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  • 4 weeks later...

'Orphan' Alien Planet Found Nearby Without Parent StarBy Mike Wall | SPACE.com – Wed, Nov 14, 2012Astronomers have discovered a potential "rogue" alien planet wandering alone just 100 light-years from Earth, suggesting that such starless worlds may be extremely common across the galaxy.The free-floating object, called CFBDSIR2149, is likely a gas giant planet four to seven times more massive than Jupiter, scientists say in a new study unveiled today (Nov. 14). The planet cruises unbound through space relatively close to Earth (in astronomical terms), perhaps after being booted from its own solar system."If this little object is a planet that has been ejected from its native system, it conjures up the striking image of orphaned worlds, drifting in the emptiness of space," study leader Philippe Delorme, of the Institute of Planetology and Astrophysics of Grenoble in France, said in a statement.http://news.yahoo.com/orphan-alien-planet-found-nearby-without-parent-star-122308193.html

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Super-Giant Black Hole Baffles ScientistsBy Ned Potter | ABC News – 12 hrs agoABC News - Super-Giant Black Hole Baffles Scientists (ABC News)You would probably not enjoy the galaxy NGC 1277. Never mind that it's far - 220 million light-years away in the constellation Perseus. The problem is that at its center is a giant, giant black hole, 17 billion times as massive as our sun, so big that scientists calculate it makes up 59 percent of the mass of the galaxy's disc.Astrophysicists have long believed that there's a black hole at the center of our Milky Way, but it probably accounts for something like 0.1 percent of the galaxy's center. The one in NGC 1277, scientists report in today's edition of the journal Nature, is the second largest they've ever observed, and it upends what they thought about how galaxies form.Black holes, as you'll recall, are objects in space so massive that their gravity consumes everything around them - stars, planets, matter, energy, even light. Earthly scientists can only observe their effect on the space around them, not see them directly. Be grateful we're not close to one. They're actually useful to astrophysicists in explaining the nice spiral shape of many galaxies - you need something massive in the middle for the stars to circle - but NGC 1277 is an extreme."This is a really oddball galaxy," said Karl Gebhardt of the University of Texas at Austin, a member of the team that made the find. "It's almost all black hole. This could be the first object in a new class of galaxy-black hole systems." Gebhardt and colleagues at the McDonald Observatory have been calculating the mass of different black holes - no small task considering their powerful gravity.The researchers put together an animation of how stars in that distant galaxy would behave, whipping around the center to avoid falling in.What would you see if you lived on a habitable planet in that far-away galaxy and could look toward the center? Probably nothing that makes sense to human eyes. Black holes have such powerful gravity that they distort the space around them.http://news.yahoo.co...-news-tech.html

Edited by bigvlada

Ako imate ideju za kakvu vrstu posmatranja bi donirana ogledala mogla da se upotrebe, bacite im mail. :)NASA seeks ideas to use Hubble-class spy telescopesBY STEPHEN CLARKSPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: November 27, 2012NASA is asking scientists to submit ideas on how to use two optical telescopes originally built for the National Reconnaissance Office, the U.S. government's spy satellite agency, in a request for information solicitation released Tuesday. 27nrotelescopes_400265.jpgFile photo of the Hubble Space Telescope. Although no photos of the NRO telescopes have been released, they have the same diameter as Hubble. Credit: NASAEach of the telescopes have 2.4-meter, or 94-inch, primary mirrors, the same size as the Hubble Space Telescope.The call for proposals issued Tuesday seeks information on concepts to use the NRO telescopes for astrophysics, heliophysics, planetary sciences and human spaceflight missions, according to NASA.NASA announced in June it took possession of the spy hardware, which was developed for a canceled NRO imaging satellite program. Although NASA said each telescope is worth about $250 million, they do not come with any support equipment, such as a spacecraft, instruments, or actuators, which would be needed for a full space mission.One of the donated telescopes could be used for the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope, or WFIRST, designed to probe dark energy and detect exoplanets. WFIRST was ranked by the National Research Council as the top priority for NASA's astrophysics program after completion of the James Webb Space Telescope, a flagship $8.8 billion project due for launch in 2018.Based on NASA's budget projections, and before the gifting of the NRO telescopes, officials said the earliest WFIRST could launch was 2024. Scientists foresee the WFIRST mission advancing research into Earth-like planets around other stars, charting the expansion of the universe, and producing the deepest all-sky map of the cosmos in near-infrared wavelengths.A NASA review team initially assumed WFIRST would have a 1.3-meter, or 59-inch, telescope. An evaluation of a "new WFIRST" mission with the larger NRO telescope showed it would yield sharper images in a wider field-of-view - imaging a swath of the sky 100 times larger than Hubble can see in a single exposure.But a "new WFIRST" mission using the more powerful spy telescope will need better detectors to collect imagery, and a larger spacecraft and rocket will be required.A NASA cost estimate for the WFIRST mission concept employing one of the NRO telescopes projected the price of the project to be about $1.75 billion, more than the $1.6 billion cost highlighted before the spy hardware was considered for the job.Michael Moore, a program executive in NASA's astrophysics division, urged scientists in September to come up with innovative ideas to reuse excess or spare equipment from previous space missions, along with the NRO telescopes, for a less expensive mission.NASA is commissioning a science definition team to formally evaluate the scientific value of flying one of the NRO telescopes to fulfill the National Research Council's decadal survey recommendations, which ranked WFIRST as the science community's preferred astrophysics mission in the next 10 years. The team will complete its review in April.All ideas for the NRO telescopes except those dealing with the WFIRST concept and Earth observation will be considered in the RFI released Tuesday, according to NASA. The space agency is especially interested in ideas involving commercial space development and partnership arrangements, including cost-sharing models."Because there are two telescopes, there is room for projects that span the gamut of the imagination," Moore said in a statement Tuesday. "They range from simple balloon flights to complex missions in science using new technologies under development and the capabilities available with the International Space Station and our commercial space flight partners."NASA will hold a two-day workshop Feb. 5 and 6 for presentations and discussion of the most promising concepts."We will give all ideas equal consideration and choose the most promising for further study," said Marc Allen, acting deputy associate administrator for research in NASA's science mission directorate. "We want to tap into innovative ideas wherever we can find them in order to optimize use of these telescope assets."http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n1211/27nrotelescopes/

Posted (edited)
The Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) is a low-frequency precursor telescope to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), developed by an international consortium and located near Boolardy Station in Western Australia, at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO) which offers a radio-quiet environment and stable climate for observations.The MWA project acknowledges the traditional owners of the MRO, the Wadjarri Yamatji people. The project is being undertaken with the permission of the Wadjarri Yamatji people, governed by an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA). We deeply appreciates the trust the Wadjarri Yamatji place in us in undertaking this work on their land.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLri0HFC3qghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEI6Xt3Emyk(IT strana)
iDataPlex dx360 M3 computer cluster: the 4,096 array antennas probing deep space and solar atmospherics will have the Xeon-based cluster tackling signal data at 8GB per second, and about 50TB per day. A 10Gbps network connection will feed the results to Perth to save scientists a roughly 435-mile trek.
Edited by Indy
  • 2 weeks later...

ajd neko ko se razume u astronomiju nek prokomentariše ovu vest....

Naučnici su otkrili „naseljivu“ planetu koja orbitira oko sunca vidljivim golim okom sa Zemlje.Ova „naseljiva“ planeta udaljena je od nas 12 svetlosnih godina i od Zemlje je veća dva do šest puta. Naučnici misle da ova planeta kruži oko Tau Cetija, zvezde identične našem Suncu,
LINKkoje su šanse da se ona ozbiljno istraži? I eventualno pošalje ljudska posada?

Za ozbiljno istraživanje treba samo spektrometarska opservacija, izračun mase, detekcija atmosfere i elementi u atmosferi. To se može u principu za godinu dana uz ulaganja..Ljudska posada ili bilo kakva sonda bit će kad netko empirijski dokaže da se Albi Einstein zajebao.


- nismo sposobni da pošaljemo ljude na mars, koji nam je tako reći u komšiluku, a poslaćemo ih na 2 miliona puta udaljeniju planetunot bloody likely - barem dok ne napravimo enterprise :D


Ma nalaze ih stalno, u Novembru je bio još jedan potencijalni kandidat, na 40 svetlosnih godina daleko. Nismo mi ništa specijalno. Što se tiče slanja robota, realno u sledećih par stotina godina imamo samo fuziju, tj. 0,7C. Dok ne naučimo kako da se zamrzavamo i odmrzavamo možeš da očekuješ robotske misije koje bi sa fuzionim motorima trošile istu količinu vremena do Alfa Kentaure i Tau Ceti-ja koliko su Marineri i Vojadžeri trošili do Jupitera i Urana. Hiperpogon je lepa ideja ali nije ni u domenu teorije. Ionako ćemo ga ili kupiti od neke trgovačke rase ili izvršiti reverzni inženjering palog Endar Spire-a. :D


Hiper pogon stize sutra (ili najkasnije do 23.) kad se na Zemlju vrati Bolon Jokte, predvodnik vanzemaljske rase...(upravo citam Denikena, can you tell? :lol: )

  On 20. 12. 2012. at 7:21, bigvlada said:
Ma nalaze ih stalno, u Novembru je bio još jedan potencijalni kandidat, na 40 svetlosnih godina daleko. Nismo mi ništa specijalno. Što se tiče slanja robota, realno u sledećih par stotina godina imamo samo fuziju, tj. 0,7C. Dok ne naučimo kako da se zamrzavamo i odmrzavamo možeš da očekuješ robotske misije koje bi sa fuzionim motorima trošile istu količinu vremena do Alfa Kentaure i Tau Ceti-ja koliko su Marineri i Vojadžeri trošili do Jupitera i Urana.Hiperpogon je lepa ideja ali nije ni u domenu teorije. Ionako ćemo ga ili kupiti od neke trgovačke rase ili izvršiti reverzni inženjering palog Endar Spire-a. :D
Gde samo nalazis te nebuloze. Mi jesmo vrlo specijalno mesto sto potvrdjuju i dosadasnje pozitivno otkrivene egzoplanete. Kakvih 0,7c sa 0.8% efikasnosti fuzije nema trika ni da poneses ni da skupis usput, gde god da to citas slobodno obrisi iz bookmarka.
  On 20. 12. 2012. at 17:12, fonTelefon said:
Gde samo nalazis te nebuloze. Mi jesmo vrlo specijalno mesto sto potvrdjuju i dosadasnje pozitivno otkrivene egzoplanete. Kakvih 0,7c sa 0.8% efikasnosti fuzije nema trika ni da poneses ni da skupis usput, gde god da to citas slobodno obrisi iz bookmarka.
Nebuloze? aaa, pobrkao si ime sa Nebulon B krstaricom. Dešava se. Istina bilo bi bolje da naletimo na takvog kapitalca, ali ja bih bio zadovoljan i sa lakom republičkom krstaricom. Glede planeta; do pre par godina nismo imali dokaz da van sunčevog sistema uopšte postoje planete. Pa kada smo malo usavršili opremu počele da iskaču i velike i male. Kada budu lansirali Webb-a, biće i naseljivih (za oblke života bazirane na ugljeniku ) koliko hoćeš. Mi nismo ništa specijalno. E sad, to što je grupica ljudi milenijumima ubeđivala narod da je Zemlja centar univerzuma i da se sve okreće oko nje je druga stvar.Ovo drugo je još smešnije. Svi budući fuzioni reaktori (a nismo do sada napravili nijedan da radi u kontinuitetu) će imati efikasnost od 0,8%? To je neki teoretski maksimum? :)
Posted (edited)

Tako je dok Bog ne promeni neke osnovna nacela. Prestani da se prosipas ne znas ni srednjoskolsku fiziku, zali boze ako si ucio neku na fakultetu i polozio, a pricas o teleskopu koji tek treba da proradi. Ako pronadjemo jednu, dve planete slicne Zemlji i snime spektar atmosfere u kosmickoj blizini koju ce da posmatra Webb ima svi astronomi da pevaju i jos ce da opravda sva prekoracenja budzeta. Mozda ce otkriti i Nibiru i mnostvo braon patuljaka, ali Kepler je efikasniji u otkrivanju planeta, jer gleda u za to pogodnije zvezdano polje i tu populaciju prati u tranzitu. Webb ce da gleda jako daleko u prostor i proslost, ali egzoplanete samo u nasem susedstvu ako sve proradi kako treba. Sva istrazivanja formiranja planeta, evolucije planetarnih sistema, dinamika zvezda, stabilnost i parametri orbite etc ukazuje da smo mi jedno izuzetno pogodno mesto za zivot tako to tvoje Mi zadrzi samo za sebe.Maksimalno koliko se moze energije dobiti fuzijom vodonika je ~0.8% mase. Uzmi da racunas da sa tom maksimalnom brzinom izbacis sav nastali helijum i nikad neces doci ni priblizno do brzine kojom se prosipas cak ni kad skupljas vodonik u medjuzvezdanom prostoru, jer sto se brze kreces to vise otpora stvaras, sakupljeni molekuli udaraju u tvoj leteci objekat i njih moras da ubrzas iz skoro stanja mirovanja.

  On 21. 12. 2012. at 8:12, bigvlada said:
Nebuloze? aaa, pobrkao si ime sa Nebulon B krstaricom. Dešava se. Istina bilo bi bolje da naletimo na takvog kapitalca, ali ja bih bio zadovoljan i sa lakom republičkom krstaricom.Glede planeta; do pre par godina nismo imali dokaz da van sunčevog sistema uopšte postoje planete. Pa kada smo malo usavršili opremu počele da iskaču i velike i male. Kada budu lansirali Webb-a, biće i naseljivih (za oblke života bazirane na ugljeniku ) koliko hoćeš. Mi nismo ništa specijalno. E sad, to što je grupica ljudi milenijumima ubeđivala narod da je Zemlja centar univerzuma i da se sve okreće oko nje je druga stvar.Ovo drugo je još smešnije. Svi budući fuzioni reaktori (a nismo do sada napravili nijedan da radi u kontinuitetu) će imati efikasnost od 0,8%? To je neki teoretski maksimum? :)
Edited by fonTelefon

pisanje o tome koga šta boli i nagađanja da li je neko položio nekakav ispit je nepoželjno. ličnosti forumaša nisu tema ovde.

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