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Meksicki ilegalci poceli da se sire po evropi: „Киша” мртвих птица пала и у Шведској.
И још понегде.
DK) Sefanija poglavlje 11 Riječ Gospodinova koja dođe Sofoniji, sinu Husija sina Godolije sina Amarije sina Jezekijinog, za vremena Josije, sina Amonovog, kralja Judinog.2 Sve ću uzeti sa zemlje — govori Gospodin;3 Uzet ću ljude i stoku, uzet ću ptice nebeske i ribe morske i sablazni s bezbožnicima, i uništit ću ljude sa zemlje — govori Gospodin.
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e koje sam ja kurčeve sreće.... :isuse: ....prvo ostadoh bez države, onda mi uvedoše diplomske ispite,pa klasifikacione prijemne ispite,pa bombardovanje 99te,pa preživljavanje bez novca,...dok je svo to vreme oko moje glave besneo gradjanski rat.Taman kad se sve to svršilo dodje tranzicija. Pa plejada nesrećnih fudbalskih selektora.e sad, i smak sveta. .....da sam makar znao da se ne ženim..... :(PS + 2012 za Djonija.

Edited by steins
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mada stvarno ne bi bilo loše da se otvori topic o ovim pomorima.recimo na ekologiji........ne očekujte to od mene, previše sam mrzovoljan ovih dana..... <_<

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Занимљива прича о деловању ММФ и Светске Банке написана од стране Штиглица. Јесте напаисана 2001. али врло занимљива.

Stiglitz helped translate one from bureaucratise, a "CountryAssistance Strategy." Theres an Assistance Strategy for everypoorer nation, designed, says the World Bank, after careful in-countryinvestigation. But according to insider Stiglitz, the Banks staffinvestigation consists of close inspection of a nations 5-starhotels. It concludes with the Bank staff meeting some begging,busted finance minister who is handed a restructuring agreementpre-drafted for his voluntary signature (I have a selection ofthese).Each nations economy is individually analyzed, then, says Stiglitz,the Bank hands every minister the same exact four-step program.Step One is Privatization - which Stiglitz said could more accuratelybe called, Briberization. Rather than object to the sell-offs ofstate industries, he said national leaders - using the World Banksdemands to silence local critics - happily flogged their electricityand water companies.After briberization, Step Two of the IMF/World Bank one-size-fits-allrescue-your-economy plan is Capital Market Liberalization. Intheory, capital market deregulation allows investment capital toflow in and out.At this point, the IMF drags the gasping nation to Step Three:Market-Based Pricing, a fancy term for raising prices on food,water and cooking gas. This leads, predictably, to Step-Three-and-a-Half:what Stiglitz calls, The IMF riot.Now we arrive at Step Four of what the IMF and World Bank calltheir "poverty reduction strategy": Free Trade. This is freetrade by the rules of the World Trade Organization and World Bank
Оригинални наслов иде овако:
TODAYS WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN ECONOMICSThe World Banks former Chief Economists accusations are eye-popping - including how the IMF and US Treasury fixed the Russian elections
http://bazaarmodel.net/phorum/read.php?1,147Врло занимљив и поучан текст.У којем се стадијуму налази мајчица Србија?Велика је срећа што смо имали и имамо политичаре и економисте који су мислили и мисле о интересима Србије.Багро... Edited by No7
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Nije baš vezano za neku aktuelnu temu, ali koga zanimaju međunarodni odnosi i savremena istorija - vrlo lepo kocipirana predavanja:http://itunes.apple.com/itunes-u/history-international-system/id384240428#ls=1

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Nije baš vezano za neku aktuelnu temu, ali koga zanimaju međunarodni odnosi i savremena istorija - vrlo lepo kocipirana predavanja:http://itunes.apple.com/itunes-u/history-international-system/id384240428#ls=1

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