelim sve najbolje!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:
Are Black Holes the Architects of the Universe?
Long known for their obliterating power, black holes may also have been a creative force: New evidence suggests that they gave order to the chaotic mess produced by the Big Bang.
Konacno malo postovanja za crne rupe a ne samo strah od njih... ;)
Ove, 2010, godine proleće stiže 20. marta u 18 sati i 32,2 minuta. U isto vreme na južnoj Zemljinoj poulopti počinje jesen. Proleće će trajati 92,75 dana tj. do 21. juna 2010. u 13:28 minuta (po letnjem vremenu).

Intrepid trazi bar 1 satl da smesti pod stakleno zvono:

Intrepid quest to land shuttle: Museum kicks off push to bring in retired craftNew York officials are upping the ante in the push to win a coveted space shuttle - calling it one small step for NASA but a giant step for New York City."If you think of the economic, cultural and educational potential of the shuttle coming to New York, there's no other place but New York," Intrepid President Bill White said yesterday. "These are precious, historical icons (and) they should go somewhere where the most people will see them."NASA is decommissioning three space shuttles - the Endeavor, Atlantis and Discovery - next year and the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum is on the short list to get one.White is joining today with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and NYC & Company CEO George Fertitta to lobby for a shuttle, claiming it could boost tourism and help counter the city's 10.4% unemployment rate."There is simply no better place to showcase the space shuttle than the heart of the Big Apple," said Gillibrand (D-N.Y.)Docked at Pier 86, the Intrepid is best known for surviving five kamikaze attacks in the Pacific during World War II.The legendary aircraft carrier also recovered several astronauts after they splashed down during space missions in the 1960s."We were the primary space recovery vessel for NASA during this time. It goes perfectly with our mission," White said.Twenty-five other organizations have made formal offers to NASA to house one of the shuttles, including the Museum of Flight in Seattle, the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton, Ohio, and Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.NASA officials said they expect to make a decision in the next few months.In the meantime, the Intrepid is trying to get 100,000 signatures of support by Memorial Day to send to President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, who is chairman of NASA's board."It'd be cool," said 9-year-old Liam Baird, of Bernardsville, N.J., who checked out the museum's vast collection of military aircraft yesterday, including a replica of the Aurora 7 Mercury space capsule."It'd tie in nicely with the other exhibits that are here," said Jeff Marriott, a 40-year-old businessman from Yorkshire, England.The museum sees about 1 million visitors a year and city officials said they predict a space shuttle could draw an extra $100 million in revenue each year.That would easily pay for the cost to house the shuttle in a glass enclosure near the Concorde, White said. NASA would pay the $42 million bill to decontaminate and deliver the space shuttle.nydailynews.com
Bilo bi kul... Konacno bi se naterao da odem na taj (paro)brod;-)

Britanci osnivaju novu svemirsku agenciju:

Britain to launch executive space agencyThe UK will formally launch its new space agency on Tuesday.BBC

Jos malo o satlu.Danas senator Sumer u Postu, o svojoj i sen. Djilibrandovoj podrsci Intrepidu za udomljenje satla u muzeju.Sumerov satlEto, otisao sam na dati link i ispalo je da je moj potpis jubilarni

Sign Our Petition Here11000 signaturesPlease enter your name:
Bez obzira sto i Sumeru i Djilibrandovoj zelim da se u novembru provedu k'o bosi po trnju, za ovu inicijativu imaju moju podrsku;-) I posle kazu da nema bipartizanstine:p

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