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Srpski lobista šef kabineta Baraka Obame Оде нам главни лобиста,
Rahm Emanuel Is Leaving The White HouseRahm Emanuel is set to leave The White House, as he prepares to run for Mayor of Chicago, according to Bloomberg. His departure could come as soon as October.This move was speculated about a few weeks ago when Chicago Mayor Daley announced his plans to retire, leaving open a job that Emanuel was known to want.The news comes a day after The White House confirmed that top economic advisor Larry Summers would leave and return to Harvard.The only real surprise here is that Emanuel might leave before the midterms.While Obama is unpopular and it might be tempted to see a trend of folks fleeing a sinking ship, you also have to give Rahm credit for -- regardless of your personal opinion -- a pretty accomplished first half.
Хвала ти Раме за све што си учинио за Србију. Твоја дела се никада неће заборавити.Стварно немамо среће.
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Glavni izraelski lobista ide iz Obaminog kabineta u sred pregovora o miru na Bliskom istoku? Lik ciji je otac bio clan 1 Irguna. Ovo bi moglo znaciti da je Obama opasno zapeo da se ta prica okonca.

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ne verujem da je to razlog. liberali su opasno ispizdeli na obamu, a kao glavnog krivca za sve neuspehe vide upravo emanuela.rahm je cak izjavio i ovo:http://fdlaction.firedoglake.com/2010/01/26/rahm-emanuel-liberals-are-f-king-retarded/ ovo je verovatno ustupak liberalima koji cine njegovu bazu i koji smatraju da je obama izneverio njihova ocekivanja. izbori se blize, republikanci su u velikoj prednosti i valja motivisati ljude da izadju i glasaju.

Edited by kojot
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Solidna teorija zavere©. U stvari, biti gradonacelnik Cikaga je stepping stone u karijeri. Velika moc na lokalu, budzet, itd. Retko kad sefovi kabineta izdrze duze od 2 godine. Biti 110% svog vremena "u sluzi" presednika je zajebano i psihofizicki zahtevno. Aj da je barem za njega, nego "za drugog", i to nije lako ma ko god taj drugi bio.

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i ameri cetke i metle za trku imajuhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiQ1DBhNe_4Christine O'Donnell says;Scientists are creating human-animal hybrids and have already successfully given a mouse a human brain.She wouldn't lie to Hitler if he were at her door and she were hiding Jews in her attic during World War 2. She used to dabble in witchcraft and one of her first dates was on a satanic altar.Masturbation is adultery, even if you're single.Too much Government funding goes to AIDS.She wants to get back to the homeland of her security.Gays are trying to change our language and that makes them just like Hitler.She won in 2 our of 3 counties when she ran against Joe Biden in 2008, and lost.Karl Rove's accusations of her are "unFactual".

He, he, he, i globalni uterivači progresa&demokracije Ameri su morali kad-tad da puste iz špajza sopstvenu nereformisanu, nesuočenu i neosavremenjenu familiju, koja je, gle čuda, neobično brojna i uticajna...
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Ona je jedna vrlo opasna osoba, ali nije jedina. Neko ko izjavi da je čuo glas Boga i dobije kandidaturu bilo gde za bilo šta ne govori samo o sebi nego i o okruženju.

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Ево једне занимљивости.

Forbes' list of the 400 richest Americans is out today, with Jay-Z and Warren Buffett on the cover. Funny, since there's only one black person on the list, and it's not Jay-Z. Who is on the list? A breakdown, below.forbes-warren-buffett.jpgNumber of Blacks: 1Number of Gays: 3Number of Indians: 4Number of (Non-Indian) Asians: 6Number of Women: 34Number of Jews in the Top 100: 30http://www.forbes.com/wealth/forbes-400/list?page=1
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Знаш ону фотку "Ал усрах супермаркет", кружи мрежом већ 11 година. Амерички одговор на то је "опрах".
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"It sometimes amazes me how self-assuredly countries that are influential today assume that things will always be that way ... It's only a question of time before these young, dynamic societies [such as Turkey] are also among the political, cultural and intellectual centers of the world," Mr Westerwelle said.

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