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Od 2021. situacija se pogorsala. Maroko je prekinuo diplomatske odnose sa Alzirom (nije prvi put da se to desava) i bilo je vise incindenata izmedju dvije zemlje. Jos je i nedavno francuska stala na stranu Maroka u vezi zapadne Sahare. 

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Inace dva najveca rudnika, Orapa i Jwaneng u vlasnistvu Debswane (saradnja vlade i Anglo-American grupe) koriste tehnologiju ekstrakcije koja radi po sistemu kvantiteta i cija je posledica da velike dijamante polomi pre nego se izvuku. Zato su manji rudnici, koji su davani raznim manjim rudarskim kompanijama, tradicionalno vadili najvece dijamante u zemlji. Izgleda da ova konkretna kompanija koristi neku novu tehnologiju koja lovi vece dijamante dubinskim skeniranjem zemlje.

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Egipat šalje 10.000 vojnika u Somaliju, koji su pre toga oterali Etiopljane uz radost i podršku Egipta, jer imaju otvoren sukob s Etiopijom. 

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Religious groups ‘spending billions to counter gender-equality education’ | Education | The Guardian



Extreme religious groups and political parties are targeting schools around the world as part of a coordinated and well-funded attack on gender equality, according to a new report.

Well-known conservative organisations aim to restrict girls’ access to education, change what is on the curriculum, and influence educational laws and policies, according to Whose Hands on our Education, a report by the Overseas Development Institute.


Tactics include removing sex education from schools, banning girls from learning, reinforcing patriarchal gender stereotypes in textbooks and rejecting gender-inclusive language in schools.

Funding, from sources that include Russian oligarchs and political parties, has led to the creation of new organisations and encouraged existing ones to campaign against sexuality education and LGBTQ+ rights, the report found.

For example, donors from Britain, the US, Germany and Italy spent more than $5m from 2016 to 2020 on projects run by or benefiting Ghanaian religious organisations whose leaders have campaigned against LGBTQ+ rights.

Islamist funding across the Muslim world is hard to trace, the report said, but Pakistan has received billions in Saudi loans and direct aid, along with private funding from Gulf states, to promote Wahhabism, a fundamentalist and puritanical movement within Sunni Islam. One estimate put Saudi state funding for this at $75bn from 1979 to 2003. Textbooks in the country portray women as guardians of traditions, culture and morality, and sex education remains taboo.

In Chile, Catholic schools have used educational material that portrays men as heads of households with messages on the importance of wives being submissive, as well as stereotypes of men as being more intelligent and capable than women.



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