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My name is Luka...

Lukašenko ponovo kandidat16. septembar 2010. | 17:59 | Izvor: Beta Minsk -- Predsednik Belorusije Aleksandar Lukašenko i nakon 16 godina na vlasti, najavio da je će se kandidovati na predstojećim predsedničkim izborima u decembru.Beloruski lider pri tom je poručio da je opozicija u toj zemlji "neprijatelj naroda"."To nije opozicija, to su neprijatelji naroda. Oni su uvek tamo gde može da se naškodi državi. Juče, dok su Evropa i SAD vršili pritisak na nas - oni su bili tu. Danas, kada Rusija vrši pritisak - oni su opet tu", rekao je Lukašenko.Rusija i Belorusija su u vrlo lošim odnosima, što se može videti i preko lokalnih medija. Na ruskoj televiziji se tako može čuti da je beloruski predsednik "psihopata".S druge strane, na Jutjubu se može videti video snimak na kojem jedan maskirani čovek koji se predstavlja kao bivši tajni agent tvrdi da ruski premijer Vladimir Putin namerava da ubije Lukašenka."Izborna šizofrenija", uzvratila je Moskva."Oni žele da (beloruskog) predsednika bace na kolena, ali dešava se upravo suprotno", poručio je sa svoje strane Lukašenko.Na vlasti od 1994, Lukašenko je raspisao predsedničke izbore za 19. decembar, šest sedmica ranije, držeći istovremeno čvrsto pod kontrolom opozicione stranke koje teško mogu da se izbore sa njegovim autoritarnim režimom.
Edited by Jolly Roger
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bio u Kozumelu pre 10-ak dana, i na sve strane plakati, "200 Years of Mexican Proud". ko im je radio prevod na engleski, da mi je znati... :wub:http://english.aljazeera.net/photo_galleries/americas/201091645719714359.html

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He, he, he, i globalni uterivači progresa&demokracije Ameri su morali kad-tad da puste iz špajza sopstvenu nereformisanu, nesuočenu i neosavremenjenu familiju, koja je, gle čuda, neobično brojna i uticajna...

Čajanka pomrsila račune republikancimaNakon što je na izborima za republikanski Senat u američkoj državi Delaver pobedila Kristina O’Donel, kandidatkinja ultrakonzervativnog pokreta Čajanka koji otvoreno podržava oružje, strogo je protiv abortusa i smatra da je masturbacija greh, netrpeljivost između američkog predsednika i Republikanske partije dosegla je novi vrhunac. Ovaj pokret koji nastoji da manipulisanjem besom i nezadovoljstvom mnogih Amerikanaca oslabi poziciju Baraka Obame i vrati Amerikancima „prave“ vrednosti zabeležio je novu pobedu na putu ostvarenja svog cilja.75326_svprotest02-ti-zurka-foto-rojter_f.jpg?ver=1284836116
Ovaj transparent (gore, levo) STOP SOCIALIZING AMERICA sa znakom zabrane preko srpa i čekića kao uostalom i sva, na fotki prikazana, rulja podseća me na one Makavejevljeve Amerikance u Misteriji organizma što u nekoj selendi na srednjem zapadu demonstriraju uzvikujući: Komunjare, komunjare, orgijaši, orgijaši!!! zbog glasina da su se u neku kuću na periferiji navodno doselili neki komunisti.
O’Donelova je, inače, pobedila i u trci za kandidaturu za guvernera Njujorka. Bio je to jedan od najneočekivanijih ishoda prve sezone izbora, budući da su samo nekoliko nedelja ranije mnogi smatrali da je toliko daleko od pobede da je to čak nemoguće. Iako se pokret Čajanka, koji podržava uvođenje poreza i smanjenje potrošnje, pojavio kao sila u američkoj politici tek prošle godine, stručnjaci kažu da je imao snažan uticaj na izbor za kandidate Republikanske partije i da je ozbiljno uzdrmao politički život. Do sada su pobedili republikanske kandidate u čak sedam država.Pokret Čajanka dobija i sve veću podršku američkog naroda, a neke procene pokazuju da ukupno 18 odsto državljana SAD podržava ove stroge konzervativce. Kada se to preračuna u procenat onih koji će izaći na izbore, cifre su daleko veće i kreću se oko 40 odsto. Zato je pokret Čajanka u dvostrukom razdoru – Republikanska partija pokušava da ih obuzda jer im polako preuzimaju prevlast u stranci, a Obamine demokrate u njima, zbor rastućeg nezadovoljstva američkog naroda koji je globalna kriza posebno potresla, dobijaju ozbiljnog protivnika.Lideri Republikanske stranke su u početku bili zapanjeni zbog poraza svojih favorita i pokušali da obuzdaju pokret. Oni su O’Donelovu nazivali prevarantkinjom i lažljivicom, osobom koja nema šanse da bude izabrana, ali sada moraju da joj se obraćaju kao republikanskom kandidatu za senatora države Delaver.O’Donelova je, inače, imala mnogo finansijske podrške u toku izborne kampanje. Sama Čajanka joj je obezbedila fond od 250.000 dolara, a uskoro je dobila sredstva i od vernog podržavaoca Sare Pejlin, bivše guvernerke Aljaske, kao i od Nacionalnog udruženja oružja. Kako se navodi, O’Donelova čak planira da se u novembru kandiduje za mesto u Senatu na kome je bio Džo Bajden kada je postao potpredsednik pre dve godine.S druge strane, demokrate veruju da će te nove netradicionalne protivnike na predstojećim izborima biti lakše pobediti, ali im republikanci poručuju da ipak ne budu toliko sigurni. Cilj Čajanke je, kako poručuju, da zauzdaju Vašington od prekomernog upliva u njihove živote, i da republikance vrate izvornim konzervativnim vrednostima. To svakako nije dobra vest za predsednika Obamu, koji je pojačao napore da privoli umerene republikance na saradnju i da se za izglasavanje zakona koji čekaju u redu u Kongresu nađe kompromis.Iako ne podržavaju mnoge ideje Čajanke, niko od republikanskih velikodostojnika do sada se nije glasno i jasno ogradio od rasističkih ispada kojih je na dosadašnjim okupljanjima ovog pokreta bilo na pretek. Tvrda desnica u brojkama18% Amerikanaca podržava pokret Čajanka 40% birača koji će izaći na izbore podržavaju Čajanku 45% želi manju ulogu federalne vlade65% se informiše na Fox Newsu, 10% gleda ABC, CBS ili NBC89% su belci, 1% su crnci37% završilo je fakultet, u poređenju sa 25% stanovništva SAD-a75% starije je od 45 godina56% zarađuje ih više od 50.000 dolara godišnje39% deklariše se kao evangelistički kršćani38% svake nedelje idu u crkvu58% kod kuće drži oružje24% smatra da je nasilna akcija protiv vlade ponekad opravdana Sara Pejlin čest gost ČajankeSara Pejlin, bivša guvernerka Aljaske i republikanski kandidat za potpredsednika na poslednjim izborima, poručila je liderima republikanaca da iskoriste niz pobeda pokreta Čajanke na stranačkim preliminarnim izborima. Analitičari smatraju da bi Pejlinova, koja je čest gost Čajanke, mogla da ovaj pokret iskoristi u isticanju svoje kandidature za sledeće predsedničke izbore 2012. godine.
Edited by Bebler
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People run for cover after a blast interrupted a Shi'ite procession in Quetta, Pakistan


A policeman removes his motorcycle as angry protesters burn a vehicle in reaction to a bomb attack on a Shi'ite Muslim procession in Lahore, Pakistanpotw_02.jpg

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"The Lost Decade"http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703440604575495670714069694.htmlAmerika:Srednja plata 2010. skoro 5% realno niza nego 2000.S&P 500 oko 20% nizi nego pre 10 godina.Stopa siromastva najvisa u poslednjih 15 godina.

The downturn that some have dubbed the "Great Recession" has trimmed the typical household's income significantly, new Census data show, following years of stagnant wage growth that made the past decade the worst for American families in at least half a century.The bureau's annual snapshot of American living standards also found that the fraction of Americans living in poverty rose sharply to 14.3% from 13.2% in 2008—the highest since 1994. Some 43.6 million Americans were living below the official poverty threshold, but the measure doesn't fully capture the panoply of government antipoverty measures.The inflation-adjusted income of the median household—smack in the middle of the populace—fell 4.8% between 2000 and 2009, even worse than the 1970s, when median income rose 1.9% despite high unemployment and inflation. Between 2007 and 2009, incomes fell 4.2%."It's going to be a long, hard slog back to what most Americans think of as normalcy or prosperous times," said Nicholas Eberstadt, a political economist at the right-leaning American Enterprise Institute.The data, released Thursday, underscore the extent to which U.S. households relied on government benefits—and each other—to weather the recession and how living standards at the middle of the middle class have stalled. The report comes as the economy is at the center of a vigorous debate over how government policy can best help the poor and unemployed.President Barack Obama, in a statement, said the report showed that because of stimulus spending, "millions of Americans were kept out of poverty last year." Republicans, meanwhile, saw the report in a different light."By any objective standard, the stimulus failed to deliver on the promised results," said a spokesman for Congress Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).The median household income fell 0.7% to $49,777 in 2009, down 4.2% since 2007, when the recession started, the Census Bureau said. The bureau said that the drop in income in the recent recession, so far, wasn't much different from those recorded in the early 1990s and early 2000s recessions, and was actually smaller than the 6% drop recorded in the deep recession of the early 1980s.But there is a difference this time: In the prior three recessions, incomes fell after years of upswing, then resumed growing once the downturn ended. The decline this time comes on top of a long period in which incomes stagnated even through the recovery of 2003 to 2007.The decline in incomes cuts across age, race and class, with some exceptions. Hispanics and Asians saw small increases in their median incomes. The recession has been particularly hard on young workers and young families, in part because they aren't eligible for as many government benefits as older workers. Younger workers have a harder time qualifying for unemployment benefits because they have a shorter work history.That has prompted many young adults to move in with family, or put off leaving home in the first place. The number of 25-to-34-year-olds living with their parents rose 8.4% to 5.5 million in 2010 from 2008. Within that age group, 42.8% fell below the poverty threshold—$11,161 for an individual.The report also showed a steep rise in child poverty, to 23.8% for kids under six in 2009, compared to 21.3% a year earlier.The Census snapshot indicated that the gap between the best-off and worst-off Americans widened a bit more in 2009, a long-standing trend, but not by much. The top fifth of households accounted for 50.3% of all pre-tax income; the bottom two-fifths got 12%. In 1999, the top fifth claimed 49.4% and the bottom got 12.5% of the income.Some Americans weathered the slump the old-fashioned way—by merging households. The Census Bureau noted a big jump in the number of individuals and families doubling up. The number of multifamily households jumped 11.6% from 2008 to 2010, while the total number of households rose 0.6%.Carol Hanlon, 58, is struggling with the basics. She makes about $15,000 a year at her job packing boxes at a printing company. Her wages and hours were cut this year, and she is now supporting her unemployed husband, who is without health insurance because her company stopped offering health insurance for spouses."I got double whammied," says Ms. Hanlon, who lives in Easton, Penn., and is receiving food stamps and heating-oil assistance. The oldest Americans endured last year better than their younger counterparts. Those 65 and above saw a substantial increase in real median income, up 5.8% for the group.That is largely because the fortunes of older workers are tied more to Social Security checks than the job market. Without Social Security income, the report showed, some 14 million people eligible for benefits would have fallen below the poverty line.The threshold for poverty in the U.S. in 2009 was a family of four earning $21,756. But this only takes into account monetary income, while omitting the many benefits that now form the backbone of the government efforts to lift the poor. Such programs include subsidized housing and the Earned Income Tax Credit.The poverty rate "misses most of the programs that have been added or expanded in the last 20 years to reduce poverty," says Bruce Meyer, an economist at the University of Chicago.For instance, the government estimates if the food stamp program was counted, it would have lifted 3.6 million people above the poverty threshold last year.

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Svedska vise nije socijaldemokratski raj?http://www.economist.com/node/17039151

For years Sweden has represented a sort of nirvana for the left. To socialists everywhere, this was a country that managed enviably to combine high taxes and massive state spending with high living standards and a strong economy. Five years ago, Britain’s leftish Guardian newspaper called it “the most successful society the world has ever known”. And yet the results of this election are likely to confirm that the place has tilted decisively to the right. Why?...Yet three deeper factors should give Social Democrats everywhere pause for thought. The first is that voters seem to value competent government above ideology. Previous centre-right governments have tended to fall victim to infighting, reinforcing the Social Democrats’ conviction that they are the natural party of government.Mr Reinfeldt’s government, however, has been both united and competent. Carl Bildt, the foreign minister, has done an impressive job of raising Sweden’s profile and wielding influence. The finance minister, Anders Borg, has shown genuine skill in handling the financial crisis and its aftermath. Swedish GDP is growing strongly, and unemployment is falling. The budget is heading into surplus next year. Sweden has just been promoted to second place in the World Economic Forum’s competitiveness rankings, ahead of America. The contrast with much of the rest of Europe is striking. A second trend is growing dissatisfaction with the “Swedish model”. Swedes are not about to become Thatcherites or tea-party tax-haters. Even on the right, voters and politicians favour consensus, equality and expansive public services. Nobody is standing on a platform of slashing the top rates of income tax (almost 60%) or the size of the state. Yet the centre-right has made welfare payments less generous, cut taxes for the lower-paid and trimmed the numbers on sickness benefit. Voters seem to approve.Sweden still has too much unemployment, especially among the young, the unskilled and immigrants. But partly because the government’s reforms have made work pay more and unemployment pay less, this recovery has seen the creation of a lot more private-sector jobs than previous ones. Public services remain generous, but this government has done more than the Social Democrats to boost the private provision of education, health care and welfare.The voters who turned right, rightlyThe third trend is a malaise in socialism, and not only in Scandinavia. Many had hoped that the financial crisis would lead to a renaissance of the left, because the perceived failure of free-market capitalism would pull voters back into supporting a bigger role for the state. And yet Sweden’s election will confirm that this is not happening. In Denmark and Finland (even, lately, in Norway) the left is falling back. Across much of Europe, with the exception of France, the crisis has so far seemed to help the right more than the left.
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Jeste vi culi nekada za kvantitativ izing? Ili za helikopter Bena? Ove cifre su smesne u poredjenju sa kolicinom svezeg, besplatnog novca koji su Fed i druge CB davali u tom periodu pa sve do danas. Radi se o trilionima dolara koji ce kad tad morati da budu povuceni.

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Terminalna faza bankrotiranih multi-kulti politicki korektnih drzava blagostanja je - fasizam?http://www.hudson-ny.org/1562/english-defense-league

A group of extremist Islamists attacked the returning soldiers as "butchers of Basra," "baby killers," and "terrorists" during a homecoming parade not long ago in the city of Luton. With years of anti-British "political correctness," and a political class that has failed to tackle Islamism with seriousness, this proved to be too much: the crowd that had turned out to cheer on the soldiers was soon making their disgust known to the Islamists; the two groups had to be held apart by police. Within a few days, a video was floating around the internet, showing the aftermath: calling themselves the "United People of Luton," thousands of (mostly) young men had taken to the streets in a rowdy, and chaotic show of anger and frustration, chanting "no surrender to the Taliban," "we are Luton," and, directed at the Islamists, "scum."A short time later, the English Defense League [EDL] emerged from the United People of Luton, and, in a little over the year since its founding, has become the largest street protest movement in Britain.The EDL has also inspired the recent establishment of independent leagues in the Netherlands, Norway, Germany, and other EU states; the movement is attracting international attention – including from the Israeli-based Haaretz and the US-based Dissent.
"Fina" druzina: http://www.englishdefenceleague.org/ Edited by hazard
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